The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.


Pull requests to Github repository of this module are welcome

Here you can also report bugs and issues

Some notes about module arch and methods

Auto splice childs

If we filter some frame from trace we should also filter all its childs

Public module detection

To detect is module public or no _is_cpan_published method used

Detection is not trivial so I added $severity parameter

Some examples:

There is no distro Sub::Defer but it's part of Sub-Quote distro

Method::Generate::Constructor is part of Moo package

main - all root script sub calls will be shown with main:: namespace, but main module is part of Nagios-Plugin-POP3


Session - published on CPAN, but each project can have package with same name


To distinguish is module public or it's better to base on cpanfile and @INC location if no cpanfile

Also good idea is to check config of popular package managers - cpan, cpanm and cpm