1.000014 2019-06-18
- Added deprecation notice
1.000013 2017-02-01
- Fixed an error inflating MaxMind::DB::Reader into a Moose object with
Moose 2.2000 to 2.2003.
1.000012 2016-03-23
- iterate_search_tree() is no longer shared with the XS module as it now
provides a separate implementation.
1.000011 2016-02-02
- Decoding of unsigned integers has been simplified. Math::BigInt will now
only be used for integers that are actually too big to store as native
- Require MaxMind::DB::Commmon 0.040001. This should fix some CPAN Tester
- Require Data::Validate::IP 0.25. We now use the new is_ip subroutine.
1.000010 2016-02-01
- Fixed a bug that prevented the pure Perl implementation from correctly
detecting expanded IPv6 addresses.
1.000009 2015-12-17
- Removed test dependency on Net::Works, which in turn depends on
Math::Int128. Hopefully this finally removes XS from the module's dependency
1.000008 2015-12-15
- Require Path::Class 0.27 for tests. This is the first version to include
- Really remove dependency on Math::Int128. There was still some test code
using it that caused it to be required. Reported by Victor Efimov. GH #23.
- Removed MaxMind::DB::Verifier and the mmdb-verify-database script. This was
extremely slow on large databases, and probably fairly buggy. Use
https://github.com/maxmind/mmdbverify instead.
1.000007 2015-05-27
- Require version 1.87 of Socket (same as perl 5.12) to minimize XS dependency.
On Windows, Socket version 2.019 will be installed (for inet_pton emulation).
1.000006 2015-05-22
- Require Scalar::Util 1.42 for tests, GH #16
1.000005 2015-05-22
- Require newer version of Socket for inet_pton on perl 5.10
1.000004 2015-04-30
- MaxMind::DB::Reader now has no XS dependencies. Previously Net::Works was
used for validation and Math::Int128 was used to return larger
integers. Integers larger than maximum unsigned integer supported by your
perl will now be returned as Math::BigInt objects. If you are dealing with
many lookups of a record with such values and cannot install
MaxMind::DB::Reader::XS, you may wish to install Math::BigInt::GMP.
- Fixed a bug in the mmdb-dump-database script. It tried to call methods on
the JSON module when it meant to use JSON::PP.
- mmdb-dump-database was moved from bin to eg.
1.000003 2014-12-17
- The previous release somehow included junk from an even older release in a
MaxMind-DB-Reader-1.00001 subdirectory. Reported by Daisuke Maki. GH #14.
1.000002 2014-12-09
- The MaxMind::DB::Verifier module accidentally included a 5.14-ism, which
prevented this module from installing on earlier Perls.
1.000001 2014-12-08
- The mmdb-dump-database script now skips the IPv4 alias networks
(::ffff:0:0/96 and 2002::/16).
- MaxMind::DB::Reader::Role::HasMetadata no longer unintentionally inflates a
Moose metaclass.
1.000000 2014-09-22
- First production release. No non-test changes.
0.060001 2014-09-15
- Changed an error message to match the error string used by
libmaxminddb. This makes sharing tests between the pure Perl and XS
implementations much simpler.
0.060000 2014-09-15
- An exception is no longer thrown when a private IP address is passed to
record_for_address. Instead a lookup will be done in the database, and
undef will be returned if there is no record for the IP.
0.050005 2014-03-18
- Fixed some big bugs in the iterate_search_tree method. Both of them caused
it to report the wrong IP address to the data callback.
0.050004 2014-03-10
- Added basic docs for this distro.
0.050003 2014-01-13
- Metadata reading in the pure Perl implementation was entirely broken on any
database larger than the maximum metadata size (20kb).
0.050002 2013-12-30
- Added more checks for error conditions and broken databases.
- Error messages should now be the same for the pure Perl and XS readers.
- Added some more tests and made a small internals change to faciliate said
0.050001 2013-12-24
- Tests failed on some systems because of rounding errors with doubles. We now
use Test::Number::Delta to deal with this. Reported by Anreas Koenig. Github
issue #2.
0.050000 2013-12-17
- Various changes and refactorings to support both a pure Perl and XS
backend. MaxMind::DB::Reader::XS is a separate distro on CPAN. If you
install this it will automatically be used when you use the
MaxMind::DB::Reader module.
- Added a speed improvement for looking up IPv4 addresses in databases that
contain both IPv4 and IPv6.
- Renamed all scripts in bin to start with "mmdb-".
- Made the mmdb-dump-database script output valid JSON.
- Added an mmdb-dump-search-tree script.
0.040003 2013-07-18
- No changes, didn't need to release, but thought I did.
0.040002 2013-07-18
- Explicitly require Perl 5.10+ for now. Getting this working on 5.8 might be
possible in the future, and patches are welcome, but it's a fair bit of
work, starting with getting Socket to support inet_pton on 5.8.x.
- Fixed test failures related to imprecise double storage. On some machines, a
decoded double may be slightly off from the expected value because of
floating point precision issues. The tests now just check that the value is
within 0.001 of what we expect.
0.040000 2013-07-16
- First release upon an unsuspecting world.