$DBICx::Hooks::Registry::VERSION = '0.003';
# ABSTRACT: Manage the DBICx::Hooks registry of callbacks
use strict;
use Carp 'confess';
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
@DBICx::Hooks::Registry::EXPORT = qw( dbic_hooks_register dbic_hooks_for );
my %registry;
sub dbic_hooks_register {
my ($source, $action, $cb) = @_;
$source = _source_for($source);
confess("Missing required first parameter 'source', ")
unless $source;
confess("Missing required second parameter 'action', ")
unless $action;
"Action '$action' not supported, only 'create', 'update' or 'delete', ")
unless $action eq 'create'
or $action eq 'update'
or $action eq 'delete';
confess("Missing required third parameter 'callback', ")
unless $cb;
confess("Parameter 'callback' must be a coderef, ")
unless ref($cb) eq 'CODE';
my $list = $registry{$source}{$action} ||= [];
push @$list, $cb;
sub dbic_hooks_for {
my ($source, $action) = @_;
$source = _source_for($source);
my $list = [];
$list = $registry{$source}{$action}
if exists $registry{$source} and exists $registry{$source}{$action};
return @$list if wantarray;
return scalar(@$list);
sub _source_for {
my $t = $_[0];
return $t unless blessed($t);
return $t->result_source->result_class if $t->can('result_source');
confess("Invalid 'source' argument '$t', ");
=head1 NAME
DBICx::Hooks::Registry - Manage the DBICx::Hooks registry of callbacks
=head1 VERSION
version 0.003
use DBICx::Hooks::Registry;
dbic_hooks_register('My::Schema::Result::MySource', 'create', sub {
my ($row) = @_;
print "A new row was created, id is ", $row->id, "\n";
dbic_hooks_register('My::Schema::Result::MySource', 'update', sub {
my ($row) = @_;
print "The row with id is ", $row->id, " was updated\n";
To register a callback with a specific Source/Action pair, you use this
registry functions.
=head2 dbic_hooks_register
dbic_hooks_register('Source', 'Action', sub { my $row = shift; ... });
dbic_hooks_register($row_obj, 'Action', sub { my $row = shift; ... });
dbic_hooks_register($rs_obj, 'Action', sub { my $row = shift; ... });
The C<dbic_hooks_register> function takes a pair C<Source>/C<Action> and
a callback. The callback will be called after the specified C<Action> is
performed on C<Source>.
The following C<Action>'s are supported: C<create>, C<update> and
The C<create> action will be called after a new row is created on C<Source>.
The C<update> action is called when the update() method is called on a
L<DBIx::Class::Row|DBIx::Class::Row> object. Note that if all the fields
are updated to the same values as the current ones, no C<UPDATE> SQL
command is actually sent to the database server, but the callback will
be called anyway.
The C<delete> action is called after the row is deleted.
All the callbacks receive a single parameter, the
L<DBIx::Class::Row|DBIx::Class::Row> object that was created or
=head2 dbic_hooks_for
@list_of_cbs = dbic_hooks_for('Source', 'Action');
@list_of_cbs = dbic_hooks_for($row_obj, 'Action');
@list_of_cbs = dbic_hooks_for($rs_obj, 'Action');
Returns in list context a possibly empty list of callbacks for a pair
C<Source>/C<Action>. In scalar context returns the number of elements
in the list.
=head1 AUTHOR
Pedro Melo <>
This software is Copyright (c) 2011 by Pedro Melo.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0