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Revision history for perl module Catalyst::Controller::AutoAssets
0.40 2017-02-02
- 'include' param now supports ScalarRef vals for direct content (VANSTYN)
- Split out inject logic to new ->_inject_single_asset_controller (VANSTYN)
0.33 2015-08-27
- Now uses CSS::Scopifier::Group for scopify (VANSTYN)
0.32 2015-05-08
- Switch to Chained controller actions - PR #5 (GETTY)
0.31 2015-02-12
- Image/Icon asset types now include *.svg files (PR #4)
0.30 2014-12-09
- Optional handling for $c->mount_url (RapidApp-only feature)
0.29 2014-06-17
- More fixes for Win32 compatibility
0.28 2014-06-06
- Changed locking code to be cross-platform (flock) and more
robust by using a scoped lock object
0.27 2014-05-26
- Fixed bug in detecting changes to directory asset subfiles
0.26 2014-05-13
- Log messages now suppressed in the same manner as Static::Simple
0.25 2014-04-23
- Built asset messages now only log in debug mode
0.24 2013-07-24
- Added Changes file, following the format in CPAN::Changes::Spec
- CSS::Scopifier/CSS::Tiny errors now fatal
- Requires CSS::Scopifier 0.02