Revision history for Perl extension Mail::Audit::Attach.

0.94  Sun Jun 05 23:00:00 2005
    - Updated distribution to more modern format.
    - Added POD tests.

0.93  Sat Apr 14 00:30:00 2003
    - Mail::Audit->save died when passed an empty location. Fixed.
      location is now optional.
    - Now uses File::Spec for more portability
    - Introduced Mail::Audit::error (used by save)
    - Localized $_ where used

0.92  Sat Feb  8 13:00:00 2003
	- Now relies on MIME::Head to recognize attachments.
	  "Never try to be too clever."
	- No more warnings.

0.91  Thu Feb  6 22:30:00 2003
        - Now recognizes attachments with Content-Disposition inline,
          but a given filename. This became necessary because Netscape
   	  Communicator and other clients send their attachments that way.

	  Thanks to Jeff Engelhardt and Vladimir Parkhaev for bringing
          this to my attention.

0.90  Sat Jun  1 19:35:24 2002
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.19