Revision history for Defaults-Mauke
0.10 2014-12-06
* upgrade to Function::Parameters 1.06
* depend on perl 5.16 and load all of its features (except switch)
0.09 2012-06-25
* use Function::Parameters in strict mode if possible
0.08 2012-06-19
* upgrade to Function::Parameters 0.06
* use indirect ':fatal'
0.071 2011-08-08
* skip failing tests on 5.8
0.07 2011-08-02
* add Function::Parameters back in
0.06 2010-06-06
* remove Function::Parameters
0.05 2010-03-08
* use import_into from Function::Parameters 0.04
* add a a basic compile/load test
0.04 2009-12-14
First version, released on an unsuspecting world.