use strict;
use Archive::Zip ();
use Carp;
sub new {
my ($class, $archive) = @_;
my $self = bless {
_data => [],
_is_string => 0,
_is_ph => 0,
_buf => '',
}, $class;
my $fh = File::Temp->new( SUFFIX => '.xml' ) or confess "couldn't create temporary file: $!";
my $handle = $archive->shared_strings or return $self;
confess 'Failed to write temporary file: ', $fh->filename
unless $handle->extractToFileNamed($fh->filename) == Archive::Zip::AZ_OK;
my $parser = XML::Parser::Expat->new(Namespaces=>1);
Start => sub { $self->_start(@_) },
End => sub { $self->_end(@_) },
Char => sub { $self->_char(@_) },
sub count {
my ($self) = @_;
scalar @{ $self->{_data} };
sub get {
my ($self, $index) = @_;
sub _start {
my ($self, $parser, $name, %attrs) = @_;
$self->{_is_string} = 1 if $name eq 'si';
$self->{_is_ph} = 1 if $name eq 'rPh';
sub _end {
my ($self, $parser, $name) = @_;
if ($name eq 'si') {
$self->{_is_string} = 0;
push @{ $self->{_data} }, $self->{_buf};
$self->{_buf} = '';
$self->{_is_ph} = 0 if $name eq 'rPh';
sub _char {
my ($self, $parser, $data) = @_;
$self->{_buf} .= $data if $self->{_is_string} && !$self->{_is_ph};
=head1 NAME
Data::XLSX::Parser::SharedStrings - SharedStrings class of Data::XLSX::Parser
Data::XLSX::Parser::SharedStrings parses the SharedStrings of the workbook and provides methods to get the shared string by the passed index and the count of contained shared strings.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 get
get the shared string by the passed index
=head2 count
get the count of contained shared strings.
=head1 AUTHOR
Daisuke Murase <>