=head1 NAME
An GOBO::Parsers::Parser that parses OBO Files.
Mostly identical to GOBO::Parsers::OBOParser but uses a dispatch table rather than an if/else cascade
use Moose;
#use base
has header_check_sub => (is=>'rw', isa=>'CodeRef', writer => 'set_header_check_sub', reader => 'get_header_check_sub', default=>sub{ return sub { return 1 }; });
has stanza_check_sub => (is=>'rw', isa=>'CodeRef', writer => 'set_stanza_check_sub', reader => 'get_stanza_check_sub', default=>sub{ return sub { return 1 }; });
has tag_check_sub => (is=>'rw', isa=>'CodeRef', writer => 'set_tag_check_sub', reader => 'get_tag_check_sub', default=>sub{ return sub { return 1 }; });
my $body_subs = {
"id" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
# print STDERR "node before: " . Dumper(${$args->{node}}) . "\n";
if ($args->{stanzaclass} eq 'term') {
${$args->{node}} = ${$args->{graph}}->add_term($args->{value});
elsif ($args->{stanzaclass} eq 'typedef') {
${$args->{node}} = ${$args->{graph}}->add_relation($args->{value});
elsif ($args->{stanzaclass} eq 'instance') {
${$args->{node}} = ${$args->{graph}}->instance_noderef($args->{value});
elsif ($args->{stanzaclass} eq 'annotation') {
else {
warn "Unknown stanza class " . $args->{stanzaclass};
if (!${$args->{node}}) {
die "cannot parse: $_";
${$args->{node}}->namespace($self->default_namespace) if (!${$args->{node}}->namespace && $self->default_namespace);
# print STDERR "node now: " . Dumper(${$args->{node}}) . "\n";
"name" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
"namespace" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
"alt_id" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
"def" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $vals = [];
$args->{node}->definition($vals->[0]); # TODO
if ($vals->[1] && @{$vals->[1]}) {
$args->{node}->definition_xrefs( [ map { $_ = new GOBO::Node({ id => $_ }) } @{$vals->[1]} ]);
"is_obsolete" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
if ($args->{value} eq 'true')
{ $args->{node}->obsolete(1);
"property_value" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $vals = [];
$args->{node}->add_property_value($vals->[0], $vals->[1]); # TODO
"comment" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
"subset" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $ss = $args->{graph}->subset_noderef($args->{value});
if ($self->liberal_mode && ! $args->{graph}->subset_index->{$ss->id})
{ print STDERR $args->{value} . " was not in the subset index. Crap!\n";
$args->{graph}->subset_index->{$args->{value}} = $ss;
"consider" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
"replaced_by" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
"created_by" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
"creation_date" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
"synonym" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $vals = [];
my $syn = new GOBO::Synonym(label=>shift @$vals);
my $xrefs = pop @$vals;
if (@$vals) {
$syn->scope(shift @$vals);
else {
warn "no scope specified: $_";
if ($vals->[0] && !ref($vals->[0])) {
$syn->type(shift @$vals);
"xref" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
"is_a" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
if ($args->{value} =~ /^(\S+)(.*)/) {
# my $tn = $self->getnode($1, $args->{stanzaclass} eq 'typedef' ? 'r' : 'c');
my $tn;
if ($args->{stanzaclass} eq 'typedef')
{ $tn = $args->{graph}->relation_noderef($1);
{ $tn = $args->{graph}->term_noderef($1);
my $s = new GOBO::LinkStatement(node=>$args->{node},relation=>'is_a',target=>$tn);
if ($args->{stanzaclass} eq 'typedef') {
"relationship" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
if ($args->{value} =~ /(\S+)\s+(\S+)(.*)/) {
my $rn = $args->{graph}->relation_noderef($1);
# my $tn = $self->getnode($2, $args->{stanzaclass} eq 'typedef' ? 'r' : 'c');
my $tn;
if ($args->{stanzaclass} eq 'typedef')
{ $tn = $args->{graph}->relation_noderef($2);
{ $tn = $args->{graph}->term_noderef($2);
my $s = new GOBO::LinkStatement(node=>$args->{node},relation=>$rn,target=>$tn);
