Bit-Vector-Array-0.02 |
Perl extension for manipulating bit vectors as an array |
16 Jan 2004 05:15:49 UTC |
Devel-AutoProfiler-1.200 |
Automatically profile subroutine calls in a perl program. |
18 Apr 2002 00:26:15 UTC |
Hardware-Verilog-Parser-0.13 |
A complete grammar for parsing Verilog code using perl |
27 Apr 2000 13:18:31 UTC |
Hardware-Vhdl-Parser-0.12 |
A complete grammar for parsing VHDL code using perl |
13 Jun 2002 05:55:44 UTC |
Loop-1.00 |
Smart, Simple, Recursive Iterators for Perl programming. |
13 Mar 2003 03:10:37 UTC |
Parse-Gnaw-0.601 |
Write extensible, recursive, grammars in pure perl code (grammar rules are perl arrays) and apply them to whatever parsee you want. |
14 May 2013 02:29:40 UTC |
Parse-Native-0.02 |
Perl extension for parsing in your native language (perl!) |
24 Mar 2004 07:29:39 UTC |
Parse-Nibbler-1.10 |
Parsing HUGE gate level verilog files a little bit at a time. |
22 Nov 2001 05:07:37 UTC |
Pod-Peapod-0.42 |
Perl module to provide an easy interface to parsing POD |
06 May 2003 02:18:23 UTC |
Stlgen-0.012 |
Create "Standard Template Library" (STL) C++ type containers but generate code in other languages. |
08 Jun 2010 01:05:31 UTC |
Symbol-Table-1.01 |
An easy interface to symbol tables (no eval(), no *typeglobs ) |
14 Mar 2003 01:20:46 UTC |
Tk-CanvasLogo-0.2 |
a Tk::Canvas widget that can support methods based on the Logo Programming Language as well as multiple turtles. |
19 Jan 2007 05:57:47 UTC |
Tk-ListboxDnD-1.3 |
A Tk::Listbox widget with drag and drop capability. |
29 Apr 2002 23:34:15 UTC |