Revision history for MooseX-Types-Common

0.001012  2013-12-17 23:09:36Z
  - fully-qualified type names like MooseX::Types::Common::String::SimpleStr
    work again (removed in 0.001011)

0.001011  2013-12-14 18:15:31Z
  - update configure_requires checking in Makefile.PL, add CONTRIBUTING file

0.001010  2013-09-27 04:39:30Z
  - add incomplete prereq on Test::Warnings (haarg)
  - re-release with fixed compile test

0.001009  2013-09-14 22:11:25Z
  - converted to Dist::Zilla
  - SingleDigit now supports zero and negative numbers (RT#86738)
  - UpperCase and LowerCase string types now properly understand unicode
    characters (RT#84547)
  - repository moved to the github moose organization

0.001008   2012-06-14 18:29:50Z
  - Upper* and Lower* string types now accept non-alphabetic characters (Karen

0.001007   2012-02-23 16:50:00Z
  - remove Test::Exception from a test

0.001006   2012-02-21 18:50:00Z
  - fix POD per RT #75168

0.001005   2012-02-20 01:45:00Z
  - add NumericCode type, RT #74346

0.001004   2011-12-06 04:30:00Z
  - use Test::Fatal instead of Test::Exception (Justin Hunter)
  - Added {Lower,Upper}CaseSimpleStr and {Lower,Upper}CaseStr, RT #71133

0.001003   2011-08-31 16:35:00Z
  - The positive and negative number types mistakenly accepted zero. Reported
    by Eric Brine. RT #53234.
  - Added PositiveOrZero{Int,Num} and NegativeOrZero{Int,Num} types. (Dave

0.001002   2010-02-22 22:00:00Z
  - Add Test::Exception to the test_requires (RT#54357)
  - Warning when you try to import things from MooseX::Types::Common rather
    than one of the specific String/Numeric modules in the distribution.

0.001001   2010-01-04
  - POD updates

0.001000   2009-02-02
  - Initial release. This is a spin off from Reaction.