Revision history for CXC-Number

0.13      2024-05-12 16:00:28-04:00 America/New_York


    * update to work with changed API in Hash::Wrap >= 1.0

0.12      2023-04-10 13:42:39-04:00 America/New_York


    * CXC::Number::Grid
      * The object returned by ->pdl() should have returned a PDL
        ndarray object for the 'include' method instead of a Perl array.
      * the objects returned by ->pdl() and ->bignum() didn't contain
        all of the attributes of the parent object.


    * CXC::Number::Grid
      * new methods: to_string, and, and_n
      * new overloads: logical AND (&)

0.11      2023-04-03 21:16:09-04:00 America/New_York


    * CXC::Number::Grid: use of '|' overload when 'bitwise' feature
      was on resulted in a exception.

0.10      2023-04-02 17:53:43-04:00 America/New_York


    * require Perl 5.28 (not 5.26) as state variables are initialized
      in list context. CPANTesters FTW (++BINGOS, ++SREZIC)

    * CXC::Number::Grid:
      * Change "snap-to" distance in tests to see if CPAN failures are
        due to floating point comparison issues.


    * Grid constructor can accept bin boundries instead of edges

0.09      2023-04-01 21:14:51-04:00 America/New_York


    * CXC::Number::Grid
      * new methods: TO_HASH, combine_bins, not, or, or_n
      * new overloads: logical NOT (!), logical OR (|)

0.08      2022-07-27 10:09:20-04:00 America/New_York


    * fix typo in required version of Type::Tiny

0.07      2022-07-26 12:50:22-04:00 America/New_York


    * make tests work with Type::Tiny v1.016 (ANDK++)

0.06      2021-10-18 22:06:31-04:00 America/New_York


    * CXC::Number::Grid::overlay_n compared range extrema as strings instead
      of numbers.  Ooops.


    * The edges argument to CXC::Number::Grid->new can take a CXC::Number::Sequence object

0.05      2021-05-03 10:13:09-04:00 America/New_York

    * Requires at least Hash::Wrap 0.11 (RT#136409 ++srezic)

0.04      2021-04-26 17:42:41-04:00 America/New_York

    * Incorrect distribution name in meta resources (RT#136396 ++srezic)

    * Requires at least Type::Tiny 1.006 (RT#136397 ++srezic)

0.03      2021-04-26 17:42:41-04:00 America/New_York

   * initial release to CPAN