=head1 Name
Math::Permute::Lists - Generate all the permutations of zero or more nested lists.
=head1 Synopsis
use Math::Permute::Lists;
permute {say "@_"} [1,2],[3,4];
# 1 2 3 4
# 1 2 4 3
# 2 1 3 4
# 2 1 4 3
# 3 4 1 2
# 3 4 2 1
# 4 3 1 2
# 4 3 2 1
permute {say "@_"} 1,[2,[3,4]];
# 1 2 3 4
# 1 2 4 3
# 1 3 4 2
# 1 4 3 2
# 2 3 4 1
# 2 4 3 1
# 3 4 2 1
# 4 3 2 1
our $VERSION = '20170828';
use v5.16.0;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use strict;
sub permute(&@) # Generate permutations of lists - user interface
{my $s = shift; # Subroutine to call to process each permutation
&Permute($s, undef, @_); # Perform permutations
sub Permute # Generate and expand permutations - private
{my $S = shift; # User subroutine to call to process each permutation
my $R = shift; # Subroutine to expand replacements
my $Single = __PACKAGE__.'Single'; # User supplied item
my $Expand = __PACKAGE__.'Expand'; # Sub permutations of user items
my $mirror; $mirror = sub # Mirror permutation structure
{my @p; # Items to be permuted discovered at this level
{if (ref eq "ARRAY" or ref eq $Expand) # Array of sub items to be permuted together
{push @p, bless [0, bless $_, $Expand], $Single; # Not in use, sublist
else # A single item
{push @p, bless [0, $_], $Single; # Not in use, user item
@p # Result
my $M = [&$mirror(@_)]; # Mirrors the user supplied permutation structure but with additional data
my @Q = (); # Permuted array = output area
my $N = 0; # Number of permutations encountered
my $replace; $replace = sub # Replace sub permutations with their expansions
{my @q = @_; # Fully or partially expanded row
if (grep {ref($_) eq $Expand} @q) # Check whether results if fully expanded yet
{my @p; # Prefix elements that are fully expanded
for(;@q;) # Remove leading block of items that do not need expansion
{my $q = shift @q; # Each element, leaving trailing elements
if (ref($q) ne $Expand) # Leading expanded elements
{push @p, $q; # Save leading expanded element
else # First element requiring expansion
{&Permute($S, sub {&$replace(@p, @_, @q);}, @$q); # Expand sub permutation and use it to expand the current row
else # Fully expanded - call user processing routine
{++$N; # Number of permutations encountered
&$S(@q); # Pass to user
my $permute; $permute = sub # Generate permutations
{if (scalar(@Q) == scalar(@$M)) # Row has been generated when it has enough elements
{($R ? $R : $replace)->(map {$_->[1]} @Q); # Subsequent or first replacement of user data
my ($P) = @_; # Permutations to be performed
for my $p(@$P) # Find an item that has not been used so far in this permutation
{if (!$p->[0]) # Not in use
{push @Q, $p; # Place it in the next position in the output area
$p->[0] = 1; # Mark it as in use
&$permute($P); # Choose again
$p->[0] = 0; # Mark it as available
pop @Q; # Free space in output area
&$permute($M); # Permute per user
$mirror = $replace = $permute = undef; # Break memory cycles
$N # Return number of permutations performed
# Export details
require Exporter;
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT $VERSION);
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(permute);
=head1 Description
Generate all the permutations of zero or more nested lists using the standard
Perl metaphor.
C<permute()> returns the number of permutations in both scalar and array
C<permute()> is 100% Pure Perl.
=head1 Export
The C<permute()> function is exported.
=head1 Installation
Standard Module::Build process for building and installing modules:
perl Build.PL
./Build test
./Build install
Or, if you're on a platform (like DOS or Windows) that doesn't require
the "./" notation, you can do this:
perl Build.PL
Build test
Build install
=head1 Author
=head1 Acknowledgements
From a suggestion by Philipp Rumpf.
=head1 See Also
=item L<Math::Cartesian::Product>
=item L<Math::Disarrange::List>
=item L<Math::Permute::List>
=item L<Math::Subsets::List>
=item L<Algorithm::Permute>
=item L<Algorithm::FastPermute>
=head1 Copyright
Copyright (c) 2009 Philip R Brenan.
This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or
modified under the same terms as Perl itself.