Revision history for String-Truncate
1.100603 2022-12-31 15:48:46-05:00 America/New_York
- update packaging and metadata
- minimum required Perl is now v5.12
1.100602 2014-03-15 17:21:42+01:00 Europe/Paris
typo fixes (thanks, David Steinbrunner)
1.100601 2013-10-15 22:38:52 America/New_York
update bugtracker and repo metadata
1.100600 2011-03-26 07:32:57 America/New_York
fix documention: the argument is "truncate" not "elite"
(thanks for the report, Tommy Stanton!)
1.100570 2010-02-26 15:09:16 America/New_York
do not break elide at_space on newline; resolves RT #45493
convert to Dist::Zilla
0.102 2007-07-23
add at_space option to break text at whitespace
0.100 2006-06-10
use Sub::Exporter::Util::merge_col to allow per-import args
0.06 2006-03-12
replace custom exporter with Sub::Exporter
0.05 2006-02-24
fixed some bugs with short strings or long markers
trunc_ and elide_with_defaults for custom elide/trunc
new exporter with per-import defaults
extensive refactoring; 100% coverage!
0.02 2005-10-15, a little later
added 'ends' truncation
0.01 2005-10-15