# -*- perl -*-
# Copyright (c) 1998 by Jeff Weisberg
# Author: Jeff Weisberg <jaw @ tcp4me.com>
# Function: Lisp format
# $Id: Fmt.pm,v 1.1 1998/08/31 23:50:12 jaw Exp jaw $
# LICENSE: at end
package Lisp::Fmt;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(fmt pfmt);
$VERSION = "0.01";
use vars qw($accum $argno @arglist $VERSION);
use strict;
### config options
# lisp's notion of false differs from that of perl
# you may or may not want 0 be considered false...
# this effects ~:[ and ~@[
my($config_zero_is_false) = 0;
# X3J13 is ambiguous on how to align the middle columns of <>
# set this to 'r', 'l', or 'c'
my($config_align_middle) = 'l';
# turn on verbose debugging output, most run 0 through 2
my($verbose_tok) = 0;
my($verbose_parse) = 0;
my($verbose_reduce) = 0;
my($verbose_run) = 0;
my($verbose_fmt) = 0;
### end of config options
### No user servicable parts below this point
### tokenize the format spec
sub tok {
my( $s ) = @_;
my( $fulls ) = $s;
my( @s );
my( @t );
my( $len ) = length($s);
my( $soff, $eoff );
while( $s ){
print STDERR "T: $s\n" if $verbose_tok;
if( $s =~ /^([^~]+)/ && $1 ){
print STDERR "T-> $1 <$'>\n" if $verbose_tok > 1;
$soff = $len - length($s) - 1;
$s = $';
$eoff = $len - length($s) - 1;
# add literal
push @t, {
directive => 'literal',
text => $1,
fullfmt => $fulls,
fmtoffset => $eoff,
fmtstart => $soff,
elsif( $s =~ /^~(<{2,}|>{2,}|\|{2,})/ && $1 ){
# perl-esque format spec ~<<<<<< ~>>>>>>> ~||||||
# NB: must be at least 3 long (eg ~<<) to avoid confusion with ~|, ~< and ~>
my( $p ) = $1;
print STDERR "T-> $1 {$'}\n" if $verbose_tok > 1;
$soff = $len - length($s) - 1;
$s = $';
$eoff = $len - length($s) - 1;
push @t, {
directive => 'A',
numbers => [ length($1)+1 ],
gravity => ( $p =~ /</ ) ? 'l' : (( $p =~ />/ ) ? 'r' : 'c'),
fullfmt => $fulls,
fmtoffset => $eoff,
fmtstart => $soff,
elsif( $s =~ /^~(((-?\d*|v|\#|\'.)(,(-?\d*|v|\#|\'.))*)? # comma sep. list of params
([\@:!]*) # optional @ ! and :
([^=\@:!\'v\#]|\n\s*|=.))/x # directive
&& $1 ){
my($ns, $sp, $f) = ($2, $6, $7);
print STDERR "T-> $f; <$ns>; $sp <$'>\n" if $verbose_tok > 1;
$soff = $len - length($s) - 1;
$s = $';
$eoff = $len - length($s) - 1;
my(@n) = split ',', $ns;
foreach (@n){
if( /^\'(.*)$/ ){
$_ = $1;
# add it
push @t, {
numbers => [@n],
directive => uc($f),
atsign => ($sp =~ /@|!/) ? 1 : 0, # because we have to \@, we allow ! as a synonym
colon => ($sp =~ /:/) ? 1 : 0,
fullfmt => $fulls,
fmtoffset => $eoff,
fmtstart => $soff,
### parse the tokenized format string
sub parse {
my( @t ) = @_;
my( $t );
my( $i ) = 0;
my( $tnext );
$tnext = sub {
return undef if( $i >= @t );
return $t[ $i ++ ];
parser('', 1, $tnext);
sub parser {
my( $term, $n, $tnext ) = @_;
my( $t, @tt );
while( 1 ){
$t = &$tnext();
if( $term && ! $t ){
# error ESARAHCONNOR - no terminator
$t = $tt[0];
formaterror("I see no matching $term here", $t);
return ;
return \@tt unless $t;
print STDERR "PP", "<"x$n, ": $t->{directive}\n" if $verbose_parse;
return \@tt if( $t->{'directive'} eq $term );
if( $t->{'directive'} eq '[' ){
print STDERR "PP->[\n" if $verbose_parse > 1;
my( $l ) = parser(']', $n+1, $tnext);
my( @l ) = @{$l};
my( @nn, @ll );
my( $n ) = 0;
while( @l ){
$l = shift @l;
if( $l->{'directive'} eq ";" ){
