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Created:      2017-05-15
Home page:    <>
Bug tracker:  <>
Maintainer:   Toby Inkster (TOBYINK) <>

0.007	2022-09-28

 - Include Type::Params v2 API tests. These should basically benchmark the
   same as the v1 API as both use the same code under the hood. Good as an
   example of the syntax though.
 - Update benchmarking results in pod.

0.006	2022-07-23

 - Test Type::Params with non-Type::Tiny type constraints, including
   Specio, Moose, Mouse, and Type::Nano.

0.005	2018-05-16

 - Fix name of Params::ValidationCompiler in output.
   Fixes RT#123041.

0.004	2017-05-17

 [ Packaging ]
 - Add explicit dependency on Params::Validate 1.26.

0.003	2017-05-17

 - Added: Test Params::Validate.

0.002	2017-05-16

 - Added: Support testing and benchmarking positional parameters.

0.001	2017-05-15	Initial release