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SDL2::stdinc - General C Language Support Functions


    use SDL2 qw[:stdinc];


This is a general package that includes C language support where platform differences are abstracted away.


These functions likely will not be used in end-user code but may be imported with the :stdinc tag.

SDL_malloc( ... )

Wraps the standard memory allocation functions for the specific platform.

Expected parameters include:

size - size of the allocated memory

Returns a pointer to the memory.

SDL_calloc( ... )

Allocates memory for an array of num objects of size and initializes all bytes in the allocated storage to zero.

Expected parameters include:

num - number of objects
size - size of each object

Returns a pointer to the memory.

SDL_realloc( ... )

Reallocates the given area of memory.

Expected parameters include:

ptr - pointer to the memory area to be reallocated
new_size - new size of the array in bytes

SDL_free( ... )

Frees allocated memory.

Expected parameters include:

ptr - pointer to the memory area to be freed

SDL_GetMemoryFunctions( ... )

Get the current set of SDL memory functions.

        SDL_GetMemoryFunctions( \my $malloc, \my $calloc, \my $realloc, \my $free );
        my $mem = $malloc->(100);
        # Do odd, low level things with your memory

Expected parameters include:

malloc_func - pointer which will be filled with a SDL_malloc_func
calloc_func - pointer which will be filled with a SDL_calloc_func
realloc_func - pointer which will be filled with a SDL_realloc_func
free_func - pointer which will be filled with a SDL_free_func

SDL_SetMemoryFunctions( ... )

Replace SDL's memory allocation functions with a custom set.

        use Data::Dump;
        SDL_SetMemoryFunctions(   # poor example but I have no idea
                sub { ddx \@_; ... }, # why you're doing this anyway
                sub { ddx \@_; ... },
                sub { ddx \@_; ... },
                sub { ddx \@_; ... },

Note: If you are replacing SDL's memory functions, you should call SDL_GetNumAllocations( ) and be very careful if it returns non-zero. That means that your free function will be called with memory allocated by the previous memory allocation functions.

Expected parameters include:

malloc_func - a SDL_malloc_func closure
calloc_func - a SDL_calloc_func closure
realloc_func - a SDL_realloc_func closure
free_func - a SDL_free_func closure

If you pass a simple code reference to any of the parameters, they'll be wrapped in a closure and made sticky

SDL_GetNumAllocations( )

Get the number of outstanding (unfreed) allocations.

        my $leaks = SDL_GetNumAllocations( );

Returns an integer.

SDL_getenv( ... )

Get environment variable's value.

        my $path = SDL_getenv( 'PATH' );

Expected parameters include:

name - the name of the environment variable to query

Returns the value if defined.

SDL_setenv( ... )

Set environment variable's value.

        SDL_setenv( 'Perl_SDL_pocket', 'store something here', 1 );

Expected parameters include:

name - the name of the environment variable to set
value - the new value to set the given environment variable to
overwrite - a boolean value; if true, the value is updated if already defined

Returns 1 if the environment variable has been changed; otherwise 0.

SDL_qsort( ... )

A polymorphic sorting algorithm for arrays of arbitrary objects according to a user-provided comparison function.

Expected parameters include:

base - pointer to the array to sort
count - number of elements in the array
size - size of each element in the array in bytes
comp - comparison function which returns ​a negative integer value if the first argument is less than the second, a positive integer value if the first argument is greater than the second and zero if the arguments are equivalent.

The signature of the comparison function should be equivalent to the following:

        int cmp(const void *a, const void *b);
        # for FFI::Platypus->type: '(opaque,opaque)->int'

If the function is a code reference and not a closure, it will be wrapped automatically and temporarily made sticky.

The function must not modify the objects passed to it and must return consistent results when called for the same objects, regardless of their positions in the array.

See also:

SDL_abs( ... )

Standard abs( ... ) function.

        my $zero = SDL_abs( -459 ); # Ha

Expected parameters include:

x - integer value

Returns the absolute value of x.

SDL_isalpha( ... )

Checks if the given character is an alphabetic character, i.e. either an uppercase letter (ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ), or a lowercase letter (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz).

Expected parameters include:

ch - character to classify

Returns non-zero value if the character is an alphabetic character, zero otherwise.

SDL_isalnum( ... )

Checks if the given character is an alphanumeric character as classified by the current C locale. In the default locale, the following characters are alphanumeric:

  • digits (0123456789)


  • lowercase letters (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz)

Expected parameters include:

ch - character to classify

Returns non-zero value if the character is an alphanumeric character, zero otherwise.

SDL_isblank( ... )

Checks if the given character is a blank character in the current C locale.

Expected parameters include:

ch - character to classify

Returns non-zero value if the character is a blank character, zero otherwise.

SDL_iscntrl( ... )

Checks if the given character is a control character, i.e. codes 0x00-0x1F and 0x7F.

Expected parameters include:

ch - character to classify

Returns non-zero value if the character is a control character, zero otherwise.

SDL_isdigit( ... )

Checks if the given character is a numeric character (0123456789).

Expected parameters include:

ch - character to classify

Returns non-zero value if the character is a numeric character, zero otherwise.

SDL_isxdigit( ... )

Checks if the given character is a hexadecimal numeric character (0123456789abcdefABCDEF) or is classified as a hexadecimal character.

Expected parameters include:

ch - character to classify

Returns non-zero value if the character is an hexadecimal numeric character, zero otherwise.

SDL_ispunct( ... )

Checks if the given character is a punctuation character in the current C locale. The default C locale classifies the characters !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~ as punctuation.

Expected parameters include:

ch - character to classify

Returns non-zero value if the character is a punctuation character, zero otherwise.

SDL_isspace( ... )

Checks if the given character is a whitespace character, i.e. either space (0x20), form feed (0x0c), line feed (0x0a), carriage return (0x0d), horizontal tab (0x09) or vertical tab (0x0b).

Expected parameters include:

ch - character to classify

Returns non-zero value if the character is a whitespace character, zero otherwise.

SDL_isupper( ... )

Checks if the given character is an uppercase character according to the current C locale. In the default "C" locale, isupper returns true only for the uppercase letters (ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ).

Expected parameters include:

ch - character to classify

Returns non-zero value if the character is an uppercase letter, zero otherwise.

SDL_islower( ... )

Checks if the given character is classified as a lowercase character according to the current C locale. In the default "C" locale, islower returns true only for the lowercase letters (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz).

Expected parameters include:

ch - character to classify

Returns non-zero value if the character is a lowercase letter, zero otherwise.

SDL_isprint( ... )

Checks if the given character can be printed, i.e. it is either a number (0123456789), an uppercase letter (ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ), a lowercase letter (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz), a punctuation character(!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~), or space, or any character classified as printable by the current C locale.

Expected parameters include:

ch - character to classify

Returns non-zero value if the character can be printed, zero otherwise.

SDL_isgraph( ... )

Checks if the given character has a graphical representation, i.e. it is either a number (0123456789), an uppercase letter (ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ), a lowercase letter (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz), or a punctuation character(!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~), or any graphical character specific to the current C locale.

Expected parameters include:

ch - character to classify

Returns non-zero value if the character has a graphical representation character, zero otherwise.

SDL_toupper( ... )

Converts the given character to uppercase according to the character conversion rules defined by the currently installed C locale.

In the default "C" locale, the following lowercase letters abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz are replaced with respective uppercase letters ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.

Expected parameters include:

ch - character to convert

Returns uppercase version of ch or unmodified ch if no uppercase version is defined by the current C locale.

SDL_tolower( ... )

Converts the given character to lowercase according to the character conversion rules defined by the currently installed C locale.

In the default "C" locale, the following uppercase letters ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ are replaced with respective lowercase letters abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz. Expected parameters include:

ch - character to convert

Returns lowercase version of ch or unmodified ch if no lowercase version is listed in the current C locale.

