Revision history for Perl extension Net::ITE

0.05	 Thu Mar 20 2003

	 - Replaced requirement on XML::TrackBack with Net::TrackBack

	 - Replaced CPAN::MakeMaker with ExtUtils until I can
	   wrap my mind around what's going on with the Module::*

	 - Wondered why I'm still sitting here watching the talking
           heads wax poetic about Gulf War 2.0 instead of going to 
	 - Updated POD

0.04	 Tue Feb 18 2003

	 - Added guess() package method.

0.03	 Fri Jan 17 2003

	 - Added Net::ITE->topics()

	 - Removed extraneous debugging output.

0.02	 Wed Jan 15 2003

	 - Added Net::ITE->new_topic()

	 - Added hooks to Net::ITE->topic() and Net::ITE::Topic->posts()
	   to return a list or an iterator depending on wantarray

	 - Added calls to XML::TrackBack error reporting methods.

	 - Added __PACKAGE__ prefix to internal sub-packages.

	 - Added ping.t

	 - Updated POD.

0.01	 Tue Jan 14 2003

	 - Intial revision.