push @nn, [@ll];
$t->{'default_item'} = ($n+1) if $l->{'colon'};
@ll = ();
push @ll, $l;
push @nn, [@ll];
$t->{'subparts'} = \@nn;
print STDERR "PP->]\n" if $verbose_parse > 1;
if( $t->{'directive'} eq '<' ){
print STDERR "PP-><\n" if $verbose_parse > 1;
my( $l ) = parser('>', $n+1, $tnext);
my( @l ) = @{$l};
my( @nn, @ll );
my( $n ) = 0;
while( @l ){
$l = shift @l;
if( $l->{'directive'} eq ";" ){
push @nn, [@ll];
@ll = ();
push @ll, $l;
push @nn, [@ll];
$t->{'subparts'} = \@nn;
print STDERR "PP->>\n" if $verbose_parse > 1;
if( $t->{'directive'} eq '{' ){
print STDERR "PP->{\n" if $verbose_parse > 1;
my( $b ) = parser('}', $n+1, $tnext);
if( @{$b} != 0 ){
$t->{'body'} = $b;
print STDERR "PP->}\n" if $verbose_parse > 1;
if( $t->{'directive'} eq '(' ){
print STDERR "PP->(\n" if $verbose_parse > 1;
$t->{'body'} = parser(')', $n+1, $tnext);
print STDERR "PP->)\n" if $verbose_parse > 1;
if( $t->{'directive'} eq '/' ){
my( $tt );
$tt = &$tnext();
$tt->{'directive'} eq 'literal' || return formaterror("I was expecting a function name. Pity.", $tt);
$t->{'funcname'} = $tt->{'text'};
$tt = &$tnext();
$tt->{'directive'} eq '/' || return formaterror("I see no matching / here", $tt);
if( $t->{'directive'} eq '=(' ){
print STDERR "PP->=(\n" if $verbose_parse > 1;
$t->{'body'} = parser('=)', $n+1, $tnext);
print STDERR "PP->=)\n" if $verbose_parse > 1;
push @tt, reduce($t);
### the optimizer - simplify parse tree
sub reduce {
my( $t ) = @_;
my( @n );
my( $d );
$d = $t->{'directive'};
print STDERR "R: $d\n" if $verbose_reduce;
# collapse all numbers together
if( $d =~ /^[DOXBR]$/ ){
$t->{'directive'} = 'number';
$t->{'radix'} = 10 if $d eq "D";
$t->{'radix'} = 8 if $d eq "O";
$t->{'radix'} = 16 if $d eq "X";
$t->{'radix'} = 2 if $d eq "B";
# NB: radix could end up 'v' or '#'
if( $d eq "R" ){
@n = @{$t->{'numbers'}};
$t->{'radix'} = shift @n;
$t->{'numbers'} = [ @n ];
if( ! $t->{'radix'} ){
if( $t->{'atsign'} ){
$t->{'directive'} = 'roman';
$t->{'directive'} = 'english';
print STDERR "R-> number, $t->{'radix'}\n" if $verbose_reduce > 1;
if( $d =~ /^[ASW]$/ ){
$t->{'directive'} = 'A';
$t->{'how'} = $d eq 'A' ? 0 : 1;
# convert to literal or repeated text
if( $d =~ /^[%_|~]$/ ){
my( $c, $n );
@n = @{$t->{'numbers'}};
$n = shift @n || "";
$n = 1 if $n eq "";
$c = "";
$c = " " if $d eq "_";
$c = "~" if $d eq "~";
$c = "\n" if $d eq "%";
$c = "\f" if $d eq "|";
if( $n !~ /\d/ ){
$t->{'directive'} = "repeat";
$t->{'text'} = $c;
$t->{'text'} = $c x $n;
$t->{'directive'} = "literal";
print STDERR "R-> $d rewrite $t->{'directive'}\n" if $verbose_reduce > 1;
# convert to literal text
if( $d =~ /^\n/ ){
my( $sp ) = $d;
$sp =~ s/\n//;
$t->{'text'} = ($t->{'atsign'} ? "\n" : "") . ($t->{'colon'} ? $sp : "");
$t->{'directive'} = "literal";
print STDERR "R-> whitespace literal\n" if $verbose_reduce > 1;
sub formaterror {
my( $msg, $t ) = @_;
my( $fmt );
$fmt = $t->{'fullfmt'};
$fmt =~ s/\n/\$/g;
print STDERR "\n## FORMAT ERROR: $msg\n";
print STDERR "## \t\"", $fmt, "\"\n";
print STDERR "## \t ", " " x $t->{'fmtoffset'}, "^\n";
my($_fmtobja, $_fmtobjs) = ("","");
sub objecttostring {
my( $how, $obj ) = @_;
if( ref($obj) ){
if( ref($obj) eq "SCALAR"){
if( $how ){
fmt( "\\~s", $$obj );
fmt( "\\~a", $$obj );