"complement_of" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
# my $tn = $self->getnode($args->{value}, $args->{stanzaclass} eq 'typedef' ? 'r' : 'c');
my $tn;
if ($args->{stanzaclass} eq 'typedef')
{ $tn = $args->{graph}->relation_noderef($args->{value});
{ $tn = $args->{graph}->term_noderef($args->{value});
"disjoint_from" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
# my $tn = $self->getnode($args->{value}, $args->{stanzaclass} eq 'typedef' ? 'r' : 'c');
my $tn;
if ($args->{stanzaclass} eq 'typedef')
{ $tn = $args->{graph}->relation_noderef($args->{value});
{ $tn = $args->{graph}->term_noderef($args->{value});
"domain" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
# my $tn = $self->getnode($args->{value}, 'c');
my $tn = $args->{graph}->term_noderef($args->{value});
"range" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
# my $tn = $self->getnode($args->{value}, 'c');
my $tn = $args->{graph}->term_noderef($args->{value});
"disjoint_over" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
# my $tn = $self->getnode($args->{value}, 'r');
my $tn = $args->{graph}->relation_noderef($args->{value});
"inverse_of" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
# my $tn = $self->getnode($args->{value}, 'r');
my $tn = $args->{graph}->relation_noderef($args->{value});
"inverse_of_on_instance_level" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
# my $tn = $self->getnode($args->{value}, 'r');
my $tn = $args->{graph}->relation_noderef($args->{value});
"instance_of" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
if ($args->{value} =~ /^(\S+)/)
{ #my $tn = $self->getnode($1, 'c');
my $tn = $args->{graph}->term_noderef($1);
"equivalent_to" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
# my $tn = $self->getnode($args->{value}, $args->{stanzaclass} eq 'typedef' ? 'r' : 'c');
my $tn;
if ($args->{stanzaclass} eq 'typedef')
{ $tn = $args->{graph}->relation_noderef($args->{value});
{ $tn = $args->{graph}->term_noderef($args->{value});
"intersection_of" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
# TODO: generalize
if ($args->{value} =~ /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)/) {
my $rn = $args->{graph}->relation_noderef($1);
# my $tn = $self->getnode($2, $args->{stanzaclass} eq 'typedef' ? 'r' : 'c');
my $tn;
if ($args->{stanzaclass} eq 'typedef')
{ $tn = $args->{graph}->relation_noderef($2);
{ $tn = $args->{graph}->term_noderef($2);
my $s = new GOBO::LinkStatement(node=>$args->{node},relation=>$rn,target=>$tn, is_intersection=>1);
elsif ($args->{value} =~ /^(\S+)/) {
# my $tn = $self->getnode($1, $args->{stanzaclass} eq 'typedef' ? 'r' : 'c');
my $tn;
if ($args->{stanzaclass} eq 'typedef')
{ $tn = $args->{graph}->relation_noderef($1);
{ $tn = $args->{graph}->term_noderef($1);
my $s = new GOBO::LinkStatement(node=>$args->{node},relation=>'is_a',target=>$tn, is_intersection=>1);
else {
$self->throw("badly formatted intersection: $_");
"union_of" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
# my $u = $self->getnode($args->{value}, $args->{stanzaclass} eq 'typedef' ? 'r' : 'c');
my $u;
if ($args->{stanzaclass} eq 'typedef')
{ $u = $args->{graph}->relation_noderef($args->{value});
{ $u = $args->{graph}->term_noderef($args->{value});
my $ud = $args->{node}->union_definition;
if (!$ud) {
$ud = new GOBO::ClassExpression::Union;
"transitive_over" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $rn = $args->{graph}->relation_noderef($args->{value});
"holds_over_chain" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
# my @rels = map { $self->getnode($_,'r') } split(' ',$args->{value});
my @rels = map { $args->{graph}->relation_noderef($_) } split(' ',$args->{value});
"equivalent_to_chain" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
# my @rels = map { $self->getnode($_,'r') } split(' ',$args->{value});
my @rels = map { $args->{graph}->relation_noderef($_) } split(' ',$args->{value});
"is_" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $att = $args->{tag};
if ($args->{value} eq 'true')
{ $args->{node}->$att( 1 );