SDL_crc32( ... )

This runs through a practical algorithm for the CRC-32 variant of CRC.

        warn SDL_crc32( 0, "123456789", 9);
        warn SDL_crc32( 0, "123456789");
        warn 0xCBF43926;

Expected parameters include:

crc - pointer to context variable
data - input buffer to checksum
len - length of data (this is optional)

The checksum is returned.

SDL_memset( ... )

Fill a block of memory.

        my $str = 'almost every programmer should know memset!';
        SDL_memset($str, '-', 6);
        print $str; # '------ every programmer should know memset!'

Expected parameters include:

ptr - Pointer to the block of memory to fill.
value - Value to set.
num - Number of bytes to be set to value

The ptr is returned.

SDL_zero)( ... )

Fill a block of memory with zeros.

Expected parameters include:

ptr - Pointer to the block of memory to fill.

The ptr is returned.

SDL_memcpy( ... )

Copies count bytes from the object pointed to by src to the object pointed to by dest. Both objects are reinterpreted as arrays of unsigned char.

        my $source = 'once upon a midnight dreary...';
        my $dest = 'xxxx';
        SDL_memcpy(\$dest, \$source, 4);

Expected parameters include:

dest - pointer to the memory location to copy to
src - pointer to the memory location to copy from
count - number of bytes to copy

dest is returned.

SDL_memmove( ... )

Copies count bytes from the object pointed to by src to the object pointed to by dest. Both objects are reinterpreted as arrays of unsigned char.

        my $source = 'once upon a midnight dreary...';
        my $dest = 'xxxx';
        SDL_memmove(\$dest, \$source, 4);
        print $dest; # once


    use FFI::Platypus::Buffer qw[scalar_to_pointer];
    my $str = '1234567890';
    SDL_memmove( scalar_to_pointer($str) + 4, scalar_to_pointer($str) + 3, 3 )
        ;    # copies from [4, 5, 6] to [5, 6, 7]
    print $str;    # 1234456890

Expected parameters include:

dest - pointer to the memory location to copy to
src - pointer to the memory location to copy from
count - number of bytes to copy

dest is returned.

SDL_memcmp( ... )

Reinterprets the objects pointed to by lhs and rhs as arrays of unsigned char and compares the first count characters of these arrays. The comparison is done lexicographically.

    sub demo ( $lhs, $rhs, $sz ) {
        print substr( $lhs, 0, $sz );
        my $rc = SDL_memcmp( \$lhs, \$rhs, $sz );
        print $rc == 0 ? ' compares equal to ' :
            $rc < 0    ? ' precedes ' :
            $rc > 0    ? ' follows ' :
        print substr( $rhs, 0, $sz ) . " in lexicographical order\n";
    my $a1 = 'abc';
    my $a2 = 'abd';
    demo( $a1, $a2, length $a1 ); # abc precedes abd in lexicographical order
    demo( $a2, $a1, length $a1 ); # abd follows abc in lexicographical order
    demo( $a1, $a1, length $a1 ); # abc compares equal to abc in lexicographical order

Expected parameters include:

lhs - pointer to memory to compare
rhs - pointer to memory to compare
len - number of bytes to examine

Returns a negative value if the first differing byte (reinterpreted as unsigned char) in lhs is less than the corresponding byte in rhs.

0​ if all count bytes of lhs and rhs are equal.

Positive value if the first differing byte in <lhs> is greater than the corresponding byte in rhs.

SDL_wcslen( ... )

Returns the length of a wide string, that is the number of non-null wide characters that precede the terminating null wide character.

    use utf8;
    my $str = "木之本 桜";
    binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";    # or `perl -CS` to avoid 'Wide character' noise
    print "The length of '$str' is " . SDL_wcslen($str) . "\n";
        # The length of '木之本 桜' is 5

Expected parameters include:

str - pointer to the wide string to be examined

SDL_wcslcpy( ... )

Copies at most count characters of the wide string pointed to by src (including the terminating null wide character) to wide character array pointed to by dest.

Expected parameters include:

dest - pointer to the wide character array to copy to
src - pointer to the wide string to copy from
count - maximum number of wide characters to copy

Returns dest.

SDL_wcslcat( )

Appends at most count wide characters from the wide string pointed to by src, stopping if the null terminator is copied, to the end of the character string pointed to by dest. The wide character src[0] replaces the null terminator at the end of dest. The null terminator is always appended in the end (so the maximum number of wide characters the function may write is count+1).

Expected parameters include:

dest - pointer to the null-terminated wide string to append to
src - pointer to the null-terminated wide string to copy from
count - maximum number of wide characters to copy

Returns zero on success, returns non-zero on error.

SDL_wcsdup( ... )

Duplicate a wide character string.

Expected parameters include:

wstr - wide character string to duplicate

Returns a newly allocated wide character string on success.

SDL_wcsstr( ... )

Finds the first occurrence of the wide string src in the wide string pointed to by dest. The terminating null characters are not compared.

    use utf8;
    binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";    # or `perl -CS` to avoid 'Wide character' noise
    my $origin = "アルファ, ベータ, ガンマ, アルファ, ベータ, ガンマ.";
    my $target = "ベータ";
    my $result = $origin;
    print "Substring to find: \"$target\"\nString to search: \"$origin\"\n\n";
    for ( ; ( $result = SDL_wcsstr( $result, $target ) ); $result = substr $result, 1 ) {
        print "Found: \"$result\"\n";

Expected parameters include:

dest - pointer to the null-terminated wide string to examine
src - pointer to the null-terminated wide string to search for

Returns a pointer to the first character of the found substring in dest, or a null pointer if no such substring is found. If src points to an empty string, dest is returned.

SDL_wcscmp( ... )

Compares two null-terminated wide strings lexicographically.

        use utf8;
    binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";    # or `perl -CS` to avoid 'Wide character' noise
    my $string = "どうもありがとうございます";
    demo( $string,              "どうも" );
    demo( $string,              "助かった" );
    demo( substr( $string, 9 ), substr( "ありがとうございます", 6 ) );

    sub demo ( $lhs, $rhs ) {
        my $rc  = SDL_wcscmp( $lhs, $rhs );
        my $rel = $rc < 0 ? 'precedes' : $rc > 0 ? 'follows' : 'equals';
        printf( "[%ls] %s [%ls]\n", $lhs, $rel, $rhs );

Expected parameters include:

lhs - pointer to a wide string
rhs - pointer to a wide string

Returns a negative value if lhs appears before rhs in lexicographical order.

Returns zero if lhs and rhs compare equal.

Returns a positive value if lhs appears after rhs in lexicographical order.

SDL_wcsncmp( ... )

Compares at most count wide characters of two null-terminated wide strings. The comparison is done lexicographically.

    use utf8;
    binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";    # or `perl -CS` to avoid 'Wide character' noise
    my $str1 = "안녕하세요";
    my $str2 = "안녕히 가십시오";
    demo( $str1, $str2, 5 );
    demo( $str2, $str1, 8 );
    demo( $str1, $str2, 2 );

    sub demo ( $lhs, $rhs, $sz ) {
        my $rc  = SDL_wcsncmp( $lhs, $rhs, $sz );
        my $rel = $rc < 0 ? 'precede' : $rc > 0 ? 'follow' : 'equal';
        printf( "First %d characters of [%ls] %s [%ls]\n", $sz, $lhs, $rel, $rhs );

Expected parameters include:

lhs - pointer to a wide string
rhs - pointer to a wide string
count - maximum number of characters to compare

Returns a negative value if lhs appears before rhs in lexicographical order.

Returns zero if lhs and rhs compare equal.

Returns a positive value if lhs appears after rhs in lexicographical order.

SDL_wcscasecmp( ... )

Compares at wide characters of two null-terminated wide strings.

    use utf8;
    binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";    # or `perl -CS` to avoid 'Wide character' noise
    my $str1 = "안녕하세요";
    my $str2 = "안녕히 가십시오";
    demo( $str1, $str2, 5 );
    demo( $str2, $str1, 8 );
    demo( $str1, $str2, 2 );

    sub demo ( $lhs, $rhs, $sz ) {
        my $rc  = SDL_wcscasecmp( $lhs, $rhs );
        my $rel = $rc < 0 ? 'precede' : $rc > 0 ? 'follow' : 'equal';
        printf( "First %d characters of [%ls] %s [%ls]\n", $sz, $lhs, $rel, $rhs );

Expected parameters include:

lhs - pointer to a wide string
rhs - pointer to a wide string

Returns a negative value if lhs appears before rhs in lexicographical order.

Returns zero if lhs and rhs compare equal.

Returns a positive value if lhs appears after rhs in lexicographical order.

SDL_wcsncasecmp( ... )

Compares at most count wide characters of two null-terminated wide strings while ignoring case.

    use utf8;
    binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";    # or `perl -CS` to avoid 'Wide character' noise
    my $str1 = "안녕하세요";
    my $str2 = "안녕히 가십시오";
    demo( $str1, $str2, 5 );
    demo( $str2, $str1, 8 );
    demo( $str1, $str2, 2 );

    sub demo ( $lhs, $rhs, $sz ) {
        my $rc  = SDL_wcsncasecmp( $lhs, $rhs, $sz );
        my $rel = $rc < 0 ? 'precede' : $rc > 0 ? 'follow' : 'equal';
        printf( "First %d characters of [%ls] %s [%ls]\n", $sz, $lhs, $rel, $rhs );

Expected parameters include:

lhs - pointer to a wide string
rhs - pointer to a wide string
count - maximum number of characters to compare

Returns a negative value if lhs appears before rhs in lexicographical order.

Returns zero if lhs and rhs compare equal.

Returns a positive value if lhs appears after rhs in lexicographical order.

SDL_strlen( ... )

Returns the length of the given byte string, that is, the number of characters in a character array whose first element is pointed to by str up to and not including the first null character. The behavior is undefined if there is no null character in the character array pointed to by str.

    my $str = "How many characters does this string contain?\0";
    printf "without null character: %d\nwith null character: %d", SDL_strlen($str), length $str;

Expected parameters include:

<str> - string to be examined

Returns the length of str.

SDL_strlcpy( ... )

Copies the character string pointed to by src, including the null terminator, to the character array whose first element is pointed to by dest.

Expected parameters include:

dest - destination string
src - string to copy from
max - maximum number of characters to copy

Returns the new length of the entire string.

SDL_utf8strlcpy( ... )

Copies the character string pointed to by src, including the null terminator, to the character array whose first element is pointed to by dest.

Expected parameters include:

dest - destination string
src - string to copy from
max - maximum number of bytes to copy

Returns the new length of the entire string.

SDL_strlcat( ... )

Copies the character string pointed to by src, including the null terminator, to the character array whose first element is pointed to by dest.

Expected parameters include:

dest - destination string
src - string to copy from
max - maximum number of bytes to copy

Returns the new length of the entire string.

SDL_strdup( ... )

Duplicate a string.

Expected parameters include:

str - string to duplicate

Returns the new string.

SDL_strrev( ... )

Reverses a string.

Expected parameters include:

str - string to reverse

Returns the given string in reverse.

SDL_strupr( ... )

Get a string in uppercase.

Expected parameters include:

str - string to make uppercase

Returns the given string in uppercase.

SDL_strlwr( ... )

Get a string in lowercase.

Expected parameters include:

str - string to make lowercase

Returns the given string in lowercase.

SDL_strchr( ... )

Finds the first occurrence of ch (after conversion to char as if by (char)ch in C) in the null-terminated byte string pointed to by str (each character interpreted as unsigned char). The terminating null character is considered to be a part of the string and can be found when searching for '\0'.

    my $str    = "Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try.";
    my $target = 'T';
    my $result = $str;
    while ( ( $result = SDL_strchr( $result, $target ) ) ) {
        printf "Found '%s' starting at '%s'\n", $target, $result;
        $result = substr $result,
            1;    # Increment result, otherwise we'll find target at the same location

Expected parameters include:

str - byte string to be analyzed
ch - character to search for

Returns a pointer to the found character in str, or null if no such character is found.

SDL_strrchr( ... )

    my $szSomeFileName = "foo/bar/foobar.txt";
    my $pLastSlash     = SDL_strrchr( $szSomeFileName, '/' );
    my $pszBaseName    = $pLastSlash ? substr $pLastSlash, 1 : $szSomeFileName;
    printf "Base Name: %s", $pszBaseName;

Finds the last occurrence of ch (after conversion to char as if by (char)ch in C) in the null-terminated byte string pointed to by str (each character interpreted as unsigned char). The terminating null character is considered to be a part of the string and can be found when searching for '\0'.

Expected parameters include:

str - string to be analyzed
ch - character to search for

Returns pointer to the found character in str, or null if no such character is found.

SDL_strstr( ... )

Finds the first occurrence of the null-terminated byte string pointed to by substr in the null-terminated byte string pointed to by str. The terminating null characters are not compared.

    sub find_str ( $str, $substr ) {
        my $pos = SDL_strstr( $str, $substr );
        if ($pos) {
            printf "found the string '%s' in '%s' at position: %ld\n", $substr, $str,
                length($str) - length($pos);
        else {
            printf( "the string '%s' was not found in '%s'\n", $substr, $str );
    my $str = "one two three";
    find_str( $str, "two" );
    find_str( $str, "" );
    find_str( $str, "nine" );
    find_str( $str, "n" );

Expected parameters include:

str - byte string to examine
substr - byte string to search for

Returns pointer to the first character of the found substring in str, or a null pointer if such substring is not found. If substr points to an empty string, str is returned.

SDL_strtokr( ... )

Finds the next token in a null-terminated byte string pointed to by str. The separator characters are identified by null-terminated byte string pointed to by delim.

This function is designed to be called multiple times to obtain successive tokens from the same string.

Expected parameters include:

str - byte string to tokenize
delim - string identifying delimiters
saveptr - pointer to a string used internally to maintain context

Returns a pointer to the beginning of then ext token or null if there are no more tokens.

SDL_utf8strlen( ... )

Find the length of a UTF-8 character string

Expected parameters include:

str - a UTF-8 string

Returns the number of UTF-8 characters in str.

SDL_itoa( ... )

Converts an integer value to a null-terminated string using the specified base and stores the result in the array given by str parameter.

    my $i      = 1750;
    my $buffer = ' ';
    printf "decimal: %s\n",     SDL_itoa( $i, $buffer, 10 );
    printf "hexadecimal: %s\n", SDL_itoa( $i, $buffer, 16 );
    printf "binary: %s\n",      SDL_itoa( $i, $buffer, 2 );

Expected parameters include:

value - value to be converted to a string
str - location to store result
base - numerical base used to represent the value as a string, between 2 and 36, where 10 means decimal base, 16 hexadecimal, 8 octal, and 2 binary.

Returns a pointer to the resulting string; same as str.

SDL_uitoa( ... )

Converts an unsigned integer value to a null-terminated string using the specified base and stores the result in the array given by str parameter.

    my $i      = 1750;
    my $buffer = ' ';
    printf "decimal: %s\n",     SDL_uitoa( $i, $buffer, 10 );
    printf "hexadecimal: %s\n", SDL_uitoa( $i, $buffer, 16 );
    printf "binary: %s\n",      SDL_uitoa( $i, $buffer, 2 );

Expected parameters include:

value - value to be converted to a string
str - location to store result
base - numerical base used to represent the value as a string, between 2 and 36, where 10 means decimal base, 16 hexadecimal, 8 octal, and 2 binary.

Returns a pointer to the resulting string; same as str.

