use strict;
use Carp;
use List::MoreUtils qw(minmax);
# Needs to be a series of ordered pixel points
# Data structure: 2D array - one row per pixel row
# - first row ($data->[0]) is at pixel latitude y_min
# - last row is at pixel latitude y_max
# - rows should be ordered on longitude (x) (specific method call when using main method)
use vars qw/ $VERSION /;
$VERSION = '0.08';
sub new {
my ( $class, $opts ) = @_;
my $self = {};
bless( $self, $class );
if ( ref $opts eq 'ARRAY' ) {
croak "Need x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max elements."
unless scalar @$opts == 4;
$self->x_min( $opts->[ 0 ] );
$self->y_min( $opts->[ 1 ] );
$self->x_max( $opts->[ 2 ] );
$self->y_max( $opts->[ 3 ] );
elsif ( ref $opts eq 'HASH' ) {
$self->x_min( delete $opts->{ x_min } );
$self->y_min( delete $opts->{ y_min } );
$self->x_max( delete $opts->{ x_max } );
$self->y_max( delete $opts->{ y_max } );
confess "Unrecognized params: %$opts" if %$opts;
confess "Boundary required" unless grep defined, $self->boundary;
return $self;
sub load_shape {
my ( $class, $tiff, $shape, $proj ) = @_;
croak "loading shapes must be called as class invocant"
if ref $class and $class ne __PACKAGE__;
croak "Image::GeoTIFF::Tiled required"
unless defined $tiff
and ref $tiff
and $tiff->isa( "Image::GeoTIFF::Tiled" );
if ( defined $proj ) {
croak "Geo::Proj4 required as the projection class"
unless ref $proj and $proj->isa( "Geo::Proj4" );
load 'Geo::Proj4';
my $self;
if ( ref $shape and $shape->isa( 'Geo::ShapeFile::Shape' ) ) {
load 'Geo::ShapeFile'; # run-time loading
my $boundary =
[ $shape->x_min, $shape->y_min, $shape->x_max, $shape->y_max ];
_project_boundary( $proj, $boundary ) if defined $proj;
$self = Image::GeoTIFF::Tiled::Shape->new(
[ $tiff->proj2pix_boundary( @$boundary ) ] );
for my $i ( 1 .. $shape->num_parts ) {
for ( $shape->get_part( $i ) ) {
my ( $x, $y ) =
defined $proj
? ( $proj->forward( $_->Y, $_->X ) )
: ( $_->X, $_->Y );
$self->add_point( $tiff->proj2pix( $x, $y ) );
else {
croak "Cannot load unknown shape: $shape";
return $self;
} ## end sub load_shape
sub _project_boundary {
my ( $proj, $b ) = @_;
my @px = ( $b->[ 0 ], $b->[ 0 ], $b->[ 2 ], $b->[ 2 ] );
my @py = ( $b->[ 3 ], $b->[ 1 ], $b->[ 3 ], $b->[ 1 ] );
for ( 0 .. 3 ) {
# See Geo::Proj4 documentation - this is correct
( $px[ $_ ], $py[ $_ ] ) = $proj->forward( $py[ $_ ], $px[ $_ ] );
( $b->[ 0 ], $b->[ 2 ] ) = minmax( @px );
( $b->[ 1 ], $b->[ 3 ] ) = minmax( @py );
sub _elem {
my $self = shift;
my $key = shift;
return $self->{ "_$key" } unless @_;
$self->{ "_$key" } = $_[ 0 ];
# Config accessors
sub x_min { &_elem( shift, 'x_min', @_ ); }
sub y_min { &_elem( shift, 'y_min', @_ ); }
sub x_max { &_elem( shift, 'x_max', @_ ); }
sub y_max { &_elem( shift, 'y_max', @_ ); }
sub boundary {
my ( $self ) = @_;
( $self->x_min, $self->y_min, $self->x_max, $self->y_max );
sub corners {
my ( $self ) = @_;
[ $self->x_min, $self->y_min ], # Upper Left
[ $self->x_max, $self->y_min ], # Upper Right
[ $self->x_max, $self->y_max ], # Lower Right
[ $self->x_min, $self->y_max ], # Lower Left
sub finish_loading {
my ( $self ) = @_;
sub sort_parts {
# Sort parts on latitude (upper / highest point)
my ( $self ) = @_;
@{ $self->{ _parts } } =
sort { $a->upper->[ 1 ] <=> $b->upper->[ 1 ] } @{ $self->{ _parts } };
sub reset_points {
my ( $self ) = @_;
undef $self->{ $_ } for ( qw/ _first_point _last_end _last_start / );
sub add_point {
my ( $self, $x, $y ) = @_;
my $point = [ $x, $y ];
my $last_start = $self->{ _last_start };
my $last_end = $self->{ _last_end };
# First point
unless ( defined $self->{ _first_point } ) {
$self->{ _first_point } = $point;
$self->{ _last_end } = $point;
if ( defined $last_start
and &_local_hvertex( $last_start, $last_end, $point ) )
push @{ $self->{ _parts } },
Image::GeoTIFF::Tiled::ShapePart->new( $last_end, $last_end );
# Add a new part
push @{ $self->{ _parts } },
Image::GeoTIFF::Tiled::ShapePart->new( $last_end, $point );
# Last point (if equals first point) - test if it's a local horizontal vertex (only chance)
if ( $self->{ _first_point }[ 0 ] == $x
and $self->{ _first_point }[ 1 ] == $y
and &_local_hvertex( $last_end, $point, $self->get_part( 0 )->end ) )
push @{ $self->{ _parts } },
Image::GeoTIFF::Tiled::ShapePart->new( $point, $point );
$self->{ _last_start } = $last_end;
$self->{ _last_end } = $point;
} ## end sub add_point
sub _local_hvertex {
# Test $p2
my ( $p1, $p2, $p3 ) = @_;
return 1
if ( $p2->[ 1 ] < $p1->[ 1 ] && $p2->[ 1 ] < $p3->[ 1 ] )
or ( $p2->[ 1 ] > $p1->[ 1 ] && $p2->[ 1 ] > $p3->[ 1 ] );
sub as_array {
my $self = shift;
my @a;
for ( 0 .. $self->num_parts - 1 ) {
my $p = $self->get_part( $_ );
push @a, [ $p->start, $p->end ];
sub num_parts {
my $self = shift;
return (
defined $self->{ _parts }
? scalar @{ $self->{ _parts } }
: 0
sub get_part {
my ( $self, $i ) = @_;
$self->{ _parts }[ $i ];
sub get_x {
# Retrieves all x-values|points along integer latitude y
# - assume parts are pre-sorted on upper latitude
my ( $self, $y ) = @_;
$y = int( $y ) + 0.5; # Center the latitude!
