use 5.010001; use strict; use warnings; package Dist::Inktly::Minty; our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:TOBYINK'; our $VERSION = '0.005'; use Carp; use File::chdir; use Path::Tiny 'path'; use Software::License; use Text::Template; use URI::Escape qw[]; { my %templates; my $key = undef; while (my $line = <DATA>) { if ($line =~ /^COMMENCE\s+(.+)\s*$/) { $key = $1; } elsif (defined $key) { $templates{$key} .= $line; } } sub _has_template { my $class = shift; my ($key) = @_; exists $templates{$key}; } sub _get_template { my $class = shift; my ($key) = @_; 'Text::Template'->new(-type=>'string', -source=>$templates{$key}); } sub _get_template_names { my $class = shift; return keys %templates; } } sub _fill_in_template { my $self = shift; my ($template) = @_; $template = $self->_get_template($template) unless ref $template; my %hash = (); while (my ($k, $v) = each %$self) { $hash{$k} = ref $v ? \$v : $v; } $template->fill_in(-hash => \%hash); } sub _file { my $self = shift; my $file = path( $self->{destination}, sprintf('p5-%s', lc($self->{dist_name})) )->child($_[0]); $file->parent->mkpath; return $file; } sub create { my $class = shift; my ($name, %options) = @_; $options{module_name} = $name; $options{dist_name} = $name; if ($name =~ /::/) { $options{dist_name} =~ s/::/-/g; } elsif ($name =~ /\-/) { $options{module_name} =~ s/\-/::/g; } my $self = bless \%options, $class; $self->set_defaults; $self->create_module; $self->create_dist_ini; $self->create_metadata; $self->create_tests; $self->create_author_tests; $self->run_then; return $self; } sub set_defaults { my $self = shift; croak "Need an author name." unless defined $self->{author}{name}; croak "Need an author cpanid." unless defined $self->{author}{cpanid}; $self->{author}{cpanid} = lc $self->{author}{cpanid}; $self->{author}{mbox} ||= sprintf('', $self->{author}{cpanid}); $self->{backpan} ||= sprintf('', substr(uc $self->{author}{cpanid}, 0, 1), substr(uc $self->{author}{cpanid}, 0, 2), uc $self->{author}{cpanid}, ); $self->{abstract} ||= 'a module that does something-or-other'; $self->{version} ||= '0.001'; $self->{version_ident} = 'v_'.$self->{version}; $self->{version_ident} =~ s/\./-/g; $self->{destination} ||= './'; unless ($self->{module_filename}) { $self->{module_filename} = 'lib::'.$self->{module_name}; $self->{module_filename} =~ s/::/\//g; $self->{module_filename} .= '.pm'; } unless ($self->{unit_test_filename}) { $self->{unit_test_filename} = $self->{module_filename}; $self->{unit_test_filename} =~ s/\.pm$/\.t/; $self->{unit_test_filename} =~ s/lib/t\/unit/; } $self->{copyright}{holder} ||= $self->{author}{name}; $self->{copyright}{year} ||= 1900 + [localtime]->[5]; $self->{licence_class} ||= 'Software::License::Perl_5'; eval sprintf('use %s;', $self->{licence_class}); $self->{licence} = $self->{licence_class}->new({ year => $self->{copyright}{year}, holder => $self->{copyright}{holder}, }); } sub create_module { my $self = shift; $self->_file( $self->{module_filename} )->spew( $self->_fill_in_template('module') ); return; } sub create_dist_ini { my $self = shift; $self->_file('dist.ini')->spew($self->_fill_in_template('dist.ini')); return; } sub create_metadata { my $self = shift; $self->_file($_)->spew($self->_fill_in_template($_)) for grep { m#^meta/# } $self->_get_template_names; return; } sub create_tests { my $self = shift; $self->_file($_)->spew($self->_fill_in_template($_)) for grep { m#^t/# } $self->_get_template_names; mkdir( $self->_file('t/unit') ); mkdir( $self->_file('t/integration') ); $self->_file( $self->{unit_test_filename} )->spew( $self->_fill_in_template('unit-test') ); return; } sub create_author_tests { my $self = shift; $self->_file($_)->spew($self->_fill_in_template($_)) for grep { m#^xt/# } $self->_get_template_names; my $xtdir = path("~/perl5/xt"); if ( $xtdir->exists ) { $self->_file("xt/" . $_->relative($xtdir))->spew(scalar $_->slurp) for grep { $_ =~ /\.t$/ } $xtdir->children; } return; } sub run_then { my $self = shift; ref $self->{then} or return; my $dir = path( $self->{destination}, sprintf('p5-%s', lc($self->{dist_name})), ); local $CWD = "$dir"; system($_) for @{ $self->{then} }; } 1; =head1 NAME Dist::Inktly::Minty - create distributions that will use Dist::Inkt =head1 SYNOPSIS distinkt-mint Local::Example::Useful =head1 STATUS Experimental. =head1 DESCRIPTION Sets up a new distribution in the style TOBYINK likes. This package provides just one (class) method: =over =item C<< Dist::Inktly::Minty->create($distname, %options) >> Create a distribution directory including all needed files. =back There are various methods that may be useful for people subclassing this class to look at (and possibly override). =over =item C<< set_defaults >> =item C<< create_module >> =item C<< create_dist_ini >> =item C<< create_metadata >> =item C<< create_tests >> =item C<< create_author_tests >> =back =head1 SEE ALSO L<Dist::Inkt>. =head1 AUTHOR Toby Inkster E<lt>tobyink@cpan.orgE<gt>. =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE This software is copyright (c) 2013-2023 by Toby Inkster. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =head1 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. =cut __DATA__ COMMENCE module use 5.010001; use strict; use warnings; package {$module_name}; our $AUTHORITY = 'cpan:{uc $author->{cpanid}}'; our $VERSION = '{$version}'; 1; {}__END__ {}=pod {}=encoding utf-8 {}=head1 NAME {$module_name} - {$abstract} {}=head1 SYNOPSIS {}=head1 DESCRIPTION {}=head1 BUGS Please report any bugs to L<{lc $author->{cpanid}}/p5-{lc URI::Escape::uri_escape($dist_name)}/issues>. {}=head1 SEE ALSO {}=head1 AUTHOR {$author->{name}} E<lt>{$author->{mbox}}E<gt>. {}=head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE {$licence->notice} {}=head1 DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES THIS PACKAGE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. COMMENCE dist.ini ;;class='Dist::Inkt::Profile::TOBYINK' ;;name='{$dist_name}' COMMENCE meta/changes.pret # This file acts as the project's changelog. `{$dist_name} {$version} cpan:{uc $author->{cpanid}}` issued {sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', 1900+(localtime)[5], 1+(localtime)[4], (localtime)[3])}; label "Initial release". COMMENCE meta/doap.pret # This file contains general metadata about the project. @prefix : <>. `{$dist_name}` :programming-language "Perl" ; :shortdesc "{$abstract}"; :homepage <{URI::Escape::uri_escape($dist_name)}>; :download-page <{URI::Escape::uri_escape($dist_name)}>; :bug-database <{lc $author->{cpanid}}/p5-{lc URI::Escape::uri_escape($dist_name)}/issues>; :repository [ a :GitRepository; :browse <{lc $author->{cpanid}}/p5-{lc URI::Escape::uri_escape($dist_name)}> ]; :created {sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', 1900+(localtime)[5], 1+(localtime)[4], (localtime)[3])}; :license <{$licence->url}>; :maintainer cpan:{uc $author->{cpanid}}; :developer cpan:{uc $author->{cpanid}}. <{$licence->url}> dc:title "{$licence->name}". COMMENCE meta/people.pret # This file contains data about the project developers. @prefix : <>. cpan:{uc $author->{cpanid}} :name "{$author->{name}}"; :page <{uc $author->{cpanid}}>; :mbox <mailto:{$author->{mbox}}>. COMMENCE meta/makefile.pret # This file provides instructions for packaging. @prefix : <>. `{$dist_name}` :runtime-requirement [ :on "perl 5.010001"^^:CpanId ]; :test-requirement [ :on "Test2::V0"^^:CpanId ]; :test-requirement [ :on "Test2::Tools::Spec"^^:CpanId ]; :test-requirement [ :on "Test2::Require::AuthorTesting"^^:CpanId ]; :test-requirement [ :on "Test2::Require::Module"^^:CpanId ]; :test-requirement [ :on "Test2::Plugin::BailOnFail"^^:CpanId ]; :develop-recommendation [ :on "Dist::Inkt 0.001"^^:CpanId ]; . COMMENCE t/01basic.t {}=pod {}=encoding utf-8 {}=head1 PURPOSE Test that {$module_name} compiles. {}=head1 AUTHOR {$author->{name}} E<lt>{$author->{mbox}}E<gt>. {}=head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE {$licence->notice} {}=cut use Test2::V0; use Test2::Plugin::BailOnFail; use {$module_name} (); pass 'compiles ok'; done_testing; COMMENCE t/00start.t {}=pod {}=encoding utf-8 {}=head1 PURPOSE Print version numbers, etc. {}=head1 AUTHOR {$author->{name}} E<lt>{$author->{mbox}}E<gt>. {}=head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE {$licence->notice} {}=cut use Test2::V0; my @modules = qw( Carp Test2::V0 ); diag "\n####"; for my $mod ( sort @modules ) \{ eval "require $mod;"; diag sprintf( '%-20s %s', $mod, $mod->VERSION ); \} diag "####"; pass; done_testing; COMMENCE unit-test {}=pod {}=encoding utf-8 {}=head1 PURPOSE Unit tests for L<{$module_name}>. {}=head1 AUTHOR {$author->{name}} E<lt>{$author->{mbox}}E<gt>. {}=head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE {$licence->notice} {}=cut use Test2::V0 -target => '{$module_name}'; use Test2::Tools::Spec; use Data::Dumper; describe "class `$CLASS`" => sub \{ tests 'blah blah blah' => sub \{ pass; \}; \}; done_testing;