SDL_ltoa( ... )

Converts an long value to a null-terminated string using the specified base and stores the result in the array given by str parameter.

    my $i      = 1750;
    my $buffer = ' ';
    printf "decimal: %s\n",     SDL_ltoa( $i, $buffer, 10 );
    printf "hexadecimal: %s\n", SDL_ltoa( $i, $buffer, 16 );
    printf "binary: %s\n",      SDL_ltoa( $i, $buffer, 2 );

Expected parameters include:

value - value to be converted to a string
str - location to store result
base - numerical base used to represent the value as a string, between 2 and 36, where 10 means decimal base, 16 hexadecimal, 8 octal, and 2 binary.

Returns a pointer to the resulting string; same as str.

SDL_ultoa( ... )

Converts an unsigned long value to a null-terminated string using the specified base and stores the result in the array given by str parameter.

    my $i      = 1750;
    my $buffer = ' ';
    printf "decimal: %s\n",     SDL_ultoa( $i, $buffer, 10 );
    printf "hexadecimal: %s\n", SDL_ultoa( $i, $buffer, 16 );
    printf "binary: %s\n",      SDL_ultoa( $i, $buffer, 2 );

Expected parameters include:

value - value to be converted to a string
str - location to store result
base - numerical base used to represent the value as a string, between 2 and 36, where 10 means decimal base, 16 hexadecimal, 8 octal, and 2 binary.

Returns a pointer to the resulting string; same as str.

SDL_lltoa( ... )

Converts an 64-bit value to a null-terminated string using the specified base and stores the result in the array given by str parameter.

    my $i      = 1750;
    my $buffer = ' ';
    printf "decimal: %s\n",     SDL_lltoa( $i, $buffer, 10 );
    printf "hexadecimal: %s\n", SDL_lltoa( $i, $buffer, 16 );
    printf "binary: %s\n",      SDL_lltoa( $i, $buffer, 2 );

Expected parameters include:

value - value to be converted to a string
str - location to store result
base - numerical base used to represent the value as a string, between 2 and 36, where 10 means decimal base, 16 hexadecimal, 8 octal, and 2 binary.

Returns a pointer to the resulting string; same as str.

SDL_ulltoa( ... )

Converts an unsigned 64-bit value to a null-terminated string using the specified base and stores the result in the array given by str parameter.

    my $i      = 1750;
    my $buffer = ' ';
    printf "decimal: %s\n",     SDL_ulltoa( $i, $buffer, 10 );
    printf "hexadecimal: %s\n", SDL_ulltoa( $i, $buffer, 16 );
    printf "binary: %s\n",      SDL_ulltoa( $i, $buffer, 2 );

Expected parameters include:

value - value to be converted to a string
str - location to store result
base - numerical base used to represent the value as a string, between 2 and 36, where 10 means decimal base, 16 hexadecimal, 8 octal, and 2 binary.

Returns a pointer to the resulting string; same as str.

SDL_atoi( ... )

Interprets an integer value in a byte string pointed to by str.

    for my $str ( "42", "3.14159", "31337 with words", "words and 2" ) {
        printf "SDL_atoi('%s') is %s\n", $str, SDL_atoi($str);

Discards any whitespace characters until the first non-whitespace character is found, then takes as many characters as possible to form a valid integer number representation and converts them to an integer value. The valid integer value consists of the following parts:

optional plus or minus sign
numeric digits

Expected parameters include:

str - byte string to be interpreted

Returns an integer value corresponding to the contents of str on success. If the converted value falls out of range of corresponding return type, the return value is undefined. If no conversion can be performed, ​0​ is returned.

SDL_atof( ... )

Interprets a floating point value in a byte string pointed to by str.

    for my $str ( "0.0000000123", "0.012", "15e16", "-0x1afp-2", "inF", "Nan", "invalid" ) {
        printf "SDL_atof('%s') is %s\n", $str, SDL_atof($str);

Function discards any whitespace characters until first non-whitespace character is found. Then it takes as many characters as possible to form a valid floating-point representation and converts them to a floating-point value. The valid floating-point value can be one of the following:

decimal floating-point expression. It consists of the following parts:
(optional) plus or minus sign
nonempty sequence of decimal digits optionally containing decimal-point character (as determined by the current C locale) (defines significand)
(optional) e or E followed with optional minus or plus sign and nonempty sequence of decimal digits (defines exponent to base 10)

Expected parameters include:

str - byte string to be interpreted

Returns a double value corresponding to the contents of str on success. If the converted value falls out of range of the return type, the return value is undefined. If no conversion can be performed, 0.0 is returned.

SDL_strtol( ... )

Interprets an integer value in a byte string pointed to by str.

    my $p = "10 200000000000000000000000000000 30 -40 junk";
    printf( "Parsing '%s':\n", $p );
    while (1) {
        my $i = SDL_strtol( $p, \my $end, 10 );
        last if $p eq $end;
        printf( "Extracted '%s', SDL_strtol returned %ld.", $p, $i );
        $p = $end;
        print "\n";
    printf( "Unextracted leftover: '%s'\n\n", $p );

    # parsing without error handling
    printf( "\"1010\" in binary  --> %ld\n",            SDL_strtol( "1010", undef, 2 ) );
    printf( "\"12\"   in octal   --> %ld\n",            SDL_strtol( "12",   undef, 8 ) );
    printf( "\"A\"    in hex     --> %ld\n",            SDL_strtol( "A",    undef, 16 ) );
    printf( "\"junk\" in base-36 --> %ld\n",            SDL_strtol( "junk", undef, 36 ) );
    printf( "\"012\"  in auto-detected base --> %ld\n", SDL_strtol( "012",  undef, 0 ) );
    printf( "\"0xA\"  in auto-detected base --> %ld\n", SDL_strtol( "0xA",  undef, 0 ) );
    printf( "\"junk\" in auto-detected base --> %ld\n", SDL_strtol( "junk", undef, 0 ) );

Expected parameters include:

str - byte string to be interpreted
str_end - pointer to a pointer to character
base - base of the interpreted integer value

Returns an integer value corresponding to the contents of str if successful. Otherwise, 0 is returned.

SDL_strtoul( ... )

Interprets an unsigned integer value in a byte string pointed to by str.

    my $p = "10 200000000000000000000000000000 30 -40";
    printf( "Parsing '%s':\n", $p );
    for ( my $i = SDL_strtoul( $p, \my $end, 10 ); $p ne $end; $i = SDL_strtoul( $p, \$end, 10 ) ) {
        printf( "'%s' -> ", $p );
        $p = $end;
        printf( "%lu\n", $i );

Expected parameters include:

str - byte string to be interpreted
str_end - pointer to a pointer to character
base - base of the interpreted integer value

Returns an integer value corresponding to the contents of str if successful. Otherwise, 0 is returned.

SDL_strtoll( ... )

Interprets a 64-bit integer value in a byte string pointed to by str.

Expected parameters include:

str - byte string to be interpreted
str_end - pointer to a pointer to character
base - base of the interpreted integer value

Returns an integer value corresponding to the contents of str if successful. Otherwise, 0 is returned.

SDL_strtoull( ... )

Interprets an unsigned 64-bit integer value in a byte string pointed to by str.

Expected parameters include:

str - byte string to be interpreted
str_end - pointer to a pointer to character
base - base of the interpreted integer value

Returns an integer value corresponding to the contents of str if successful. Otherwise, 0 is returned.

SDL_strtod( ... )

Interprets a floating-point value in a byte string pointed to by str.

Expected parameters include:

str - byte string to be interpreted
str_end - pointer to a pointer to character

Returns an floating point value corresponding to the contents of str if successful. Otherwise, 0 is returned.

SDL_strcmp( ... )

Compares two null-terminated byte strings lexicographically.

    sub demo ( $lhs, $rhs ) {
        my $rc  = SDL_strcmp( $lhs, $rhs );
        my $rel = $rc < 0 ? "precedes" : $rc > 0 ? "follows" : "equals";
        printf( "[%s] %s [%s]\n", $lhs, $rel, $rhs );
    my $string = "Hello World!";
    demo( $string, "Hello!" );
    demo( $string, "Hello" );
    demo( $string, "Hello there" );
    demo( substr( "Hello, everybody!", 12 ), substr "Hello, somebody!", 11 );

Expected parameters include:

lhs - byte string to compare
rhs - byte string to compare

Returns a negative value if lhs appears before rhs in lexicographical order.

