=head1 NAME
Catalyst::ActionSignatures::Rationale - Why use this module?

The thinking that went into building L<Catalyst::ActionSignatures>. What problems
are we trying to solve with it?  What are its pros and cons as compared to other
prior art attempts.


Classically a L<Catalyst> controller is just a plain old Perl class that inherits
from L<Catalyst::Controller>.  'Actions' are just normal subroutines that are
decorated either via method attributes or via controller configuration to indicate
to the dispatcher how an action or group of actions maps to an incoming request.
Originally a request would have one main action for each request (although certain
'special' actions like begin, auto and end could also be added to the chain of
actions associated with a request).

    package MyApp::Controller::Example;

    use Moose;
    use MooseX::MethodAttributes;

    extends 'Catalyst::Controller;

    ## http://localhost/example/myaction/$arg
    sub myaction :Local Args(1) {
      my ($self, $c, $arg) = @_;


Later when chained actions were added, that gave you the ability to assemble a
chain of command style tree of actions.  This was useful when many actions shared
some base common behaviors because it meant you could reuse behavior more easily:

    package MyApp::Controller::User;

    use Moose;
    use MooseX::MethodAttributes;

    extends 'Catalyst::Controller;

    sub find_user :Chained(/) PathPrefix CaptureArg(1) {
      my ($self, $c, $id) = @_;
      $c->stash(user =>
        $c->model('Database::User')->find($id) ||

      sub show   :Chained('find_user') Args(0) { ... }
      sub edit   :Chained('find_user') Args(0) { ... }
      sub remove :Chained('find_user') Args(0) { ... }


In this example we have created three matchable URLs:


The action 'find_user' is responsible for matching an $id to a model, and the
remaining actions use that prep work to finalize the response.  This chain or
responsibility style pattern can be used to great effect in simplifying your
code (or making a horrible mess, its really up to you...)

B<NOTE> The above example is not given as an example of the best way to create
URLs for your application, but was choosen for brevity and hope of clarity.  I'd
personally recommend staying away from 'verby' path parts and use HTTP correctly!

However a few things can be noted.  First of all the arguments passed to an action
are not configurable (you need a custom action role to change them).  They are
always "($self, $c, @args)".  This can lead to action code where you have to reach
into $c a lot, which gets verbose and also makes it a little harder to test (you
have to mock $c) and perhaps makes it harder on your maintainers since all the
verbosity can sometimes hide the main thrust of the code.

For example, if an action is going to want a User model, why not make it easy
to say "I want one"?  I think on the code readers it makes it a lot more clear
what the point of the action it (it does something with User...)

    sub myaction(User $user) {  ... }

That has the nice benefit that testing the subroutine just needs a $user, you've
removed boilerplate lookup code and you can leverage the action match system to
skip the whole 'see if the $id is in the database and if not return not_found.)
Which leads to the second point.  Ideally we'd want to use the dispatcher and
to be 'declarative' or configured and not require boilerplate code.  For example I
have code like the following all over:

    sub find_user :Chained(/) PathPrefix CaptureArg(1) {
      my ($self, $c, $id) = @_;
      $c->stash(user =>
        $c->model('Database::User')->find($id) ||

The pattern where I take some input (like arguments or POSTed form parameters)
and have code to evaluate its truth in some way (like if the $id matches a row
in a database or a bunch of form parameters meet some constraint) is pretty
common.  Ideally we'd be able to encapsulate that with a terse convention that
is also reasonable flexible later down the road as your application complexity
grows.  Using L<Catalyst::ActionSignatures> offers a possible solution.

    sub find_user( Database::User<Capture> $user) :Chained(/) PathPrefix { ... }

    sub default :Path { # User not found }

Note we can also skip declaring 'CaptureArgs(1) since L<Catalyst::ActionSignatures>
is smart enough to notice the Capture in the signature and add that to you action
configuration for you.  So we have a nice side effect that we can reduce our need
for method attributes a bit as well.

So L<Catalyst::ActionSignatures> does three things:

1) Least importantly it brings L<signatures> into your project which reduces a
bit of boilerplate code.

2) It enables you control what arguments the application passes to the action,
enabling you to use the built in L<Catalyst> dependency injection more easily
and reduces the need to reach into $context all the time.  I believe this will
make you actions more simple and straightforward.

3) It lets you leverage the built in L<Catalyst> dispatcher to evaluate those
arguments and matche or fails to match an action based on the truth value of
the requested signature dependencies.  This should result in less boilerplate
"If I have this, then do this, otherwise show a not found" code, again making
your action more simple and straightforward on the reader.

I also hope that it encourage L<Catalyst> developers to spend more time learning
how to make good use of the built in dependency management features and to
better model their application use cases.

=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Catalyst::Action>, L<Catalyst>, L<signatures>,
=head1 AUTHOR
John Napiorkowski L<email:jjnapiork@cpan.org>
Copyright 2015, John Napiorkowski L<email:jjnapiork@cpan.org>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.