# TODO: check!
# following for annotation stanzas only
"subject" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
# $args->{node}->node($self->getnode($args->{value}));
"relation" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
# $args->{node}->relation($self->getnode($args->{value},'r'));
"object" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
# $args->{node}->target($self->getnode($args->{value}));
"description" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
"source" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
# $args->{node}->provenance($self->getnode($args->{value}));
"assigned_by" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
# $args->{node}->source($self->getnode($args->{value}));
"formula" => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
my $vals = [];
my $f = new GOBO::Formula(text=>$vals->[0],
my $header_subs = {
'subsetdef' => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
# subsetdef: gosubset_prok "Prokaryotic GO subset"
if ($args->{value} =~ /^(\S+)\s+\"(.*)\"/)
{ my ($id,$label) = ($1,$2);
my $ss = new GOBO::Subset(id=>$id, label=>$label);
$args->{graph}->subset_index->{$id} = $ss;
else {
warn "Uh-oh... subset value " . $args->{value};
'date' => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
'remark' => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
'data-version' => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
'default' => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
'default-namespace' => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
'format-version' => sub {
my ($self, $args) = @_;
override 'parse_header' => sub {
#sub parse_header {
my $self = shift;
my $g = $self->graph;
my $header_check = $self->get_header_check_sub;
$/ = "\n";
while($_ = $self->next_line) {
next unless /\S/;
if (/^\[/) {
if (/^(\S+):\s*(.*?)$/) {
next unless &$header_check($1);
if ($header_subs->{$1})
{ $header_subs->{$1}->($self, { tag => $1, value => $2, graph => $g });
{ $header_subs->{default}->($self, { tag => $1, value => $2, graph => $g });
# set the parse_header to 1
=head2 parse_header_from_array
Get a header from an array of lines, rather than passing in a file
input: self, args with $args->{graph} being a Graph object
output: the Graph object
sub parse_header_from_array {
my $self = shift;
my $args = shift;
my $g = $args->{graph} || new GOBO::Graph;
my $header_check = $self->get_header_check_sub;
foreach (@{$args->{array}})
{ next unless /\S/;
if (/^\[/) {
# body starts here
if (/^(\S+):\s*(.*?)$/) {
next unless &$header_check($1);
if ($header_subs->{$1})
{ $header_subs->{$1}->($self, { tag => $1, value => $2, graph => $g });
{ $header_subs->{default}->($self, { tag => $1, value => $2, graph => $g });
return $g;
override 'parse_body' => sub {
#sub parse_body {
my $self = shift;
my $stanza_check = $self->get_stanza_check_sub;
my $tag_check = $self->get_tag_check_sub;
if ($self->has_body_parser_options && $self->body_parser_options->{ignore_all})
{ # ignore the whole thing
# no more body parsing required
# warn "Found that I don't have to parse the body. Returning!";
my $stanzaclass;
my $n;
my @anns = ();
my $g = $self->graph;
while($_ = $self->next_line) {
next unless /\S/;
if (/^\[(\S+)\]/) {
undef $n;
$stanzaclass = lc($1);
next unless &$stanza_check( $stanzaclass );
# print STDERR "passed the stanza check!\n";
if ($stanzaclass eq 'annotation') {
$n = new GOBO::Annotation;
push(@anns, $n);
if (/^id:\s*(.*)\s*$/) {
# print STDERR "id: $1; stanzaclass: $stanzaclass; node: " . Dumper($n) . "\n";
$body_subs->{id}->($self, { value => $1, graph => \$g, node => \$n, stanzaclass => $stanzaclass });
# print STDERR "node: " . Dumper($n) . "\n";
if (/^(.*?):\s*/) {
next unless &$tag_check( $stanzaclass, $1 );
# print STDERR "passed the tag check!\n";
s/\!.*//; # TODO
if (/^(.*?):\s*(.*)$/) {
if ($body_subs->{$1}) {
$body_subs->{$1}->($self, { tag => $1, value => $2, graph => $g, node => $n, stanzaclass => $stanzaclass });
elsif (/^is_(\w+):\s*(\w+)/) {
$body_subs->{'is_'}->($self, { tag => $1, value => $2, graph => $g, node => $n } );