Returns zero if lhs and rhs compare equal.

Returns a positive value if lhs appears after rhs in lexicographical order.

SDL_strncmp( ... )

Compares at most count characters of two possibly null-terminated arrays. The comparison is done lexicographically. Characters following the null character are not compared.

    sub demo ( $lhs, $rhs, $sz ) {
        my $rc  = SDL_strncmp( $lhs, $rhs, $sz );
        my $rel = $rc < 0 ? "precedes" : $rc > 0 ? "follows" : "equals";
        printf( "First %d chars of [%s] %s [%s]\n", $sz, $lhs, $rel, $rhs );
    my $string = "Hello World!";
    demo( $string,                           "Hello!",                         5 );
    demo( $string,                           "Hello",                          10 );
    demo( $string,                           "Hello there",                    10 );
    demo( substr( "Hello, everybody!", 12 ), substr( "Hello, somebody!", 11 ), 5 );

Expected parameters include:

lhs - byte string to compare
rhs - byte string to compare
count - maximum number of characters to compare

Returns a negative value if lhs appears before rhs in lexicographical order.

Returns zero if lhs and rhs compare equal, or if count is zero.

Returns a positive value if lhs appears after rhs in lexicographical order.

SDL_strcasecmp( ... )

Compares characters of two possibly strings. The comparison is done lexicographically. Characters following the null character are not compared.

Expected parameters include:

lhs - byte string to compare
rhs - byte string to compare

Returns a negative value if lhs appears before rhs in lexicographical order.

Returns zero if lhs and rhs compare equal, or if count is zero.

Returns a positive value if lhs appears after rhs in lexicographical order.

SDL_strncasecmp( ... )

Compares up to count characters of two possibly strings ignoring case. The comparison is done lexicographically. Characters following the null character are not compared.

Expected parameters include:

lhs - byte string to compare
rhs - byte string to compare
count - maximum number of characters to compare

Returns a negative value if lhs appears before rhs in lexicographical order.

Returns zero if lhs and rhs compare equal, or if count is zero.

Returns a positive value if lhs appears after rhs in lexicographical order.

SDL_sscanf( ... )

Reads data from a variety of sources, interprets it according to format and stores the results into given locations.

    my ( $i, $j );                                        # int
    my ( $x, $y );                                        # float
    my $str1  = ' ' x 10;                                 # You *must* pre-define strings for length
    my $str2  = ' ' x 4;
    my $warr  = ' ' x 8;                                  # Don't forget wide chars
    my $input = '25 54.32E-1 Thompson 56789 0123 56ß水';

    # parses as follows:
    # %d: an integer
    # %f: a floating-point value
    # %9s: a string of at most 9 non-whitespace characters
    # %2d: two-digit integer (dig7its 5 and 6)
    # %f: a floating-point value (digits 7, 8, 9)
    # %*d an integer which isn't stored anywhere
    # ' ': all consecutive whitespace
    # %3[0-9]: a string of at most 3 digits (digits 5 and 6)
    # %2lc: two wide characters, using multibyte to wide conversion
    my $ret = SDL_sscanf( $input, "%d%f%9s%2d%f%*d %3[0-9]%2lc", \$i, \$x, $str1, \$j, \$y, $str2,
        $warr );
    printf << '', $ret, $i, $x, $str1, $j, $y, $str2, unpack 'WW', $warr;
    Converted %d fields:
      i = %d
      x = %f
      str1 = %s
      j = %s
      y = %f
      str2 = %s
      warr[0] = U+%x warr[1] = U+%x

Expected parameters include:

buffer - string to read from
format - string similar to printf
vars - list of storage locations

Returns the number of receiving arguments successfully assigned (which may be zero in case a matching failure occurred before the first receiving argument was assigned), or EOF if input failure occurs before the first receiving argument was assigned.

SDL_vsscanf( ... )

Reads data from a string, interprets it according to format and stores the results into locations defined by vlist.

    my ( $n, $m );
    printf "Parsing '1 2'...%s\n",
        SDL_vsscanf( '1 2', '%d %d', \$n, \$m ) == 2 ? 'success' : 'failure';
    printf "Parsing '1 a'...%s\n",
        SDL_vsscanf( '1 a', '%d %s', \$n, \$m ) == 2 ? 'success' : 'failure';

Expected parameters include:

buffer - string to read from
format - string specifying how to read the input
vlist - variable argument list containing the receiving arguments

Returns the number of arguments successfully read or EOF if failure occurs.

SDL_snprintf( ... )

Loads the data from the given locations, converts them to character string equivalents and writes the results to a string buffer.

    print "Strings:\n";
    my $s = 'Hello';
    SDL_snprintf( my $output, 128, "\t[%10s]\n\t[%-10s]\n\t[%*s]\n\t[%-10.*s]\n\t[%-*.*s]\n",
        $s, $s, 10, $s, 4, $s, 10, 4, $s );
    print $output;
    SDL_snprintf( $output, 100, "Characters:\t%c %%\n", 65 );
    print $output;
    print "Integers\n";
    SDL_snprintf( $output, 100, "Decimal:\t%i %d %.6i %i %.0i %+i %i\n", 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 4, -4 );
    print $output;
    SDL_snprintf( $output, 100, "Hexadecimal:\t%x %x %X %#x\n", 5, 10, 10, 6 );
    print $output;
    SDL_snprintf( $output, 100, "Octal:\t%o %#o %#o\n", 10, 10, 4 );
    print $output;
    print "Floating point\n";
    SDL_snprintf( $output, 100, "Rounding:\t%f %.0f %.32f\n", 1.5, 1.5, 1.3 );
    print $output;
    SDL_snprintf( $output, 100, "Padding:\t%05.2f %.2f %5.2f\n", 1.5, 1.5, 1.5 );
    print $output;
    SDL_snprintf( $output, 100, "Scientific:\t%E %e\n", 1.5, 1.5 );
    print $output;
    SDL_snprintf( $output, 100, "Hexadecimal:\t%a %A\n", 1.5, 1.5 );
    print $output;
    print "Variable width control:\n";
    SDL_snprintf( $output, 100, "right-justified variable width: '%*c'\n", 5, ord 'x' );
    print $output;
    my $r = SDL_snprintf( $output, 100, "left-justified variable width : '%*c'\n", -5, ord 'x' );
    print $output;
    SDL_snprintf( $output, 100, "(the last printf printed %d characters)\n", $r );
    print $output;

    # fixed-width types
    my $val = 2**32 - 1;
    SDL_snprintf( $output, 100, "Largest 32-bit value is %u or %#x\n", $val, $val );
    print $output;

Expected parameters include:

buffer - string to write to
buf_size - maximum number of characters which may be written
format - string specifying how to interpret the data
... - arguments specifying data to print

Returns the number of characters written on success.

SDL_vsnprintf( ... )

Loads the data from the given locations, converts them to character string equivalents and writes the results to a string buffer.

Expected parameters include:

buffer - string to write to
buf_size - maximum number of characters which may be written
format - string specifying how to interpret the data
... - arguments specifying data to print

Returns the number of characters written on success.

SDL_acos( ... )

Computes the principal value of the arc cosine of arg.

        "acos(-1) = %f\nacos(0.0) = %f 2*acos(0.0) = %f\nacos(0.5) = %f 3*acos(0.5) = %f\nacos(1) = %f\n",
        SDL_acos(-1), SDL_acos(0.0), 2 * SDL_acos(0), SDL_acos(0.5), 3 * SDL_acos(0.5),

Expected parameters include:

arg - value of a floating point or integral type

If no errors occur, the arc cosine of arg in the range [0 , π], is returned.

SDL_acosf( ... )

Computes the principal value of the arc cosine of arg.

