Revision history for Perl extension Kwalify.
1.24 2024-07-21
- doc improvements (by guillemj)
- ci changes (swich from travis-ci to github actions)
- tests: allow cyclic_refs when YAML::PP is used
1.23 2020-02-21
- stable release with all changes in 1.22_90
1.22_90 2020-01-31
- change handling of required:no for existing undefined data.
Now the behavior is like in the ruby implementation:
hash entries with an undefined value are treated as
missing, and thus pass the "required:no" rule.
This addresses
- more tests
- enable travis-ci and coveralls
- don't use YAML::Syck anymore in the tests because of (use YAML::PP instead)
1.22 2013-04-06
- cease possible "unitinialized value" warnings
1.21 2009-10-23
- fixed RT #48800 (unique in mappings did not work correctly)
1.20 2009-08-14
- test failure fix
- fixed RT #48714 (return early if not a hash was given)
1.19 2008-08-11
- allow the new "class" (previously "classname")
- more documentation about unclear schema definition
- -h/-help is not anymore "accidentaly" showing the usage
1.18 2008-07-16
- additional checks were not run with type 'any'
- ceasing a warning if undef was used in enum
- added warnings::compat prereq for 5.005 and older
1.17 2008-06-18
- documentation change: the URL of the schema user guide
changed (thanks to Christoph Lamprecht for the pointer)
1.16 2007-09-22
- get rid of backquote in error and warning messages (after reading
- protect from blib warnings (perl 5.6.x) in pkwalify.t test
1.15 (not released)
- include experimental META.yml spec (version 1.3) to test directory
- new -v version in pkwalify
- new tests
1.14 2007-02-08
- stricter checks if schema itself is correct
(croak on unhandled keys)
1.13 2007-01-10
- fixed bug in range/max test
- fixed bug in Schema::Kwalify::validate
- better test coverage
1.12 (not released)
- added another test for older perls
1.11 2006-12-02
- fixed another test problem (occurred if
IPC::Run was not installed)
1.10 2006-11-28
- just some test fixes
1.09 2006-11-28
- fixed endless recursion when using recursive
schemas or data structures
- implemented -s option in pkwalify (like in
ruby's kwalify)
- pkwalify output now looks closer to the original
- pkwalify outputs most things to STDOUT instead of
1.08 2006-11-26
- fixed warnings in pkwalify
- inc version in to force reinstalling
1.07 2006-11-23
first and maybe last version :-)