}elsif( ref($obj) eq "CODE"){
# is it possible to do anything more useful?
}elsif( ref($obj) eq "GLOB"){
my( $fmta, $fmtb );
# recursively call fmt, to nicely render lists (refs)
if( $how ){
$_fmtobjs = compile( "~#[~;~s~:;~!{~#[~;~s~:;~s, ~]~}~]" ) unless $_fmtobjs;
$fmtb = $_fmtobjs;
$_fmtobja = compile( "~#[~;~a~:;~!{~#[~;~a~:;~a, ~]~}~]" ) unless $_fmtobja;
$fmtb = $_fmtobja;
# should I do anything with the package name?
$fmta = "<~?>";
$fmta = "[~?]" if ref($obj) eq "ARRAY";
$fmta = "{~?}" if ref($obj) eq "HASH";
fmt($fmta, $fmtb, $obj);
}elsif( $obj =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/ ){
}elsif( $obj =~ /^[+-]\d*\.\d*$/ ){
if( $how ){
sub formatstring {
my( $how, $mincol, $colinc, $minpad, $padchar, $ovchar, $gravity, $obj ) = @_;
my( $str ) = objecttostring($how, $obj);
my( $l, $w, $padamt, $maxcolp );
$padchar = chr($padchar) if( $padchar =~ /^\d+$/ );
$ovchar = chr($ovchar) if( $ovchar =~ /^\d+$/ );
print STDERR "F: $how, MC:$mincol, C:$colinc, MP:$minpad, P:$padchar, OV:$ovchar, G:$gravity, O:$obj\n"
if $verbose_fmt;
$l = length($str) + $minpad;
$w = abs($mincol?$mincol:0);
$padamt = $colinc * int((($w - $l) + $colinc - 1) / $colinc);
$maxcolp = ($mincol ne "") && ($mincol < 0);
print STDERR "F: $l, $w, $padamt, $maxcolp, $str\n" if $verbose_fmt;
# and minimum padding
if( $gravity eq "r" ){
$str = $padchar x $minpad . $str;
}elsif( $gravity eq "l" ){
$str .= $padchar x $minpad;
if( $l == $w ){
# Happy Happy, Joy Joy!
}elsif( $l > $w ){
# You can't fit this five-foot clam through that little passage!
if( $maxcolp ){
my( $fl ) = $w - 1;
if( $gravity eq "r" ){
$str =~ s/^(.{$fl}).*$/$1$ovchar/;
$str =~ s/^(.{$fl}).*$/$ovchar$1/;
# too short - pad
if( $gravity eq "r" ){
$str = $padchar x $padamt . $str;
}elsif( $gravity eq "l" ){
$str .= $padchar x $padamt;
my($rp, $lp);
$rp = int( ($w - $l) / 2 );
$lp = $w - $l - $rp;
$str = $padchar x $lp . $str . $padchar x $rp;
sub formatnumber {
my( $radix, $mincol, $padchar, $commachar,
$commawidth, $ovchar, $withsign, $withcommas, $val ) = @_;
my( $str, $sign, @cs );
$str = "";
$val = int($val);
if( $val < 0 ){
$val = - $val;
$sign = "-";
}elsif( $withsign ){
$sign = "+";
$sign = "";
# convert to desired radix
if( $radix == 1 ){
# special case
$str = "1" x $val;
@cs = split //,"0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
while( $val ){
$str = $cs[ $val % $radix ] . $str;
$val = int( $val / $radix );
# add commas
if( $withcommas ){
1 while $str =~ s/^(-?\d+)(\d{$commawidth})/$1$commachar$2/;
formatstring(0, $mincol, 1, 0, $padchar, $ovchar, "r", "$sign$str");
sub roman {
my( $oldway, $val ) = @_;
my( $rc, $rv, $i, $str );
my( @rc, @rv );
@rc = qw(/M /D /C /L /X /V M D C L X V I);
@rv = qw(1000000 500000 100000 50000 10000 5000 1000 500 100 50 10 5 1 0 0);
$i = 0;
$str = '';
if( $val >= $rv[$i] ){
$str .= $rc[$i];
$val -= $rv[$i];
}elsif( $val <= $rv[$i+1] ){
}elsif( !$oldway && ($i&1)==0 && ($val >= ($rv[$i] - $rv[$i+2])) ){
$str .= $rc[$i+2];
$str .= $rc[$i];
$val -= $rv[$i] - $rv[$i+2];
}elsif( !$oldway && ($i&1)!=0 && ($val >= ($rv[$i] - $rv[$i+1])) ){
$str .= $rc[$i+1];
$str .= $rc[$i];
$val -= $rv[$i] - $rv[$i+1];
$i ++;
sub englishsmall {
my($ordinal, $val) = @_;
my($n, $str);
my(@units, @ounits, @tens, @otens);
@units = qw(zero one two three four five six seven eight nine
ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen
seventeen eighteen nineteen);
@ounits = qw(zeroth first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh
eighth ninth tenth eleventh twelfth);
@tens = qw(twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety);
@otens = qw(twentieth thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth);
unshift @tens, ""; unshift @tens, "";
unshift @otens, ""; unshift @otens, "";
$str = "";
if( $val >= 100 ){
$str .= " " . $units[ $val / 100 ] . " hundred";
$val %= 100;
$str .= "th" if $ordinal && !$val;
if( $val >= 20 ){
$n = $val % 10;
if( $ordinal && !$n ){
$str .= " " . $otens[ $val / 10 ];
$str .= " " . $tens[ $val / 10 ];
$val = $n;
if( $val ){
if( $ordinal ){
if( $val < @ounits ){
$str .= " " . $ounits[$val];
$str .= " " . $units[$val] . "th";
$str .= " " . $units[$val];
$str =~ s/^ //;
sub english {
my($ordinal, $val) = @_;
my($ordd, $f);
@illions = qw(thousand million billion trillion quadrillion quintillion
sextillion septillion octillion nonillion decillion undecillion
duodecillion tredecillion quattuordecillion quindecillion
sexdecillion septdecillion octodecillion novemdecillion vigintillion);
unshift @illions, "";
$f = sub {
my($val, $k) = @_;
my($n, $r, $str);
$str = "";
$n = $val % 1000;
$r = int($val / 1000);
if( $r ){
$str .= &$f($r, $k + 1);
if( $n ){
if( !$k && ($n < 100) ){
$str .= " and ";
$str .= ", ";
if( $n ){
$o = $ordinal && ($k==0);
$ordd = 1 if($o);
$str .= englishsmall($o , $n);
if( $k && $n ){
$str .= " ";
if( $k > @illions ){
$str .= "times ten to the " . english(1, $k * 3);
$str .= $illions[ $k ];
if( ! $val ){
if( $ordinal ){
return "zeroth";
return "zero";
}elsif( $val < 0 ){
return "minus " . english($ordinal, - $val);
&$f($val, 0) . (($ordinal && !$ordd) ? "th" : "");
sub falsep {
my($val) = @_;
if( $config_zero_is_false ){
$val ? 0 : 1;
$val eq "";
sub mkarray {
my( $a ) = @_;
my( @a );
if( $a =~ /ARRAY/ ){
@a = @{$a};
}elsif( $a =~ /HASH/ ){
@a = %{$a};
@a = ( $a );
sub capitalize {
my( $s ) = @_;
$s = ucfirst(lc($s));
$s =~ s/\b(\w)/\U$1/g;
sub nextarg {
return "" if( $argno >= @arglist );
return $arglist[ $argno ++ ];
sub pound {
return 0 if( $argno >= @arglist );
return @arglist - $argno;
sub param {
my( $t, $nth, $dfl ) = @_;
my( $n, @n );
@n = @{$t->{'numbers'}};
return $dfl if( $nth >= @n );
$n = $n[ $nth ];
return nextarg() if( $n eq "v" );
return pound() if( $n eq "#" );
return $dfl if $n eq ""; # no n, dfl
### run the compiled format
sub run {
my( $t ) = @_;
my( $d, @t );
@t = @{$t};
while( @t ){
$t = shift @t;
$d = $t->{'directive'};
print STDERR "U: $d\n" if $verbose_run;
if( $d eq 'literal' ){
$accum .= $t->{'text'};
}elsif( $d eq 'repeat' ){
$accum .= $t->{'text'} x param($t, 0, 1);
}elsif( $d eq "&" ){
my($n) = param($t, 0, 1);
next unless $n;
$accum .= "\n" unless( $accum =~ /\n$/ );
if( $n > 1 ){
$accum .= "\n" x ($n - 1);
}elsif( $d eq "T" ){
my($colnum, $colinc, $tabchar);
my($l) = $accum;
my($cp, $mp);
$colnum = param($t,0,1);
$colinc = param($t,1,1);
$tabchar = param($t,2," ");
$l =~ s/.*\n$//;
$cp = length $l;
$mp = 0;
if( $t->{'atsign'} ){
if( $colinc ){
$mp = $colnum + $colinc - (($cp + $colnum) % $colinc);
$mp = $colnum - $cp;
if( $mp < 0 ){
if( $colinc ){
$mp = $colnum + $colinc - ($cp % $colinc);
$mp = $mp - $colinc if $mp >= $colinc;
$accum .= $tabchar x $mp;
}elsif( $d eq 'A' ){
# mincol, colinc, minpad, padchr, ovchr, gravity
$accum .=
formatstring( $t->{'how'}, param($t,0,""), param($t,1,1),
param($t,2,0), param($t,3," "),
$t->{'gravity'} || ($t->{'atsign'} ? "r" : "l"),
nextarg() );
}elsif( $d eq '*' ){
my( $n ) = param($t, 0, $t->{'atsign'} ? 0 : 1);
$n = -$n if( $t->{'colon'} );
if( $t->{'atsign'} ){
$argno = $n;
$argno += $n;
$argno = 0 if( $argno < 0 );
}elsif( $d eq '?' ){
my( $fmt ) = nextarg();
my( $rv );
if( $t->{'atsign'} ){
# use current arglist
$rv = run( ref($fmt) ? $fmt : compile( $fmt ));
# nextarg is list of args
my( $a ) = nextarg();
local( $argno ) = 0;
local( @arglist );
@arglist = mkarray( $a );
$rv = run( ref($fmt) ? $fmt : compile( $fmt ));
return $rv if $rv;
}elsif( $d eq 'P' ){
my( $n );
if( $t->{'colon'} ){
$n = $arglist[ $argno - 1 ];
$n = nextarg();
if( $n == 1 ){
$accum .= "y" if $t->{'atsign'};
if( $t->{'atsign'} ){
$accum .= "ies";
$accum .= "s";
}elsif( $d eq 'C' ){
my( $n ) = param($t, 0, "");
my( $c, $str );
$n = nextarg() if $n eq "";
$n = ord($n) unless $n =~ /^\d+$/;
$c = chr($n);
if( $t->{'colon'} ){
if( $t->{'atsign'} && $n && $n < 27 ){
$str = "Control-" . chr($n+ord('A'));
}elsif( $n < @cv ){
$str = $cv[$n];
}elsif( $n >= 127 ){
if( $t->{'atsign'} ){
# <shrug>...
$str = "Meta-" . fmt("~:!C", $n & 127);
$str = sprintf "\\0%o", $n;
$str = $c;
if( $t->{'atsign'} ){
if( ($n >= 127) || ($n < @cv) ){
$str = sprintf "\"\\0%o\"", $n;
$str = "\"$c\"";
$str = $c;
$accum .= $str;
}elsif( $d eq '(' ){
my( $str, $rv );
do {
local( $accum ) = ("");
$rv = run( $t->{'body'} );
$str = $accum;
if( $t->{'colon'} ){
if( $t->{'atsign'} ){
$str = uc($str);
$str = capitalize($str);
if( $t->{'atsign'} ){
$str = ucfirst(lc($str));
$str = lc($str);
$accum .= $str;
return $rv if $rv;
}elsif( $d eq '/' ){
# this is implemented as ~/funcname~/ and not as ~/funcname/
# so sue me...
my( $func, $str, $p, @p );
$func = $t->{'funcname'};
foreach $p ( @{$t->{'numbers'}} ){
$p = pound() if( $p eq "#" );
$p = nextarg() if( $p eq "v" );
push @p, $p;
$str = nextarg();
$str = "$func($str, $t->{'colon'}, t->{'atsign'}";
$str .= ", " . join(", ", @p) if( @p );
$str .= ")";
$accum .= eval( $str );
}elsif( $d eq '<' ){
my( $str, $rv, $n, $s );
my( @str );
my( $mincol, $colinc, $minpad, $padchar ) =
(param($t,0,""), param($t,1,1),
param($t,2,0), param($t,3," "));
do {
local( $accum );
# $rv = run( $t->{'subparts'}[0] );
# $str = $accum;
foreach $s ( @{$t->{'subparts'}} ){
$accum = "";
$rv = run( $s );
last if $rv =~ /hat/;
push @str, $accum;
$n ++;
if( $n == 1 ){
$str = formatstring( 0, $mincol, $colinc, $minpad, $padchar, "*",
$t->{'atsign'} ? ($t->{'colon'} ? 'c' : 'l') : 'r',
$str[0] );
}elsif( $n >= 2 ){
my( $rspace, $lspace, $space, $m );
$rspace = $mincol;
$m = 0;
$str = '';
foreach $s (@str){
$space = $rspace / ( $n - $m );
$rspace -= $space;
$str .= formatstring( 0, $space, $colinc, $m?$minpad:0, $padchar, "*",
$m==0 ? ($t->{'colon'} ? 'r' : 'l') :
($m==$n-1 ? ($t->{'atsign'} ? 'l' : 'r') :
$m ++;
$accum .= $str;
}elsif( $d eq '{' ){
my( $maxiter ) = param($t, 0, "");
my( $maxiterp ) = $maxiter ne "" ? 1 : 0;
my( $retv );
my( $body ) = $t->{'body'};
if( !$body ){
$body = nextarg();
return formaterror("An empty {} may be less filling, but it won't work", $t) unless $body;
$body = compile($body);
if( $t->{'colon'} && $t->{'atsign'} ){
# use remaining args, which are sublists
while( !$maxiterp || $maxiter-- ){
my( $a, @a );
last if $argno >= @arglist;
$a = nextarg();
@a = mkarray($a);
do {
local($argno) = 0;
local(@arglist) = @a;
$retv = run( $body );
last if( $retv =~ /colon/ ); # otherwise just this iter
}elsif( $t->{'colon'} ){
# next arg is list of sublists
my( $a, @a );
$a = nextarg();
@a = @{$a};
while( !$maxiterp || $maxiter-- ){
last unless @a;
do {
local($argno) = 0;
local(@arglist) = @{shift @a};
$retv = run( $body );
last if( $retv =~ /colon/ ); # otherwise just this iter
}elsif( $t->{'atsign'} ){
# use remaining args
while( !$maxiterp || $maxiter-- ){
last if $argno >= @arglist;
$retv = run( $body );
last if( $retv =~ /hat/ );
# next arg is list of args
my( $a, @a );
$a = nextarg();
@a = mkarray($a);
do {
local($argno) = 0;
local(@arglist) = @a;
while( !$maxiterp || $maxiter-- ){
last if $argno >= @arglist;
$retv = run( $body );
last if( $retv =~ /hat/ );
}elsif( $d eq '[' ){
my( @ch ) = @{$t->{'subparts'}};
my( $ni ) = scalar @ch;
my( $n ) = param($t, 0, "");
my( $rv );
$n = nextarg() if $n eq "";
if( $t->{'atsign'} ){
$argno -- if( !falsep($n) );
$n = !falsep($n) ? 0 : 1;
}elsif( $t->{'colon'} ){
$n = falsep($n) ? 0 : 1;
if( $n >= $ni && (defined $t->{'default_item'} ) ){
$n = $t->{'default_item'};
if( $n < $ni ){
my( $str );
do {
local( $accum ) = ("");
$rv = run( $t->{'subparts'}[$n] );
$str = $accum;
$accum .= $str;
return $rv if $rv;
}elsif( $d eq '^' ){
my( $np, $out );
$np = @{$t->{'numbers'}};
if( $np == 1 ){
$out = 1 if param($t, 0, "") == 0;
}elsif( $np == 2 ){
$out = 1 if param($t, 0, "") == param($t, 1, "");
}elsif( $np == 3 ){
$out = 1 if (param($t, 0, "") <= param($t, 1, ""))
&& (param($t, 1, "") <= param($t, 2, ""));
$out = 1 if $argno >= @arglist;
if( $out ){
return "hat/colon" if( $t->{'colon'} );
