Release 0.08
	Better object type checking. Object added to the installer should be one
	File:       A standard file.
	Directory:  A directory.
	Hardlink:   A file link.
	Softlink:   A symbolic link.
	Install:    An installation file used by the installer.
	Config:     A configuration file.
	Volatile:   A volatile file.
	Pipe:       A named pipe.
	Charater:   A charater special device.
	Block:      A block special device.
	InstallDir: A directory to be used by the installer then deleted.

Release 0.07
	Rationalised the API a little
	The API is still under development but is starting to get more stable
	as I get more packaging systems developed and the requirements become
	more obvious.

Release 0.06
	Added an example script.
	extended the API with the following methods

Release 0.05
        Split Software-Packager into a base module and modules for each platform

Release 0.04
	Software::Packager::Solaris	- Inital release done needs more support
		for classes to comply with the documentation.
	Software::Packager::Darwin	- basic support added.
		It seems that the MacOS X packager program creates invalid
		packages. They seem to hang on my machine when installing. Some
		more testing needs to be done.
	Software::Packager::Aix		- progressing slowly
Release 0.03
	This release is the first alpha release.
	Software::packager base API seems okay.
	Software::packager::Object seems okay.
	Software::Packager::Tar		- finished inital release
	Software::Packager::Aix		- under development
	Software::Packager::Darwin	- under development
	Software::Packager::Dec_osf	- under development
	Software::Packager::Hpux	- under development
	Software::Packager::Mswin32	- under development
	Software::Packager::Perl	- under development
	Software::Packager::Rpm		- under development
	Software::Packager::Solaris	- under development