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CHANGES file for CPAN::Unpack

0.31 Wed Jan 25 20:15:41 GMT 2012
  - Fixes from Dennis Kaarsemaker for the path

0.30 Fri Jan 20 10:27:08 CET 2011
  - Keep a list of unpacked versions so we know which ones to reextract
  - Support single-file distros
  - Fix permissions of unpacked directories so we can use them
  - Switch to Parse::CPAN::Packages::Fast as Parse::CPAN::Packages is
    now far too slow
  - Support being quiet

0.23 Thu Sep 18 17:19:28 BST 2008
  - move from Module::Build to ExtUtils::MakeMaker
  - add human-readable license
  - add Pod test

0.22 Fri Jul  2 15:14:41 IST 2004
  - tell Archive::Extract to prefer using binaries

0.21 Wed Jun 30 11:16:49 BST 2004
  - first release