Expected parameters include:

arg - value of a floating point or integral type

If no errors occur, the arc cosine of arg in the range [0 , π], is returned.

SDL_asin( ... )

Computes the principal values of the arc sine of arg.

    printf "SDL_asin( 1.0) = %+f, 2*SDL_asin( 1.0)=%+f\n", SDL_asin(1),    2 * SDL_asin(1);
    printf "SDL_asin(-0.5) = %+f, 6*SDL_asin(-0.5)=%+f\n", SDL_asin(-0.5), 6 * SDL_asin(-0.5);

    # special values
    printf "SDL_asin(0.0) = %1f, SDL_asin(-0.0)=%f\n", SDL_asin(+0.0), SDL_asin(-0.0);
    printf "SDL_asin(1.1) = %f\n", SDL_asin(1.1);

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value

If no errors occur, the arc sine of arg in the range [-π/2,+π/2], is returned.

SDL_asinf( ... )

Computes the principal values of the arc sine of arg.

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value

If no errors occur, the arc sine of arg in the range [-π/2,+π/2], is returned.

SDL_atan( ... )

Computes the principal value of the arc tangent of arg.

    printf( "SDL_atan(1) = %f, 4*SDL_atan(1)=%f\n", SDL_atan(1), 4 * SDL_atan(1) );

    # special values
    use bigrat;    # inf
    printf( "SDL_atan(Inf) = %f, 2*SDL_atan(Inf) = %f\n",   SDL_atan(inf),  2 * SDL_atan(inf) );
    printf( "SDL_atan(-0.0) = %+f, SDL_atan(+0.0) = %+f\n", SDL_atan(-0.0), SDL_atan(0) );

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value

If no errors occur, the arc tangent of arg in the range [-π/2,+π/2] radians, is returned.

SDL_atanf( ... )

Computes the principal value of the arc tangent of arg.

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value

If no errors occur, the arc tangent of arg in the range [-π/2 ; +π/2] radians, is returned.

SDL_atan2( ... )

Computes the arc tangent of y/x using the signs of arguments to determine the correct quadrant.

    use Math::AnyNum qw[hypot];

    # normal usage: the signs of the two arguments determine the quadrant
    # atan2(1,1) = +pi/4, Quad I
    printf( "(+1,+1) cartesian is (%f,%f) polar\n", hypot( 1, 1 ), SDL_atan2( 1, 1 ) );

    # atan2(1, -1) = +3pi/4, Quad II
    printf( "(+1,-1) cartesian is (%f,%f) polar\n", hypot( 1, -1 ), SDL_atan2( 1, -1 ) );

    # atan2(-1,-1) = -3pi/4, Quad III
    printf( "(-1,-1) cartesian is (%f,%f) polar\n", hypot( -1, -1 ), SDL_atan2( -1, -1 ) );

    # atan2(-1,-1) = -pi/4, Quad IV
    printf( "(-1,+1) cartesian is (%f,%f) polar\n", hypot( -1, 1 ), SDL_atan2( -1, 1 ) );

    # special values
    printf( "SDL_atan2(0, 0) = %f SDL_atan2(0, -0)=%f\n", SDL_atan2( 0, 0 ), SDL_atan2( 0, -0.0 ) );
    printf( "SDL_atan2(7, 0) = %f SDL_atan2(7, -0)=%f\n", SDL_atan2( 7, 0 ), SDL_atan2( 7, -0.0 ) );

Expected parameters include:

x - floating point value
y - floating point value

If no errors occur, the arc tangent of y/x in the range [-π ; +π] radians, is returned.

SDL_atan2f( ... )

Computes the arc tangent of y/x using the signs of arguments to determine the correct quadrant.

Expected parameters include:

x - floating point value
y - floating point value

If no errors occur, the arc tangent of y/x in the range [-π ; +π] radians, is returned.

SDL_ceil( ... )

Computes the smallest integer value not less than arg.

    printf"SDL_ceil(+2.4) = %+.1f\n", SDL_ceil(2.4);
    printf"SDL_ceil(-2.4) = %+.1f\n", SDL_ceil(-2.4);
    printf"SDL_ceil(-0.0) = %+.1f\n", SDL_ceil(-0.0);
        use bigrat; # inf
    printf"SDL_ceil(-Inf) = %+f\n",   SDL_ceil(-inf);

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value

If no errors occur, the smallest integer value not less than arg, that is ⌈arg⌉, is returned.

SDL_ceilf( ... )

Computes the smallest integer value not less than arg.

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value

If no errors occur, the smallest integer value not less than arg, that is ⌈arg⌉, is returned.

SDL_copysign( ... )

Composes a floating point value with the magnitude of mag and the sign of sgn.

    printf "SDL_copysign(1.0,+2.0) = %+f\n", SDL_copysign( 1.0, +2.0 );
    printf "SDL_copysign(1.0,-2.0) = %+f\n", SDL_copysign( 1.0, -2.0 );
    use bigrat;
    printf "SDL_copysign(inf,-2.0) = %+f\n", SDL_copysign( inf, -2.0 );
    printf "SDL_copysign(NaN,-2.0) = %+f\n", SDL_copysign( NaN, -2.0 );

Expected parameters include:

mag - floating point value
sgn - floating point value

If no errors occur, the floating point value with the magnitude of mag and the sign of sgn is returned.

If mag is NaN, then NaN with the sign of sgn is returned however perl cannot properly express -NaN.

If sgn is -0, the result is only negative if the implementation supports the signed zero consistently in arithmetic operations.

SDL_copysignf( ... )

Expected parameters include:

mag - floating point value
sgn - floating point value

If no errors occur, the floating point value with the magnitude of mag and the sign of sgn is returned.

If mag is NaN, then NaN with the sign of sgn is returned however perl cannot properly express -NaN.

If sgn is -0, the result is only negative if the implementation supports the signed zero consistently in arithmetic operations.

SDL_cos( ... )

Computes the cosine of arg (measured in radians).

    my $pi = M_PI;

    # typical usage
    printf "SDL_cos(pi/3) = %f\n",    SDL_cos( $pi / 3 );
    printf "SDL_cos(pi/2) = %f\n",    SDL_cos( $pi / 2 );
    printf "SDL_cos(-3*pi/4) = %f\n", SDL_cos( -3 * $pi / 4 );

    # special values
    printf "SDL_cos(+0) = %f\n", SDL_cos(0.0);
    printf "SDL_cos(-0) = %f\n", SDL_cos(-0.0);
    use bigrat;
    printf "SDL_cos(INFINITY) = %f\n", SDL_cos(inf);

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value representing angle in radians

If no errors occur, the cosine of arg in the range [-1 ; +1], is returned.

SDL_cosf( ... )

Computes the cosine of arg (measured in radians).

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value representing angle in radians

If no errors occur, the cosine of arg in the range [-1 ; +1], is returned.

SDL_exp( ... )

Computes the e (Euler's number, 2.7182818) raised to the given power arg.

    printf "SDL_exp(1) = %f\n", SDL_exp(1);
    printf "FV of \$100, continuously compounded at 3%% for 1 year = %f\n", 100 * SDL_exp(0.03);

    # special values
    printf "SDL_exp(-0) = %f\n",   SDL_exp(-0.0);
    printf "SDL_exp(-Inf) = %f\n", SDL_exp( -inf );

    # overflow
    printf "SDL_exp(710) = %f\n", SDL_exp(710);

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value

If no errors occur, the base-e exponential of arg is returned.

SDL_expf( ... )

Computes the e (Euler's number, 2.7182818) raised to the given power arg.

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value

If no errors occur, the base-e exponential of arg is returned.

