Revision history for App-lcpan

0.13    2015-02-26 (PERLANCAR)

	- No functional changes.

	- Forget to tag 'index_name' arg as common arg.

0.12    2015-02-25 (PERLANCAR)

	- [ux] Avoid creating index database automatically when we are just
	  reading the index (ro mode).

	- Allow customizing db filename via --index-name.

0.11    2015-02-24 (PERLANCAR)

        - To help chase bugs in updating index, now keeps old indexes (by
          default 7, customize via --num-backups).

0.10    2015-02-06 (PERLANCAR)

	- Mark common args with 'common' tag.

	- Add convenient option --all (equivalent to: --phase ALL --rel

0.09    2015-01-20 (PERLANCAR)

	- Skip erroneous version in dep information, instead of exploding.

	- rdeps: Allow multiple --author & --author-isnt options.

0.08    2015-01-14 (PERLANCAR)

        - More tweaks and minor bug fixes.

        - Add more examples.

0.07    2015-01-14 (PERLANCAR)

        - Various small tweaks.

0.06    2015-01-14 (PERLANCAR)


        - Remove the feature that extracts dist metadata from Makefile.PL and
          Build.PL because this is unsafe (we are running untrusted code). Note
          that MetaCPAN also does not extract dist metadata from Makefile.PL and
          Build.PL for the same reason.

          Also, it has been pointed out to me that the current way is not proper
          ("idiomatic"). The more proper way is to let perl run Makefile.PL and
          Build.PL to generate Makefile/Build as well as MYMETA.{json,yml}. Then
          we read MYMETA. Perhaps this feature will come back as an optional
          plugin later, should there be any demand. BTW, Dist::Requires does
          this kind of functionality.

        - Also remove the feature that detects *.meta files, because these files
          are not present in a mini CPAN mirror.


        - New subcommands: releases, mod2dist, mod2rel, dist2rel, distmods,
          authormods, authordists, authorrels.


        - Upgrade schema to v3: add columns
          has_{metayml,metajson,makefilepl,buildpl} to 'file' table. Add
          'version_numified' to 'dist' and 'module' tables.

        - Clear data for reindexing.

0.05    2015-01-14 (PERLANCAR)

        - No functional changes.

        - Rebuild to update (d'oh).

0.04    2015-01-14 (PERLANCAR)

        - Use Perinci::CmdLine::Util::Config to get lcpan configuration without
          running the binary.

        - Rebuild to update

0.03    2015-01-14 (PERLANCAR)

	- The indexer now tries to extract dist metadata from Makefile.PL or
          Build.PL in addition to from META.{json,yml}. This allows for more
          thorough indexing of dependencies information (as well as distribution
          name & abstract), as a lot of older releases do not include CPAN META
          files. But this also means actually executing the Makefile.PL &
          Build.PL scripts, which might have some side effects.

        - Add script: lcpanm.

        - Rename 'rev-deps' subcommand to 'rdeps'.

        - rdeps: Add options --author and --author-isnt to be able to filter by
          author. This allows you to, for example, see if a module is used by
          other authors instead of just herself.

0.02    2015-01-13 (PERLANCAR)

	- Rename module/dist from CPAN::Local to App::lcpan (PAUSE
	  conflict, CPAN::Local already exists on CPAN).

0.01    2015-01-13 (PERLANCAR)

        - First version.