0.08    2017-08-17

    - Pass tests when Role::Tiny is installed, but not Class::Method::Modifiers

0.07    2015-06-11

    - Add a shortcut for mock methods that return hard-coded scalars (simbabque)
    - Load role clases if they haven't been loaded already.

0.06    2014-03-21

    - Fixing a bug where method modifers were clobbered after being applied.

0.05    2014-03-08

    - Support for older Role::Tiny versions without Role::Tiny::is_role
    - Adds consuming_class(), for creating a class that consumes a role without
      creating an instance of it.
    - Adds consuming_instance(), which is essentially consumer_of with named

0.04    2014-03-01

    - Adds support for Role::Tiny and Moo::Role (newer versions of Moo::Role
      were actually working before).
    - Removes a hard dependency on Moose.
    - Adds Class::Load as a dependency.

0.03    2012-12-03

    - Documentation update.

0.02    2011-05-23

    - Added consumer_of().

0.01    2011-05-22

    - Initial release, with only the requires_ok() function.