package inc::MyInline;
use strict;
package My::Extract;
use List::Util qw( first );
# This extracts the SYNOPSIS in addition to code specifically
# marked for testing
my $search = qr/
(?:^|\n) # After the beginning of the string, or a newline
( # ... start capturing
package\s+ # A package
[^\W\d]\w*(?:(?:\'|::)[^\W\d]\w*)* # ... with a name
\s*; # And a statement terminator
| # OR
\#\s*PODNAME:\s+ # A PODNAME comment
[^\W\d]\w*(?:(?:\'|::)[^\W\d]\w*)* # ... with a name
(?:\s+|$) # And a name terminator
=head1[ \t]+SYNOPSIS\n
| # OR
=for[ \t]+example[ \t]+begin\n # ... when we find a =for example begin
.*? # ... and keep capturing
\n=for[ \t]+example[ \t]+end\s*? # ... until the =for example end
(?:\n|$) # ... at the end of file or a newline
| # OR
=begin[ \t]+(?:test|testing)(?:-SETUP)? # ... when we find a =begin test or testing
.*? # ... and keep capturing
\n=end[ \t]+(?:test|testing)(?:-SETUP)? # ... until an =end tag
(?:\n|$) # ... at the end of file or a newline
) # ... and stop capturing
sub _elements {
my $self = shift;
my @elements = ();
while ( $self->{source} =~ m/$search/go ) {
my $elt = $1;
# A hack to turn the SYNOPSIS into something Test::Inline
# doesn't barf on
if ( $elt =~ s/=head1[ \t]+SYNOPSIS/=begin testing-SETUP\n\n{/ ) {
$elt .= "}\n\n=end testing-SETUP";
# It seems like search.cpan doesn't like a name with
# spaces after =begin. bleah, what a mess.
$elt =~ s/testing-SETUP/testing SETUP/g;
push @elements, $elt;
# If we have just one element it's a SYNOPSIS, so there's no
# tests.
return unless @elements > 2;
if ( @elements && $self->{source} =~ /# PODNAME: (Moose::Cookbook\S+)(?:\s|$)/ ) {
foreach my $element (@elements)
$element = "package $1;" if $element =~ /# PODNAME: (Moose::Cookbook\S+)(?:\s+|$)/;
if ( @elements && $self->{source} =~ /=head1 NAME\n\n(Moose::Cookbook\S+)/ ) {
unshift @elements, 'package ' . $1 . ';';
( first {/^=/} @elements ) ? \@elements : '';
package My::Content;
sub process {
my $self = shift;
my $base = $self->SUPER::process(@_);
$base =~ s/(\$\| = 1;)/use Test::Fatal;\n$1/;
return $base;