The London Perl and Raku Workshop takes place on 26th Oct 2024. If your company depends on Perl, please consider sponsoring and/or attending.

Version 0.5:

2007-05-11  wd  <>

	* Renamed to Fortran::F90Namelist and Fortran::F90Namelist::Group

	* Support for lvalues of type  `array(2,3,5)=...'

	* Support for old-style (F77) markers $name ... $end

	* Using Test::Pod::Snippets to test POD code snippets

	* Added flatten(), first(), nth(), pop(), delete(), insert()
	  methods for Namelist::Group objects

	* Added broken => 1 option for some namelists produced by ifc v. 7

	* Supports Pathscale compiler namelists (quite compact format)

Version 0.3:
2005-05-19  wd  <>

	* Now supports double precision complex numbers

Version 0.2:

2005-02-05  wd  <>

	* Object format now accomodates only one namelist (not completely
	  documented yet); to parse several namelists, there will be a
	  merge() method

	* Implemented two output formats `f90' and `idl', which seem to
	  work with logicals, floats, complex numbers and strings

Version 0.1:

2004-12-05  wd  <>

	* First version (0.1)

;; For Emacs:
;; Local Variables:
;; mode: change-log
;; change-log-default-name: "Changes"
;; add-log-full-name: "wd"
;; add-log-mailing-address: ""
;; End: