#Revision history for Const-Exporter
v1.3.0 2024-12-29 17:12:00+00:00 Europe/London
- The minimum Perl version is now v5.14.
- Bumped copyright year.
- Added security policy.
- Added and improved author tests.
- Removed generation of MANIFEST.SKIP from builder.
v1.2.3 2023-06-11 11:01:22+01:00 Europe/London
- Document support policy for older Perl versions.
- Bumped copyright year.
v1.2.2 2022-09-03 09:27:39+01:00 Europe/London
- Fix encoding of links in README.
- Fix issue with MANIFEST.SKIP.
- Specify minimum version of Exporter.
- Sign release.
v1.2.1 2021-09-22 16:32:07+01:00 Europe/London
- Fixed typos in Changes.
- Add author test for unused vars.
v1.2.0 2021-04-19 16:29:19+01:00 Europe/London
[Bug Fixes]
- Fixed issue with newer versions of List::Util, fixes GH#15.
- Removed prerequisite of List::AllUtils.
v1.1.2 2021-03-13 12:17:00+00:00 Europe/London
- Reorganised POD so that a the an issue with intermixed POD is
properly in the KNOWN ISSUES section.
- Bumped copyright year.
- Add List::SomeUtils::XS to recommended prereqs.
v1.1.1 2020-12-17 15:51:58+00:00 Europe/London
- Specify minimum version of Sub::Identify.
v1.1.0 2020-12-17 13:42:01+00:00 Europe/London
- Subroutine constants are genuinely marked as subroutine constants.
- Removed `.travis.yml` from git repo.
v1.0.0 2020-12-11 13:56:43+00:00 Europe/London
- No changes: version bumped because module is considered mature.
v0.4.2 2020-09-10 12:52:53+01:00 Europe/London
- Added INSTALL file to the distribution.
- Updated copyright year.
- Added keywords to distribution metadata.
- Tweaks to dist.ini for simplifying build.
- Include core modules in prerequisites.
v0.4.1 2018-05-08 16:14:23+01:00 Europe/London
[Bug Fixes]
- Use local variable for regex capture.
- Improve type checking.
v0.4.0 2018-05-02 20:42:40+01:00 Europe/London
- Enable strictures.
- Simplified the enum generation code, and added the ability to
specify a custom incrementing function.
- Check values against types.
- Miscellaneous improvements to the import method.
- Added note about support for older Perl versions.
- Remove unnecessary compilation test.
- Add tests for const export.
- Added better tests for enums.
- Remove core and redundant prerequisites.
- Update module metadata.
v0.3.1 2018-01-16 23:41:07+00:00 Europe/London
- Check for arrayrefs instead of unblessed arrayrefs.
- Export coderefs as well as constants.
- Add Const::Fast::const to @EXPORT_OK.
[Bug Fixes]
- Remove unnecessary test dependencies.
- Add missing developer dependency for Test::Warnings.
v0.3.0 2018-01-16 00:45:52+00:00 Europe/London
- Switch to use Ref::Util.
- Added note about dependencies.
- Add example for dynamically creating constants at runtime, #4
(B. Estrade).
- Fixed typos (B. Estrade).
- Mention Const::Fast::Exporter in SEE ALSO, #13.
- Remove note about dependencies.
- Reformat Changes document.
- Update distribution to use Dist::Zilla and POD::Weaver.
v0.2.4 2015-01-08
- No functional changes.
- Bumped copyright year.
- Bumped minimum Perl version to v5.10.1.
[Other Changes]
- Removed version from version, to workaround the issue where
Carton thinks v0.9909 < v0.77 (which is the version included
w/Perl v5.10.1 anyway).
v0.2.3 2014-08-16
[Other Changes]
- MANIFEST.SKIP updated to ignore .travis.yml.
- Fixed license in Makefile.PL to make CPANTS happy.
v0.2.2 2014-06-24
- Added testing requirements to README.
[Other Changes]
- Test::Warnings is only used if the RELEASE_TESTING variable
is set.
v0.2.1 2014-06-04
- Corrected typos in POD.
- Added requirements to README.
- Reformatted Changes.
v0.2.0 2014-05-29
[Bug Fixes]
- Bug Fix: scalar constants can have blessed values.
- Fixed typos in POD and Changes file.
- Fixed formatting of Changes file.
- Cleaned up details from README using Pod::Readme.
[Other Changes]
- Perltidied source code.
- Added QA tests to the git repo.
- Removed unnecessary dependency from Makefile.PL.
v0.1.2 2014-02-24
- Import dies if given the tag "all", since it's reserved.
- Various documentation improvements.
- Code cleanup.
v0.1.1 2014-02-23
- Added missing Changes and MANIFEST.SKIP files.
- Added additional modules to SEE ALSO section.
- Updated README.
v0.1.0 2014-02-23
- First public release of Const::Exporter.