# we don't know what's going on here!
warn "ignored: $_";
if (@anns) {
=head2 parse_body_from_array
Get a graph from an array of lines, rather than passing in a file
input: self, args with $args->{graph} being a Graph object
output: the Graph object
sub parse_body_from_array {
my $self = shift;
my $args = shift;
my $g = $args->{graph} || new GOBO::Graph;
confess( (caller(0))[3] . ": missing required arguments" ) unless defined $g && $args->{array} && @{$args->{array}};
my $stanza_check = $self->get_stanza_check_sub;
my $tag_check = $self->get_tag_check_sub;
if ($self->has_body_parser_options && $self->body_parser_options->{ignore_all})
{ # ignore the whole thing
# no more body parsing required
# warn "Found that I don't have to parse the body. Returning!";
my $stanzaclass;
my $n;
my @anns = ();
foreach (@{$args->{array}})
{ next unless /\S/;
if (/^\[(\S+)\]/) {
undef $n;
$stanzaclass = lc($1);
next unless &$stanza_check( $stanzaclass );
# print STDERR "passed the stanza check!\n";
if ($stanzaclass eq 'annotation') {
$n = new GOBO::Annotation;
push(@anns, $n);
if (/^id:\s*(.*)\s*$/) {
# print STDERR "id: $1; stanzaclass: $stanzaclass; node: " . Dumper($n) . "\n";
$body_subs->{id}->($self, { value => $1, graph => \$g, node => \$n, stanzaclass => $stanzaclass });
# print STDERR "node: " . Dumper($n) . "\n";
if (/^(.*?):\s*/) {
next unless &$tag_check( $stanzaclass, $1 );
# print STDERR "passed the tag check!\n";
s/\!.*//; # TODO
if (/^(.*?):\s*(.*)$/) {
if ($body_subs->{$1}) {
$body_subs->{$1}->($self, { tag => $1, value => $2, graph => $g, node => $n, stanzaclass => $stanzaclass });
elsif (/^is_(\w+):\s*(\w+)/) {
$body_subs->{'is_'}->($self, { tag => $1, value => $2, graph => $g, node => $n } );
# we don't know what's going on here!
warn "ignored: $_";
if (@anns) {
return $g;
sub _parse_vals {
## validate the options that we have
override 'check_options' => sub {
#sub check_my_options {
my $self = shift;
my $options = $self->options;
if ($options && values %$options)
{ # get rid of any existing options
## see if we have any settings for parsing the header
if ($options->{header} && keys %{$options->{header}})
if ($options->{header}{ignore} && $options->{header}{parse_only})
{ warn "Warning: both ignore and parse_only specified in header parsing options; using setting in parse_only";
# parse_only takes priority
if ($options->{header}{parse_only})
{ if (ref $options->{header}{parse_only} && ref $options->{header}{parse_only} eq 'ARRAY')
{ $self->set_header_parser_options({ parse_only => $options->{header}{parse_only} });
my $arr = $options->{header}{parse_only};
$self->set_header_check_sub( sub {
my $t = shift;
return 1 if grep { $t eq $_ } @$arr;
return undef;
} );
{ warn "wrong header options format";
elsif ($options->{header}{ignore})
{ if (! ref $options->{header}{ignore} && $options->{header}{ignore} eq '*')
{ $self->set_header_parser_options({ ignore_all => 1 });
$self->set_header_check_sub( sub { return undef; } );
elsif (ref $options->{header}{ignore} && ref $options->{header}{ignore} eq 'ARRAY')
{ $self->set_header_parser_options({ ignore => $options->{header}{ignore} });
my $arr = $self->header_parser_options->{ignore};
$self->set_header_check_sub( sub {
my $t = shift;
return 1 unless grep { $t eq $_ } @$arr;
return undef;
} );
{ warn "wrong header options format";
## check the body parsing options
if ($options->{body} && keys %{$options->{body}})
{ my $b_hash;
if ($options->{body}{ignore} && $options->{body}{parse_only})
