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DBIx::SQLEngine::Record::Base - Base Class for Records


Setup: Several ways to create a class.

  my $sqldb = DBIx::SQLEngine->new( ... );

  $class_name = $sqldb->record_class( $table_name );
  $sqldb->record_class( $table_name, $class_name );
  package My::Record;
  use DBIx::SQLEngine::Record::Class '-isasubclass', @Traits;  

Basics: Common operations on a record.

  $record = $class_name->new_with_values(somefield => 'My Value');
  print $record->get_values( 'somefield' );

  $record->change_values( somefield => 'New Value' );

Fetch: Retrieve records by ID or other query.

  $record = $class_name->select_record( $primary_key );
  @records = $class_name->fetch_select(%clauses)->records;

Modify: Write changes to the data source.



DBIx::SQLEngine::Record::Base is a superclass for database records in tables accessible via DBIx::SQLEngine.

By subclassing this package, you can easily create a class whose instances represent each of the rows in a SQL database table.


The following concrete methods provide a constructor, accessor, mutator and destructor for a record object.


You may create your own records for new instances, or fetch records from the database as described in "FETCHING DATA"

  $class_name->new_empty_record() : $empty_record

Creates and blesses an empty hash object into the given record class.

Getting and Changing Values

Records are stored as simple hashes, and their contents can typically be accessed that way, but methods are also available to get and set field values.

  $record->get_values( key1 ) : $value
  $record->get_values( key1, key2, ... ) : $values_joined_with_comma
  $record->get_values( key1, key2, ... ) : @values

Returns the values associated with the keys in the provided record.

  $record->change_values( key1 => value1, ... ) 

Sets the associated key-value pairs in the provided record.

Vivifying and Serializing Records

These methods are called internally by the various public methods and do not need to be called directly.

  $class_name->record_from_db_data( $hash_ref )
  $class_name->record_from_db_data( $hash_ref ) : $record
  $class_name->record_from_db_data( %hash_contents ) : $record

Converts a hash retrieved from the table to a Record object.

  $class_name->record_set_from_db_data( $hash_array_ref )
  $class_name->record_set_from_db_data( $hash_array_ref ) : $record_set
  $class_name->record_set_from_db_data( @hash_refs ) : $record_set

Converts an array of hashrefs retrieved from the table to a RecordSet::Set object containing Record objects.

  $record->record_as_db_data() : $hash_ref
  $record->record_as_db_data() : %hash_values

Returns an unblessed copy of the values in the record.



For internal use only. Does nothing. Subclasses can override this with any functions they wish called when an individual record is being garbage collected.


The following wrapper methods chain together combinations of other methods.

Constructor Methods

  $class_name->new_with_values ( %key_argument_pairs ) : $record

Calls new_empty_record, and then change_values.

  $record->new_copy() : $new_record
  $record->new_copy( %key_argument_pairs ) : $new_record

Makes a copy of a record and then clears its primary key so that it will be recognized as a distinct, new row in the database rather than overwriting the original when you save it. Also includes any provided arguments in its call to new_with_values.

  $class_name->get_record ( ) : $new_empty_record
  $class_name->get_record ( $p_key ) : $fetched_record_or_undef

Calls new if no primary key is provided, or if the primary key is zero; otherwise calls select_record.

Save Methods

These methods hide the distinction between insert and update.

  $record->save_record () : $record_or_undef

Determines whether the record has an primary key assigned to it and then calls either insert_record or update_record. Returns the record unless it fails to save it.

  $class_name->new_and_save ( %key_argument_pairs ) : $record

Calls new_empty_record, and then change_and_save.

  $record->change_and_save ( %key_argument_pairs ) : $record

Calls change_values, and then save_record.


The following abstract methods are to be implemented by subclasses; in particular, see DBIx::SQLEngine::Record::Table.

Select to Retrieve Records

  $sqldb->fetch_one_record( %select_clauses ) : $record_hash

Retrives one record from the table using the provided SQL select clauses.

  $class_name->fetch_select ( %select_clauses ) : $record_set

Retrives records from the table using the provided SQL select clauses.

  $class_name->visit_select ( $sub_ref, %select_clauses ) : @results
  $class_name->visit_select ( %select_clauses, $sub_ref ) : @results

Calls the provided subroutine on each matching record as it is retrieved. Returns the accumulated results of each subroutine call (in list context).

Selecting by Primary Key

  $class_name->select_record ( $primary_key_value ) : $record_obj
  $class_name->select_record ( \@compound_primary_key ) : $record_obj
  $class_name->select_record ( \%hash_with_primary_key_value ) : $record_obj

Fetches a single record by primary key.

The row hash is blessed into the record class before being returned.

  $class_name->select_records ( @primary_key_values_or_hashrefs ) : $record_set

Fetches a set of one or more records by primary key.

Each row hash is blessed into the record class before being wrapped in a RecordSet::Set object.


The following abstract methods are to be implemented by subclasses; in particular, see DBIx::SQLEngine::Record::Table.

Insert to Add Records

After constructing a record with one of the new_*() methods, you may save any changes by calling insert_record.

  $record_obj->insert_record() : $flag

Adds the values from this record to the table. Returns the number of rows affected, which should be 1 unless there's an error.

Update to Change Records

After retrieving a record with one of the fetch methods, you may save any changes by calling update_record.

  $record_obj->update_record() : $record_count

Attempts to update the record using its primary key as a unique identifier. Returns the number of rows affected, which should be 1 unless there's an error.

Delete to Remove Records

  $record_obj->delete_record() : $record_count

Delete this existing record based on its primary key. Returns the number of rows affected, which should be 1 unless there's an error.


For more about the Record classes, see DBIx::SQLEngine::Record::Class.

See DBIx::SQLEngine for the overall interface and developer documentation.

See DBIx::SQLEngine::Docs::ReadMe for general information about this distribution, including installation and license information.

1 POD Error

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