Changes for MooseX::AutoDestruct
0.009 2011-11-06 19:49:57 America/Los_Angeles
0.008 2011-09-28 18:37:39 America/Los_Angeles
* We were using a hardcoded '$_[0]' at some points in our inline code
generator, when we shouldn't have. Fixed.
* The test suite now runs all tests against mutable test classes, then
again against immutable test classes.
* Switch no smart-comments tests to DZ::Plugin::NoSmartCommentsTests
0.007 2011-03-12 20:47:06 America/Los_Angeles
* Switch over to Dist::Zilla
* Ensure V1Traits has the main module loaded so the inline packages
are present
0.006 - Mon 7 Mar 2011
* Make sure all our packages have a $VERSION -- not having this was
causing problems with the CPAN indexer.
0.005 - Mon 7 Mar 2011
* We now suppport Moose v2 (whenever it comes out :)) The traits were
refactored into versioned traits, and the register_implementation()
function was made smarter to deal with this as well.
0.004 - Sun Aug 15 2010
* AutoDestruct now uses the generated clearer method, if we have one,
rather than clearing inline. (This should allow clearer wrappers to
work as expected.)
0.003 - Mon Jul 19 2010
* Fix inline clearing code; add tests
* Skip meta tests at the moment (not written/ready)
0.002 - Fri Jul 16 2010
* add very basic (and redundant) builder tests
* make the test suite a touch quieter
* first non-developer release!
0.001_03 - Thu Jul 8 2010
* Remove an errant requires
* Doc improvements
0.001_02 - Tue Jul 6 2010
* Additional tests exercising the attribute from the meta side of things
* Correct how enforce_doomsday() was calling doomsday() (namely, now it
passes the instance to doomsday() like it should
0.001_01 - Sun Jul 4 2010
* Initial release -- marked as developer, as we need more tests!