Revision history for GPSD-Parse
1.03 2019-10-23
- fix issue in t/device.t where we were looking for a specific serial
interface name, but may differ from the regex if there's a real GPS
device connected (fixes #11, work on #9)
- add links to internal POD sections, and added POD linkcheck test file
(closes #7, closes #6)
- add "Waiting for valid GPS signal" warning and return early from
poll() if no data is available, instead of running blindly ahead and
throwing irrelevant warnings (fixes #9)
- added note about running gpsd with the '-n' flag
- update tests to better handle test runs whether in file or socket mode
1.02 2018-02-28
- added convenience methods lon(), lat(), alt(), climb(), speed() and
track(). This alleviates a user from having to expand the indivitual
statistic from tpv()
1.01 2017-05-26
- slight code cleanup
- POD fixes
- added satellite listing example in POD
- small fix to t/05-tpv.t. Needed to instantiate a scoped object
- added signed() and unsigned(). Modifies the output for lat/lon during
runtime. Send in $lat, $lon to optionally leave the object alone for
manual one-off conversions
- added metres() and feet() methods. These toggle at runtime
1.00 2017-05-17
- updated tests and modified poll()'s handling of the file param when
running with socket enabled
- POD updates/corrections and additions
- added example/; Q&D satellite printout
- all tests pass on a machine in both sock and non-sock mode
0.02 2017-05-17
- reworked initialization code so that a file can be sent in to replay
past data and for testing on systems that don't have gpsd. (closes #4)
- on() is now called by default in new() if in socket mode, and off() is
likewise called in the destructor
- new() now has a 'metric' option to convert to using imperial/standard
measurements where applicable (closes #1)
- added 'signed' option in new() to convert from signed lat/lon to alpha
(eg: from -1.23 to 1.23S) (closes #3)
- added direction(), converts from degree heading to compass direction
(eg: NNE, SW etc) (closes #2)
0.01 2017-05-16
- first version, released on an unsuspecting world.
- all current functionality has tests and documentation
- new features will be added immediately (see issues), this is simply
the first release to ensure all POD renders correctly on the CPAN
- we dynaload JSON::XS, and if it fails, fall back to JSON::PP to avoid
having to require non-core JSON in the Makefile.PL