2010-05-15 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.0.4:
* Build.PL
- fix dependency
* t/perlcritic.t
- check $ENV{TEST_CRITIC} whether to execute this test
2008-03-26 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.0.4:
* Build.PL
- fix dependency
* lib/HTML/TableParser/Grid.pm
- change conding conventions
2007-02-18 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.0.3:
* add Test::Perl::Critic to requires in Build.PL
2007-02-16 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.0.2:
* add Test::NoWarnings to requires in Build.PL
2007-02-14 Takeru INOUE <takeru.inoue _ gmail.com>
* release 0.0.1: created by Module::Starter