SDL_fabs( ... )

Computes the absolute value of a floating point value arg.

        printf( "SDL_fabs(+3) = %f\n", SDL_fabs(+3.0) );
    printf( "SDL_fabs(-3) = %f\n", SDL_fabs(-3.0) );

    # special values
    printf( "SDL_fabs(-0) = %f\n",   SDL_fabs(-0.0) );
    printf( "SDL_fabs(-Inf) = %f\n", SDL_fabs( -inf ) );
    printf( "%f\n",                  num_int( 0.0, 2 * M_PI, 100000 ) );

    sub num_int ( $a, $b, $n ) {    # assumes all area is positive
        return 0.0 if $a == $b;
        $n ||= 1;                   # avoid division by zero
        my $h   = ( $b - $a ) / $n;
        my $sum = 0.0;
        for ( my $k = 0; $k < $n; ++$k ) {
            $sum += $h * SDL_fabs( sin( $a + $k * $h ) );
        return $sum;

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value

If successful, returns the absolute value of arg (|arg|). The value returned is exact and does not depend on any rounding modes.

SDL_fabsf( ... )

Computes the absolute value of a floating point value arg.

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value

If successful, returns the absolute value of arg (|arg|). The value returned is exact and does not depend on any rounding modes.

SDL_floor( ... )

Computes the largest integer value not greater than arg.

    printf "SDL_floor(+2.7) = %+.1f\n", SDL_floor(2.7);
    printf "SDL_floor(-2.7) = %+.1f\n", SDL_floor(-2.7);
    printf "SDL_floor(-0.0) = %+.1f\n", SDL_floor(-0.0);
    printf "SDL_floor(-Inf) = %+f\n",   SDL_floor( -INFINITY );

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value

If no errors occur, the largest integer value not greater than arg, that is ⌊arg⌋, is returned.

SDL_floorf( ... )

Computes the largest integer value not greater than arg.

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value

If no errors occur, the largest integer value not greater than arg, that is ⌊arg⌋, is returned.

SDL_trunc( ... )

Computes the nearest integer not greater in magnitude than arg.

    printf "SDL_trunc(+2.7) = %+.1f\n", SDL_trunc(2.7);
    printf "SDL_trunc(-2.7) = %+.1f\n", SDL_trunc(-2.7);
    printf "SDL_trunc(-0.0) = %+.1f\n", SDL_trunc(-0.0);
    printf "SDL_trunc(-Inf) = %+f\n",   SDL_trunc( -INFINITY );

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value

If no errors occur, the nearest integer value not greater in magnitude than arg (in other words, arg rounded towards zero), is returned.

SDL_truncf( ... )

Computes the nearest integer not greater in magnitude than arg.

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value

If no errors occur, the nearest integer value not greater in magnitude than arg (in other words, arg rounded towards zero), is returned.

SDL_fmod( ... )

Computes the floating-point remainder of the division operation x/y.

    printf "SDL_fmod(+5.1, +3.0) = %.1f\n", SDL_fmod( 5.1,  3 );
    printf "SDL_fmod(-5.1, +3.0) = %.1f\n", SDL_fmod( -5.1, 3 );
    printf "SDL_fmod(+5.1, -3.0) = %.1f\n", SDL_fmod( 5.1,  -3 );
    printf "SDL_fmod(-5.1, -3.0) = %.1f\n", SDL_fmod( -5.1, -3 );

    # special values
    printf "SDL_fmod(+0.0, 1.0) = %.1f\n", SDL_fmod( 0,    1 );
    printf "SDL_fmod(-0.0, 1.0) = %.1f\n", SDL_fmod( -0.0, 1 );
    printf "SDL_fmod(+5.1, Inf) = %.1f\n", SDL_fmod( 5.1,  'INFINITY' );

    # error handling
    printf "SDL_fmod(+5.1, 0) = %.1f\n", SDL_fmod( 5.1, 0 );

Expected parameters include:

x - floating point value
y - floating point value

If successful, returns the floating-point remainder of the division x/y as defined above.

SDL_fmodf( ... )

Computes the floating-point remainder of the division operation x/y.

Expected parameters include:

x - floating point value
y - floating point value

If successful, returns the floating-point remainder of the division x/y as defined above.

SDL_log( ... )

Computes the natural (base e) logarithm of arg.

    printf "SDL_log(1) = %f\n",              SDL_log(1);
    printf "base-5 logarithm of 125 = %f\n", SDL_log(125) / SDL_log(5);

    # special values
    printf "SDL_log(1) = %f\n",    SDL_log(1);
    printf "SDL_log(+Inf) = %f\n", SDL_log('INFINITY');

    #error handling
    printf "SDL_log(0) = %f\n", SDL_log(0);

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value

If no errors occur, the natural (base-e) logarithm of arg is returned.

SDL_logf( ... )

Computes the natural (base e) logarithm of arg.

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value

If no errors occur, the natural (base-e) logarithm of arg is returned.

SDL_log10( ... )

Computes the common (base-10) logarithm of arg.

    printf "SDL_log10(1000) = %f\n",         SDL_log10(1000);
    printf "log10(0.001) = %f\n",            SDL_log10(0.001);
    printf "base-5 logarithm of 125 = %f\n", SDL_log10(125) / SDL_log10(5);

    # special values
    printf "SDL_log10(1) = %f\n",    SDL_log10(1);
    printf "SDL_log10(+Inf) = %f\n", SDL_log10('INFINITY');

    # error handling
    printf "SDL_log10(0) = %f\n", SDL_log10(0);

Expected parameters include:

arg - value of floating point or integral type

If no errors occur, the common (base-10) logarithm of arg is returned.

SDL_log10f( ... )

Computes the common (base-10) logarithm of arg.

Expected parameters include:

arg - value of floating point or integral type

If no errors occur, the common (base-10) logarithm of arg is returned.

SDL_pow( ... )

Computes the value of base raised to the power exponent.

    # typical usage
    printf "SDL_pow(2, 10) = %f\n",  SDL_pow( 2,  10 );
    printf "SDL_pow(2, 0.5) = %f\n", SDL_pow( 2,  0.5 );
    printf "SDL_pow(-2, -3) = %f\n", SDL_pow( -2, -3 );

    # special values
    printf "SDL_pow(-1, NAN) = %f\n",      SDL_pow( -1,         'NaN' );
    printf "SDL_pow(+1, NAN) = %f\n",      SDL_pow( +1,         'NaN' );
    printf "SDL_pow(INFINITY, 2) = %f\n",  SDL_pow( 'INFINITY', 2 );
    printf "SDL_pow(INFINITY, -1) = %f\n", SDL_pow( 'INFINITY', -1 );

    # error handling
    printf "SDL_pow(-1, 1/3) = %f\n", SDL_pow( -1,   1.0 / 3 );
    printf "SDL_pow(-0, -3) = %f\n",  SDL_pow( -0.0, -3 );

Expected parameters include:

base - floating point value
exponent - floating point value

If no errors occur, base raised to the power of exponent is returned.

SDL_powf( ... )

Computes the value of base raised to the power exponent.

Expected parameters include:

base - floating point value
exponent - floating point value

If no errors occur, base raised to the power of exponent is returned.

SDL_round( ... )

Computes the nearest integer value to arg (in floating-point format), rounding halfway cases away from zero, regardless of the current rounding mode.

    printf 'SDL_round(+2.3) = %+.1f  ', SDL_round(2.3);
    printf 'SDL_round(+2.5) = %+.1f  ', SDL_round(2.5);
    printf "SDL_round(+2.7) = %+.1f\n", SDL_round(2.7);
    printf 'SDL_round(-2.3) = %+.1f  ', SDL_round(-2.3);
    printf 'SDL_round(-2.5) = %+.1f  ', SDL_round(-2.5);
    printf "SDL_round(-2.7) = %+.1f\n", SDL_round(-2.7);
    printf "SDL_round(-0.0) = %+.1f\n", SDL_round(-.0);
    printf "SDL_round(-Inf) = %+f\n",   SDL_round('-INFINITY');

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value

If no errors occur, the nearest integer value to arg, rounding halfway cases away from zero, is returned.

SDL_roundf( ... )

Computes the nearest integer value to arg (in floating-point format), rounding halfway cases away from zero, regardless of the current rounding mode.

