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Revision history for Perl extension ILL_GS.

0.05  Tue Dec 09 16:43:17 2003
        - Added ABSTRACT to Makefile.PL, to have the abstract
	  show up properly on CPAN.

0.04  Wed May 21 10:00:00 2003
	- fixed POD example code (replacing $self->set with $gs->set)

0.03  Wed May 15 15:12:00 2003
        - as_string() now returns undef if missing mandatory fields
	- added test 011_mindata.t

0.02  Tue May 14 02:31:00 2003
	- updated to use object oriented interface
	- added tests 001_use.t and 010_write.t

0.01  Tue May 13 15:34:45 2003
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.22 with options
	- ability to generate rudimentary Generic Script interlibrary
	loan requests.