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Revision history for Carp-Parse-Redact
v1.1.5 10/10/2012
Fixed dependencies.
Cleanup of build issues.
v1.1.4 09/28/2012
* Improved indentation for better readability (Thanks, G$!)
* Include referenced LICENSE file I forgot to git add.
v1.1.3 09/26/2012
* Moved to github
* Upgraded license to GPL_3
v1.1.2 09/17/2012
* Fixed issue with trying to redact undefined arguments.
v1.1.1 05/30/2012
* Fixed formatting for function calls with only one argument.
v1.1.0 03/30/2012
* Added feature to redact using regexes.
v1.0.1 02/28/2012
* Syncing up CPAN::Meta::Converter versions with coauthor.
v1.0.0 02/28/2012
* First public release.