my @parts;
for ( 0 .. $self->num_parts - 1 ) {
my $part = $self->get_part( $_ );
my $upper_y = $part->upper->[ 1 ];
my $lower_y = $part->lower->[ 1 ];
# print "$y <=> $upper_y - $lower_y\n";
last if $y < $upper_y; # Y above remaining parts
# print $part->str,"\n";
next unless $y >= $upper_y;
if ( $y <= $lower_y ) {
# print "Added part.\n";
push @parts, $part;
# @parts now has all parts of the shape containing $y
# print "Parts:\n",join("\n\n",map $_->str,@parts),"\n";
my @x =
sort { $a <=> $b }
grep defined $_,
map { $_->get_x( $y ) } @parts;
# print "(",join (', ',map { sprintf("%.2f",$_) } @x),")\n";
# INSIDE/OUTSIDE STATE (or should be changed twice - resulting in the same state AFTER the point is checked)
=head1 NAME
use Image::GeoTIFF::Tiled;
# Initiate an instance via a class factory method, importing a pre-existing shape object:
use Geo::ShapeFile;
my $shp_shape = ... # A Geo::ShapeFile::Shape retrieved from Geo::ShapeFile methods
my $shape = Image::GeoTIFF::Tiled::Shape->load_shape( $tiff, $shp_shape, $proj );
# OR Create your own:
my $shape = Image::GeoTIFF::Tiled::Shape->new({
x_min => ...,
y_min => ...,
x_max => ...,
y_max => ...
$shape->add_point($x,$y) for ...;
# Initiate the TIFF image object
my $t = Image::GeoTIFF::Tiled->new( $tiff );
# Get in iterator for the pixels in the shape
my $iter = $t->get_iterator( $shape );
This class is meant to be used in conjuction with Image::GeoTIFF::Tiled in order to easily iterate over image pixels contained in an arbitrary shape. It does so by linking Image::GeoTIFF::Tiled::ShapePart's, which are essentially lines between two points, with all intermediate points along integer y-values interpolated.
Objects should be instantiated via the C<load_shape> method for pre-defined shape-like objects (L<Geo::ShapeFile::Shape> being an example). Otherwise they must be instantiated with a boundary, and points should be added sequentially.
Other than constructing a useful data structure for getting an iterator, there isn't any other stated purpose for this class.
All coordinates must be in pixels.
=head1 METHODS
=item new( \%boundary )
=item new( \@boundary )
where %boundary has the x_min, y_min, x_max, and y_max keys filled or @boundary has them in that order. Pixel coordinates required. Without defining a boundary the constructor throws an exception.
=item load_shape( $tiff, $shape, $proj )
Loads a pre-defined shape object defined by an external class. Currently only loads L<Geo::ShapeFile::Shape> objects.
L<Geo::Proj4> and L<Image::GeoTIFF::Tiled> objects must be pre-loaded into the class before calling this method, unless the shape is already projected, in which case omit last argument.
=head2 METHODS
=item x_min y_min x_max y_max
Boundary values.
=item boundary
Returns the list of (x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max).
=item corners
Returns a list of four two-element arrayref's containing the upper left, upper right, lower right, and lower left corner coordinates, in that order.
=item num_parts
Returns the number of L<Image::GeoTIFF::Tiled::ShapePart>'s in this shape.
=item get_part($i)
Returns the ith L<Image::GeoTIFF::Tiled::ShapePart> in this shape.
=item as_array
Returns a 2D array reference of [ start, end ] points corresponding to each part of the shape.
=item add_point($x,$y)
Adds the ($x,$y) point to this shape. Only used for making custom shapes.
=item reset_points
Resets internal points metadata. Only used for making custom shapes, after a series of connecting points are made concentric ("parts" in ShapeFile parlance).
=item sort_parts
Sorts the internal parts array on the upper point latitude (called by finish_loading).
=item finish_loading
Call when done making a custom shape.
=item get_x($y)
Returns a reference to a sorted array containing all x-pixel values along the integer y latitude. This method is used to determine if a given pixel lies inside the shape by implementing a ray-casting algorithm using a state machine (either outside or inside).
Repeated values indicate a local horizontal vertex.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Geo::Proj4>, Image::GeoTIFF::Tiled, Image::GeoTIFF::Tiled::Iterator, Image::GeoTIFF::Tiled::ShapePart, L<Geo::ShapeFile>
Copyright 2010 Blake Willmarth.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of either:
=over 4
=item * the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option) any
later version, or
=item * the Artistic License version 2.0.