{ warn "Warning: both ignore and parse_only specified in body parsing options; using setting in parse_only";
# parse_only takes priority
if ($options->{body}{parse_only})
{ if (ref $options->{body}{parse_only} && ref $options->{body}{parse_only} eq 'HASH')
{ ## stanza types
foreach my $s_type (keys %{$options->{body}{parse_only}})
{ # s_type = '*'
if (! ref $options->{body}{parse_only}{$s_type} && $options->{body}{parse_only}{$s_type} eq '*')
{ $b_hash->{$s_type} = ['*'];
# s_type = [ tag, tag, tag ]
elsif (ref $options->{body}{parse_only}{$s_type} && ref $options->{body}{parse_only}{$s_type} eq 'ARRAY')
{ $b_hash->{$s_type} = $options->{body}{parse_only}{$s_type};
# print STDERR "b hash: " . Dumper($b_hash);
if ($b_hash)
{ $self->set_body_parser_options({ parse_only => $b_hash });
# parse this stanza if the stanza type exists in the parse_only set
# otherwise, go to the next stanza
$self->set_stanza_check_sub( sub {
my $s = shift;
return 1 if $b_hash->{$s};
$self->next_stanza([ keys %$b_hash ]);
return undef;
} );
# if the stanza type exists and the tag exists, we're good
# otherwise, go to the next stanza
$self->set_tag_check_sub( sub {
my ($s, $t) = @_;
if ($b_hash->{$s})
{ if ( $b_hash->{$s}[0] eq '*' || grep { $t eq $_ } @{$b_hash->{$s}} )
{ return 1;
return undef;
# we should have already caught incorrect stanzas, but n'mind...
warn "Incorrect stanza type!\n";
$self->next_stanza([ keys %$b_hash ]);
return undef;
} );
{ warn "wrong body options format";
elsif ($options->{body}{ignore})
{ if (ref $options->{body}{ignore} && ref $options->{body}{ignore} eq 'HASH')
{ ## stanza types
foreach my $s_type (keys %{$options->{body}{ignore}})
{ # s_type = '*'
if (! ref $options->{body}{ignore}{$s_type} && $options->{body}{ignore}{$s_type} eq '*')
{ $b_hash->{$s_type} = ['*'];
# s_type = [ tag, tag, tag ]
elsif (ref $options->{body}{ignore}{$s_type} && ref $options->{body}{ignore}{$s_type} eq 'ARRAY')
{ $b_hash->{$s_type} = $options->{body}{ignore}{$s_type};
if ($b_hash)
{ $self->set_body_parser_options({ ignore => $b_hash });
my @ignore_all = grep { $b_hash->{$_}[0] eq '*' } keys %$b_hash;
if (@ignore_all)
{ # ignore this stanza if the stanza type exists in the ignore all set
$self->set_stanza_check_sub( sub {
my $s = shift;
if (grep { $s eq $_ } @ignore_all)
{ $self->next_stanza(\@ignore_all, 'ignore');
return undef;
return 1;
} );
# ignore the stanza if the stanza type exists in the ignore set
# skip the line if the line type exists or the full stanza is to be ignored
$self->set_tag_check_sub( sub {
my ($s, $t) = @_;
# print STDERR "\n$s_type $t";
return 1 if ! $b_hash->{$s};
return undef if ( $b_hash->{$s}[0] eq '*' || grep { /^$t$/i } @{$b_hash->{$s}} );
# print STDERR "=> OK\n";
return 1;
} );
elsif (! ref $options->{body}{ignore} && $options->{body}{ignore} eq '*')
{ $self->set_body_parser_options({ ignore_all => 1 });
{ warn "wrong body options format";
## alter the reset_parser function so that the check subs are reset
after 'reset_parser' => sub {
my $self = shift;
$self->set_header_check_sub( sub { return 1 } );
$self->set_stanza_check_sub( sub { return 1 } );
$self->set_tag_check_sub( sub { return 1 } );
sub get_header_check_sub {
my $self = shift;
$self->check_options if ! $self->checked_options;
return $self->header_check_sub;
sub get_stanza_check_sub {
my $self = shift;
$self->check_options if ! $self->checked_options;
return $self->stanza_check_sub;
sub get_tag_check_sub {
my $self = shift;
$self->check_options if ! $self->checked_options;
return $self->tag_check_sub;