Revision history for Dist-Zilla-Plugin-BumpVersionFromGit

0.009     2011-07-21 11:41:51 America/New_York

    - fixed typo in link to DZP::Git::NextVersion

0.008     2010-10-10 22:53:07 EST5EDT

    - marked this distribution as DEPRECATED

0.007     2010-07-13 14:50:54 EST5EDT

    - fixed tests for changes in Dist::Zilla::Tester API

0.006     2010-04-28 14:01:18 EST5EDT

    - fixed tests for changes in Dist::Zilla chrome API

0.005     2010-04-08 14:56:20 EST5EDT

    - specify prereqs manually instead of relying
      on automatic detection to work around a
      Dist::Zilla bug

0.004     2010-04-07 14:23:39 EST5EDT

    - fix tests for new Dist::Zilla 2.0

0.003     2010-03-20 14:00:58 EST5EDT

    - add 'first_version' attribute to initialize version when no tags
      exist in the repository (defaults to 0.001)

0.002     2010-03-19 18:00:57 EST5EDT

    - add prerequisites list (whoops!  not automated yet!)

0.001     2010-03-19 16:07:20 EST5EDT

    - first release to CPAN