use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 6; use HTML::FormFu; my $form = HTML::FormFu->new( { tt_args => { INCLUDE_PATH => 'share/templates/tt/xhtml' } } ); my $field = $form->element('Radio')->name('foo')->value('foox'); # add more elements to test accessor output $form->element('Radio')->name('bar')->value('barx'); $form->element('Radio')->name('moo')->value('moox')->checked('checked'); $form->element('Radio')->name('fad')->value('fadx')->checked('checked'); my $field_xhtml = qq{<div> <input name="foo" type="radio" value="foox" /> </div>}; is( "$field", $field_xhtml, 'stringified field' ); my $form_xhtml = <<EOF; <form action="" method="post"> $field_xhtml <div> <input name="bar" type="radio" value="barx" /> </div> <div> <input name="moo" type="radio" value="moox" checked="checked" /> </div> <div> <input name="fad" type="radio" value="fadx" checked="checked" /> </div> </form> EOF is( "$form", $form_xhtml, 'stringified form' ); # With mocked basic query { $form->process( { foo => 'foox', moo => 'moox', } ); like( $form->get_field('foo'), qr/checked/ ); unlike( $form->get_field('bar'), qr/checked/ ); like( $form->get_field('moo'), qr/checked/ ); unlike( $form->get_field('fad'), qr/checked/ ); }