return "hat";
}elsif( $d eq 'number' ){
my( $r );
# $radix, $mincol, $padchar, $commachar, $commawidth, $ovchar, $withsign, $withcommas, $val
$r = $t->{'radix'};
$r = pound() if( $r eq "#" );
$r = nextarg() if( $r eq "v" );
return formaterror("In base $r? I'm game. Would you care to explain how?", $t) if( $r<1 || $r>36 );
$accum .=
formatnumber( $r, param($t,0,""), param($t,1," "),
param($t,2,","), param($t,3,3), param($t,4,"*"),
($t->{'atsign'}?1:0), ($t->{'colon'}?1:0),
}elsif( $d eq 'roman' ){
$accum .= formatstring(0, param($t,0,""), 1, 0, param($t,1, " "),
param($t,4, "*"), "r",
roman($t->{'colon'}, nextarg()));
}elsif( $d eq 'english' ){
$accum .= formatstring(0, param($t,0,""), 1, 0, param($t,1, " "),
param($t,4, "*"), "r",
english($t->{'colon'}, nextarg()));
### Non-standard 2 character (=X) directives
}elsif( $d eq '=V' ){
# Version info
# ~=:V - long form
# ~=:@V - longer form
$accum .= "Good morning Dr. Chandra, I am " if $t->{'atsign'};
$accum .= "Fmt Version " if $t->{'colon'};
$accum .= "$VERSION";
}elsif( $d eq '=(' ){
# "eval" - use results of formatting as a format spec
# ~=(...~=)
my( $str, $rv, $fmt );
do {
local( $accum ) = ("");
$rv = run( $t->{'body'} );
$str = $accum;
$accum = '';
$fmt = compile($str);
$rv = run( $fmt );
$str = $accum;
$accum .= $str;
return $rv if $rv;
}elsif( $d eq '=F' ){
# suck in line/lines from a file
# ~=F - entire file
# ~N=F - just line N
# ~N,M=F lines N through M
my( $null, $i, $n, $m, $f );
$n = param($t,0,'');
$m = param($t,1,'');
$f = nextarg();
$i = 1;
open(FMT_FILE, $f) || return formaterror( "'$f' is stubborn and refuses to open: $!", $t);
if( $n ne '' ){
while( $n != $i && !eof(FMT_FILE) ){
$null = <FMT_FILE>;
if( $m ne '' ){
while( $m + 1 != $i++ && !eof(FMT_FILE) ){
$accum .= <FMT_FILE>;
$accum .= <FMT_FILE>;
$accum .= $_ while( <FMT_FILE> );
### directives that should not happen (errors)
}elsif( $d eq ')' ){
# error - no start
return formaterror( "I see no matching ( here", $t );
}elsif( $d eq '}' ){
# error - no start
return formaterror( "I see no matching { here", $t );
}elsif( $d eq ']' ){
# error - no start
return formaterror( "I see no matching [ here", $t );
}elsif( $d eq ';' ){
# no enclosing [] or <>
return formaterror( "I see no enclosing [] or <> here", $t );
# error - unknown
return formaterror( "I don't know how to apply that word ($d) here.", $t);
### for debugging
sub tree {
my( $n, $t ) = @_;
my( $nn, @t, @nn );
@t = @{$t};
while( @t ){
$t = shift @t;
print " " x $n, "$t->{'directive'}\n";
tree($n+1, $t->{'body'} ) if( $t->{'body'} );
if( $t->{'subparts'} ){
@nn = @{$t->{'subparts'}};
while( @nn ){
$nn = shift @nn;
tree($n+1, $nn);
print " " x $n, " ;\n";
### compile the format spec
sub compile {
my( $fmt ) = @_;
parse(tok( $fmt ));
### the main entry point
sub fmt {
my( $fmt ) = shift;
local( @arglist ) = @_; # our arglist
local( $argno ) = 0; # index into above
local( $accum ) = ""; # accumulator for output string
run( ref($fmt) ? $fmt : compile($fmt));
### format, print to stdout
sub pfmt {
print fmt(@_);
=head1 NAME
Lisp::Fmt - Perl module for Common Lisp like formatting
use Lisp::Fmt;
$str = fmt("~{~a ~5,,,'*a~}", $a,$b,$c,$d); # store result in $str
pfmt("~{ ~a~5,,,'*a~}", $a,$b,$c,$d); # print to stdout
The Common Lisp "format" function provides an extremely rich set of formatting
directives. This module brings this to Perl.
