Revision history for lib-filter

0.06    2015-06-18 (PERLANCAR)

        - Preload Test::Builder's prerequisites before loading Test::* (thanks
          Sinan Ünür).

        - Install a simple stacktrace printer in the tests, to help debug problems.

        - Doc tweaks.

0.05    2015-05-27 (PERLANCAR)

        - No functional changes.

        - Fix tests [GH #2].

        - Add more tests.

0.04    2015-05-26 (PERLANCAR)

        - Add lib::allow, lib::disallow.

        - Tweak POD & examples.

        - Reduce use of modules (we're now down to Config,strict,warnings; no
          more experimental).

0.03    2015-05-22 (PERLANCAR)

        - Add unimport().

        - Add minimal tests.

0.02    2015-05-19 (PERLANCAR)

	- No functional changes.

	- Fix/add examples in Synopsis.

0.01    2015-04-12 (PERLANCAR)

        - First release.