The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.
Revision history for BBS-UserInfo-Ptt

0.06	2006-08-20
	- Fix typo.

0.05	2006-08-20
	- If timeout, then return undef.

0.04	2006-08-20
	- Use '-re'.
	- Introduce timeout & debug.
	- Fix regular expression to parse nickname, lastlogintime, and

0.03	2006-08-20
	- Turn off Expect output.
	- Not use quotemeta to hostname.

0.02	2006-08-20
	- Bug fix about initial problem.

0.01    2006-08-19
        - First version.