Revision history for Perl extension Lingua::CollinsParser.

0.05  Mon Oct 15 10:17:52 CDT 2007

 - Included better instructions on how to compile this code, and how
   to tell it where the Collins Parser headers & libraries are.

0.04  Wed Aug 4 16:51:30 CDT 2004

 - Fixed a bug in the underlying Collins parser library (i.e. the
 Parser.patch file) that caused a segfault on high-ASCII characters.

0.03  Fri Jul 30 17:29:14 CDT 2004

 - Fixed a bug in the handling of punctuation tokens - they were being
   sent to STDOUT instead of being put in the parse tree.

 - Fixed a bug in how the 'npflag' flag was implemented.  It was
   supposed to remove the surrounding noun phrase tag from the tree
   entirely, but instead it just removed a few fields from the tag.
   This is now fixed.

0.02  Thu Jul 22 11:44:58 CDT 2004

 - Improved the patches to the Collins parser code so that it builds
   more cleanly on more platforms (tested on Solaris and Mac OS X).
   Also removes some spurious status messages that appeared when loading
   the grammar & events files.

0.01  Tue Jul 20 11:07:52 CDT 2004

 - original version