The formatting directives all begin with a C<~> and take the form:
where C<N> is a number, C<X> is a formatting directive, and C<@> and C<:> are
optional modifiers. Recognized directives are: A, S, W, D, O, B, X, R, C, P,
T, ~, %, |, _, ?, *, \n, {, }, (, ), [, ], <, >, ^
C<~A> - simplest format spec, prints the arg
C<~D> - prints a number in base 10
C<~X> - prints a number in base 16
C<~12R> - prints a number in base 12
C<~@R> - prints a number in roman numerals
C<~#[ none~; ~a~; ~a and ~a~:;~!{~#[~; and~] ~a~^,~}~].">
- prints a list in nice readable english
as a param, a v will read the param from the arglist
a # will interpolate to the number of remaining args
the directive can be one of:
A print the arg
S print the arg in a readable form (strings are quotes,...)
@ will pad on left
params are: mincols (maxcols if <0), colinc, minpad, padchar, overflowchar
~ print a ~ [N ~s]
% print a newline [N newlines]
| print a formfeed [N formfeeds]
_ print a space [N spaces]
& print a newline unless already at the beginning of a line
T tabulate
@ relative
params are: colnum, colinc
n ignore the newline and any following whitespace
: newline is ignored, whitespace is left
@ newline is printed, following whitespce is ignored
* next arg is ignored, with param, next N args are ignored
: back up in arg list, with param, backup N args
@ goto 0th arg, or with a param, Nth arg
? indirect - 2 args are a format string and list of args
@ - 1 arg - is a format string, use args from current arglist
P pluralize
@ use y/ies
: use previous arg
D a number in base 10
O a number in base 8
X a number in base 16
B a number in base 2
R a number in specified radix (ie. ~7R)
@ print leading sign
: print with commas
params are: mincol, padchar, commachar, commawidth, overflowchar
without a radix specifier:
in english "four"
: in english, ordinal "fourth"
@ in roman "IV"
:@ in old roman "IIII"
C a character
@ as with write
: spell out control chars
( downcase until ~) - hello world
@ capitalize the first word - Hello world
: capitalize - Hello World
:@ uppercase - HELLO WORLD
{ iteration spec until ~}
@ use remaining args
: arg is list of sublists
:@ use remaining args, which are sublists
[ conditional spec, separated with ~; ending with ~]
choose item specified by arg ~:; is default item
with a param, chhose with it instead of arg
@ choose if not false
: use first item if false, second otherwise
^ abort ? {} or <> if no args remain,
or if a param is given, it is 0
or if 2 params are given, they are equal
or if 3 params are given, the 1st is <= 2nd <= 3rd
: terminate an entire :{ or :@{, not just this iteration
For a more complete description of the various formatting directives, parameters, etc.
see your favorite lisp reference, such as
=head1 NOTES
! is a synonym for @
Often used format strings can be pre-compiled:
C<$f = Fmt::compile("~{ ~a ~5,,,'*a~}");>
C<$str = fmt( $f, ...);>
when lisp says an arg is a "list", we translate that as a reference to a list (or hash)
lisp: (format () "~{ ~A~}\n" '(a b c d e))
perl: fmt( "~{ ~A~}\n", ["a", "b", "c", "d"])
fmt( "~{ key ~A value ~A\n~}", {foo=>1, bar=>2, baz=>3})
=head1 BUGS
Floating-point output is not yet supported.
the <> formatting support is incomplete.
the radix for ~R is restricted to the range 1-36
no test is performed to detect circular data structures
many other bugs not listed here
=head1 CHANGES
=head1 TO DO
see BUGS.
=head1 SEE ALSO
Common Lisp - The Language 2nd. ed.
Yellowstone National Park.
=head1 AUTHOR
This software is Copyright (c) 1998 Jeff Weisberg
Permission is granted to use, copy and distribute this software
under the following conditions:
- This license covers the original software, as well as
modified or derived works.
- All modified or derived works must contain this notice
unmodified and in its entirety.
- This software is not to be used for any purpose which
may be considered illegal, immoral, or unethical.
- This software is provided as is and without warranty.