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value

If no errors occur, the nearest integer value to arg, rounding halfway cases away from zero, is returned.

SDL_lround( ... )

Computes the nearest integer value to arg (in integer format), rounding halfway cases away from zero, regardless of the current rounding mode.

    printf 'SDL_lround(+2.3) = %ld   ', SDL_lround(2.3);
    printf 'SDL_lround(+2.5) = %ld   ', SDL_lround(2.5);
    printf "SDL_lround(+2.7) = %ld\n",  SDL_lround(2.7);
    printf 'SDL_lround(-2.3) = %ld  ',  SDL_lround(-2.3);
    printf 'SDL_lround(-2.5) = %ld  ',  SDL_lround(-2.5);
    printf "SDL_lround(-2.7) = %ld\n",  SDL_lround(-2.7);
    printf "SDL_lround(-0.0) = %ld\n",  SDL_lround(-.0);
    printf "SDL_lround(-Inf) = %ld\n",  SDL_lround('-INFINITY');    # FE_INVALID raised

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value

If no errors occur, the nearest integer value to arg, rounding halfway cases away from zero, is returned.

SDL_lroundf( ... )

Computes the nearest integer value to arg (in integer format), rounding halfway cases away from zero, regardless of the current rounding mode.

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value

If no errors occur, the nearest integer value to arg, rounding halfway cases away from zero, is returned.

SDL_scalbn( ... )

Multiplies a floating point value arg by FLT_RADIX (the radix (integer base) used by the representation of all three floating-point types) raised to power exp.

    printf "SDL_scalbn(7, -4) = %f\n", SDL_scalbn( 7, -4 );
    printf "SDL_scalbn(1, -1074) = %g (minimum positive subnormal double)\n",
        SDL_scalbn( 1, -1074 );
    printf "SDL_scalbn(.9999999999999999, 1024) = %g (largest finite double)\n",
        SDL_scalbn( 0.99999999999999989, 1024 );

    # special values
    printf "SDL_scalbn(-0, 10) = %f\n",   SDL_scalbn( -.0,         10 );
    printf "SDL_scalbn(-Inf, -1) = %f\n", SDL_scalbn( '-INFINITY', -1 );

    # error handling
    printf "SDL_scalbn(1, 1024) = %f\n", SDL_scalbn( 1, 1024 );

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value
exp - integer value

If no errors occur, arg multiplied by FLT_RADIX to the power of exp is returned.

SDL_scalbnf( ... )

Multiplies a floating point value arg by FLT_RADIX (the radix (integer base) used by the representation of all three floating-point types) raised to power exp.

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value
exp - integer value

If no errors occur, arg multiplied by FLT_RADIX to the power of exp is returned.

SDL_sin( ... )

Computes the sine of arg (measured in radians).

    my $pi = SDL_acos(-1);

    # typical usage
    printf "SDL_sin(pi/6) = %f\n",    SDL_sin( $pi / 6 );
    printf "SDL_sin(pi/2) = %f\n",    SDL_sin( $pi / 2 );
    printf "SDL_sin(-3*pi/4) = %f\n", SDL_sin( -3 * $pi / 4 );

    # special values
    printf "SDL_sin(+0) = %f\n",       SDL_sin(0);
    printf "SDL_sin(-0) = %f\n",       SDL_sin(-.0);
    printf "SDL_sin(INFINITY) = %f\n", SDL_sin('INFINITY');

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value representing an angle in radians

If no errors occur, the sine of arg in the range [-1 ; +1], is returned.

SDL_sinf( ... )

Computes the sine of arg (measured in radians).

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value representing an angle in radians

If no errors occur, the sine of arg in the range [-1 ; +1], is returned.

SDL_sqrt( ... )

Computes square root of arg.

    # normal use
    printf "SDL_sqrt(100) = %f\n", SDL_sqrt(100);
    printf "SDL_sqrt(2) = %f\n",   SDL_sqrt(2);
    printf "golden ratio = %f\n", ( 1 + SDL_sqrt(5) ) / 2;

    # special values
    printf "SDL_sqrt(-0) = %f\n", SDL_sqrt(-0.0);

    # error handling
    printf "SDL_sqrt(-1.0) = %f\n", SDL_sqrt(-1);

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value

If no errors occur, square root of Carg> (√arg), is returned.

SDL_sqrtf( ... )

Computes square root of arg.

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value

If no errors occur, square root of Carg> (√arg), is returned.

SDL_tan( ... )

Computes the tangent of arg (measured in radians).

    my $pi = SDL_acos(-1);

    # typical usage
    printf "SDL_tan  (pi/4) = %+f\n", SDL_tan( $pi / 4 );        #   45 deg
    printf "SDL_tan(3*pi/4) = %+f\n", SDL_tan( 3 * $pi / 4 );    #  135 deg
    printf "SDL_tan(5*pi/4) = %+f\n", SDL_tan( 5 * $pi / 4 );    # -135 deg
    printf "SDL_tan(7*pi/4) = %+f\n", SDL_tan( 7 * $pi / 4 );    #  -45 deg

    # special values
    printf "SDL_tan(+0) = %+f\n", SDL_tan(0.0);
    printf "SDL_tan(-0) = %+f\n", SDL_tan(-0.0);

    # error handling
    printf "SDL_tan(INFINITY) = %f\n", SDL_tan('INFINITY');

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value representing angle in radians

If no errors occur, the tangent of arg is returned.

SDL_tanf( ... )

Computes the tangent of arg (measured in radians).

Expected parameters include:

arg - floating point value representing angle in radians

If no errors occur, the tangent of arg is returned.

SDL_iconv_open( ... )

Allocate descriptor for character set conversion.

Expected parameters include:

tocode - name of the destination encoding
fromcode - name of the source encoding

The values permitted for fromcode and tocode and the supported combinations are system-dependent. For the GNU C library, the permitted values are listed by the `iconv --list` command, and all combinations of the listed values are supported.

Returns a new SDL2::iconv_t object.

SDL_iconv_close( ... )

Deallocate descriptor for character set conversion.

Expected parameters include:

cd - SDL2::iconv_t object

Returns 0 on success; otherwise returns -1.

SDL_iconv( ... )

Converts a stream of data between encodings.

Expected parameters include:

cd - SDL2::iconv_t object
inbuf - pointer to a buffer
inbytesleft - pointer to an integer
outbuf - pointer to a buffer
outbytesleft - pointer to an integer

Returns an iconv( ) error code.

SDL_iconv_string( ... )

Converts a string between encodings in one pass.

Expected parameters include:

tocode - encoding of the outcome of this conversion
fromcode - encoding of the encoding text
inbuf - input buffer
inbytesleft - number of characters left to encode

Returns a string that must be freed with SDL_free( ... ) on success; undef on error.

SDL_iconv_utf8_locale( ... )

Converts string from UTF-8 to the local encoding.

Expected parameters include:

string - UTF-8 encoded string

Returns the re-encoded string.

Defined values and Enumerations

These might actually be useful and may be imported with the listed tags.


Basic boolean values for added sugar. Imported with the :bool tag.

SDL_TRUE - not false
SDL_FALSE - not true


Pi in a pinch.

Memory allocation callbacks

Not sure why you'd ever want to do this, but you may override SDL's internal memory handling with these closure types.


Parameters to expect:

size - size_t type

You must return a pointer to allocated memory.


Parameters to expect:

nmemb - number of members in the array
size - size_t type indicating the size of the members

You must return a pointer to allocated memory.


Parameters to expect:

mem - an opaque pointer to allocated memory
size - size_t type indicating how much memory to allocate

You must return a pointer to allocated memory.


Parameters to expect:

mem - opaque pointer to allocated memory which will be freed

iconv( ) error codes

The SDL implementation of iconv( ) returns these error codes:



Copyright (C) Sanko Robinson.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms found in the Artistic License 2. Other copyrights, terms, and conditions may apply to data transmitted through this module.


Sanko Robinson <>