POE-Component-Client-MogileFS-0.02 |
an async MogileFS client for POE |
19 May 2007 00:53:07 UTC |
POE-Component-Client-MogileFS-0.01 |
an async MogileFS client for POE |
28 Apr 2007 03:04:29 UTC |
Business-OnlinePayment-Multiplex-0.01 |
Perl extension using the Business::OnlinePayment interface to add a callback to the content hash |
05 Jul 2006 15:06:19 UTC |
Apache2-TieBucketBrigade-0.07 |
Tests Apache::TieBucketBrigade takes a bunch of stuff in then writes it back upcased |
03 Aug 2005 22:21:06 UTC |
Business-OnlinePayment-Exact-0.01 |
Perl extension for doing credit card processing through the E-xact v7 Web Services API payment gateway. |
01 Apr 2005 18:48:58 UTC |
Apache-TieBucketBrigade-0.05 |
Perl extension which ties an IO::Handle to Apache's Bucket Brigade so you can use standard filehandle type operations on the brigade. |
12 Sep 2004 22:25:52 UTC |
Business-OnlinePayment-StoredTransaction-0.01 |
Perl extension using the Business::OnlinePayment interface to store credit card transactions safely for later billing. |
13 Aug 2004 22:02:51 UTC |
Apache-SMTP-0.01 |
A simple SMTP server using Apache and mod_perl made simple with Apache::TieBucketBrigade |
23 Feb 2004 09:05:27 UTC |
Apache-TieBucketBrigade-0.03 |
Tests Apache::TieBucketBrigade takes a bunch of stuff in then writes it back upcased |
18 Feb 2004 11:07:41 UTC |
Apache-TieBucketBrigade-0.02 |
Tests Apache::TieBucketBrigade takes a bunch of stuff in then writes it back upcased |
16 Feb 2004 09:59:25 UTC |
Apache-TieBucketBrigade-0.01 |
Tests Apache::TieBucketBrigade takes a bunch of stuff in then writes it back upcased |
16 Feb 2004 06:13:30 UTC |
Business-PayPal-0.02 |
Perl extension for automating PayPal transactions |
26 Aug 2002 06:46:30 UTC |
Business-PayPal-0.01 |
Perl extension for automating PayPal transactions |
01 Apr 2002 06:13:48 UTC |