2015-01-27 - 1.01
    + Tidy code to init the child leash

2015-01-26 - 1.00
    + Optionally using Process::Child::Leash to make sure the remain children processes are all terminated.

2015-01-18 - 0.57
    + Let user to set timeout to the process

2014-10-30 - 0.56
    + Use environment variable to override PID_FILE, ERROR_LOG and ACCESS_LOG
    + bugfix

2014-07-08 - 0.55
    + Set environment variable USER to chown the running process
    + Set environment variable PID_FILE to specify the pid file location as well as ACCESS_LOG and ERROR_LOG
    + Set environment variable TERMINAL to leave TTY / PTTY on at the background

2014-05-25 - 0.5
    + Added stop / start / restart / graceful etc...

2014-05-24 - 0.4
    + inject environment variables
    + can run at non stop mode either sleep or pause
    + start apps in a group
    + start groups in a group
    - fix issue of ctrl-c
    ? (skip 0.3 because PAUSE thinks v0.2 is bigger than v0.3.0)

2014-05-20 - 0.3.0
    - Bugfix base dir

2014-05-19 - 0.2
    - POD Tidy

2014-05-19 - 0.1
    + First version