#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
=head1 NAME
mcpani_remote - A command line tool to talk to a CPAN::Mini::Inject::Server
mcpani_remote [options]
-add Add a new package to the repository
-module Name of the module to add
-authorid Author ID of the module
-modversion Version number of the module
-file tar.gz file of the module
-update Update local CPAN mirror and inject modules
-inject Add modules from repository to CPAN mirror
-help brief help message
-man full documentation
-remote_server The url of the remote server to talk to
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<-add>
Add a module to the repository for later inclusion in the CPAN Mini
mirror. The add command requires the following parameters:
=over 4
=item B<-module>
This is the name of the module (ie CPAN::Mini::Inject).
=item B<-authorid>
A CPAN 'like' author ID for the module. The author ID does not need to
exist on CPAN.
=item B<-modversion>
Version number of the module. This must match the version number in the
file name.
=item B<-file>
File name and path of the module. The file name must follow the
standard CPAN naming convention (the resulting file from a
C<make tardist>).
mcpani_remote --add --module CPAN::Mini::Inject::Remote --authorid CHRISM
--modversion 0.01 --file ./CPAN-Mini-Inject-Remote-0.01.tar.gz
=item B<-help>
Print a brief help message and exits.
=item B<-man>
Prints the manual page and exits.
=item B<-remote_server>
The remote url to use to contact the CPAN server
Remote version of mcpani that talks to a CPAN::Mini::Inject::Server instance to
perform its functionality
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.04
our $VERSION = '0.04';
use Carp;
my ($help, $man);
my $verbose = 0;
my %options;
'help|?' => \$help,
'man' => \$man,
'verbose+' => \$verbose,
'remote_server=s' => \$options{remote_server},
'add' => \($options{action}->{add}),
'module=s' => \($options{add}->{module}),
'authorid=s' => \($options{add}->{authorid}),
'modversion=s' => \($options{add}->{version}),
'file=s' => \($options{add}->{file}),
'update' => \($options{action}->{update}),
'inject' => \($options{action}->{inject}),
) or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(1) if $help;
pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man;
sub get_name_version {
my $file = shift;
(my $tar = Archive::Tar->new) or die "can't new Archive::Tar";
if ($tar->read($file, { filter => qr/META/ }))
my @list = $tar->list_files([qw(name)]);
for (grep /META/, @list)
next unless my $string = $tar->get_content($_);
print $string if $verbose > 1;
next unless my $meta = CPAN::Meta->load_string($string);
(my $scan_version = $meta->version) .= '(?:_\d+)?';
my ($modversion) = $file =~ /($scan_version)/;
(my $scan_name = $meta->name) =~ s{-}{[/-]}g;
my ($modname) = map { /\b($scan_name)(\.\w+)?$/? $1 : () } @list;
$modname =~ s/\//::/g;
return ($modname, $modversion) if $modname && $modversion;
if (not (grep $options{action}->{$_}, qw/add update inject/)
and not $options{add}->{module}
and not $options{add}->{version}
and not $options{add}->{file})
my $inject;
for (@ARGV)
if (my ($modname, $modversion) = get_name_version($_))
$options{add}->{authorid} or warn "$0: authorid DUMMY\n";
my @mcpani = (
$0, '-add', '-file', $_,
'-module', $modname, '-modversion', $modversion,
'-author', $options{add}->{authorid} || 'DUMMY',
warn "@mcpani\n" if $verbose;
exit 1 unless (system @mcpani) == 0;
$options{action}->{inject} = $inject;
if (not ($options{action}->{add}
or $options{action}->{update}
or $options{action}->{inject}))
pod2usage('An action must be supplied');
if ($options{action}->{add}
and not $options{add}->{module})
pod2usage('A module name must be supplied for adding');
if ($options{action}->{add}
and not $options{add}->{authorid})
pod2usage('An authorid must be supplied for adding');
if ($options{action}->{add}
and not $options{add}->{version})
pod2usage('A module version must be supplied for adding');
if ($options{action}->{add}
and not $options{add}->{file})
pod2usage('A module file must be supplied for adding');
my $cpan_mini = CPAN::Mini::Inject::Remote->new(
? (remote_server => $options{remote_server})
: ()
if ($options{action}->{add})
exit 1 unless $cpan_mini->add(
module_name => $options{add}->{module},
author_id => $options{add}->{authorid},
version => $options{add}->{version},
file_name => $options{add}->{file},
if ($options{action}->{inject})
exit 1 unless $cpan_mini->inject()->is_success();
if ($options{action}->{update})
exit 1 unless $cpan_mini->update()->is_success();
=head1 AUTHOR
Christopher Mckay (cmckay), C<< <cmckay@iseek.com.au> >>
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc mcpani_remote
Copyright 2009 iseek Communications, all rights reserved.
This program is released under the following license: restrictive
# End of mcpani_remote