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Revision history for Dancer-Template-HtmlTemplate

0.06    2010-10-05
        Add extra tests; forgot to update MANIFEST with these before building
        the last release, so they weren't included.  D'oh!

0.05    2010-10-05
        Flatten nested hashrefs, as HTML::Template doesn't support them.
        Given params like { foo => { bar => 'Foo' } }, you can access the value
        Foo with e.g. <tmpl var name="">
        Thanks to Damien Krotkine (dams) for reporting and providing patches via

0.04    2010-05-14
        Added tests, thanks to Franck Cuny

0.03    2010-04-24
        Remove debug code which required Data::Dump - silly.

0.02    2010-04-22
        Declaring Dancer & HTML::Template as deps would help.  Idiot.

0.01    2010-04-19
        First version.