package Net::EPP::Server;
# ABSTRACT: A simple EPP server implementation.
use Carp;
use Crypt::OpenSSL::Random;
use DateTime;
use Digest::SHA qw(sha512_hex);
use IO::Socket::SSL;
use List::Util qw(any none);
use Mozilla::CA;
use Net::EPP 0.27;
use Net::EPP::Frame;
use Net::EPP::Protocol;
use Net::EPP::ResponseCodes;
use No::Worries::DN qw(dn_parse);
use Socket;
use Socket6;
use Sys::Hostname;
use Time::HiRes qw(ualarm);
use XML::LibXML;
use base qw(Net::Server::PreFork);
use bytes;
use utf8;
use open qw(:encoding(utf8));
use feature qw(state);
use vars qw(%MESSAGES);
use strict;
use warnings;

our %MESSAGES = (
    1000 => 'Command completed successfully.',
    1001 => 'Command completed successfully; action pending.',
    1300 => 'Command completed successfully; no messages.',
    1301 => 'Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue.',
    1500 => 'Command completed successfully; ending session.',
    2000 => 'Unknown command.',
    2001 => 'Command syntax error.',
    2002 => 'Command use error.',
    2003 => 'Required parameter missing.',
    2004 => 'Parameter value range error.',
    2005 => 'Parameter value syntax error.',
    2100 => 'Unimplemented protocol version.',
    2101 => 'Unimplemented command.',
    2102 => 'Unimplemented option.',
    2103 => 'Unimplemented extension.',
    2104 => 'Billing failure.',
    2105 => 'Object is not eligible for renewal.',
    2106 => 'Object is not eligible for transfer.',
    2200 => 'Authentication error.',
    2201 => 'Authorization error.',
    2202 => 'Invalid authorization information.',
    2300 => 'Object pending transfer.',
    2301 => 'Object not pending transfer.',
    2302 => 'Object exists.',
    2303 => 'Object does not exist.',
    2304 => 'Object status prohibits operation.',
    2305 => 'Object association prohibits operation.',
    2306 => 'Parameter value policy error.',
    2307 => 'Unimplemented object service.',
    2308 => 'Data management policy violation.',
    2400 => 'Command failed.',
    2500 => 'Command failed; server closing connection.',
    2501 => 'Authentication error; server closing connection.',
    2502 => 'Session limit exceeded; server closing connection.',

sub new {
    my $package = shift;

    return bless($package->SUPER::new, $package);

sub run {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;

    $args{'host'}   ||= 'localhost';
    $args{'port'}   ||= 7000;
    $args{'proto'}  ||= 'ssl';

    $self->{'epp'} = {
        'handlers'          => delete($args{'handlers'}) || {},
        'timeout'           => delete($args{'timeout'})  || 30,
        'client_ca_file'    => delete($args{'client_ca_file'}),
        'xsd_file'          => delete($args{'xsd_file'}),

    if ($self->{'epp'}->{'client_ca_file'}) {
        $args{'SSL_verify_mode'}    = SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT;
        $args{'SSL_ca_file'}        = $self->{'epp'}->{'client_ca_file'};

    return $self->SUPER::run(%args);

# This method is called when a new connection is received. It sends the
# <greeting> to the client, then enters the main loop.
sub process_request {
    my ($self, $socket) = @_;

    $self->send_frame($socket, $self->generate_greeting);



# This method initialises the session, and calls main_loop_iteration() in a
# loop. That method returns the result code, and the loop will terminate if the
# code indicates that it should.
sub main_loop {
    my ($self, $socket) = @_;

    my $session = $self->init_session($socket);

    while (1) {
        my $code = $self->main_loop_iteration($socket, $session);

        last if (OK_BYE == $code || $code >= COMMAND_FAILED_BYE);

# This method initialises a new session
sub init_session {
    my ($self, $socket) = @_;

    my $session =  {
        'session_id'    => $self->generate_svTRID,
        'remote_addr'   => inet_ntop(4 == length($socket->peeraddr) ? AF_INET : AF_INET6, $socket->peeraddr),
        'remote_port'   => $socket->peerport,

    if ($socket->peer_certificate) {
        $session->{'client_cert'} = {
            'issuer'        => dn_to_hashref($socket->peer_certificate('issuer')),
            'subject'       => dn_to_hashref($socket->peer_certificate('subject')),
            'common_name'   => $socket->peer_certificate('commonName'),

    return $session;

# this function wraps No::Worries::DN::dn_parse() and returns a hashref instead
# of an array
sub dn_to_hashref {
    my $ref = {};

    foreach (@{dn_parse(shift)}) {
        my ($k, $v) = split(/=/, $_, 2);
        $ref->{$k} = $v;

    return $ref;

# This method reads a frame from the client, passes it to process_frame(),
# sends the response back to the client, and returns the result code back to
# main_loop().
sub main_loop_iteration {
    my ($self, $socket, $session) = @_;

    my $xml = $self->get_frame($socket);

    return COMMAND_FAILED_BYE if (!$xml);

    my $response = $self->process_frame($xml, $session);

    $self->send_frame($socket, $response);

    if ('greeting' eq $response->documentElement->firstChild->localName) {
        return OK;

    } else {
        return $response->getElementsByTagName('result')->item(0)->getAttribute('code');


# This method is a wrapper around Net::EPP::Protocol->get_frame() which
# implements a timeout and exception handler.
sub get_frame {
    my ($self, $socket) = @_;

    my $xml;

    eval {
        local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die("ALARM\n") };

        ualarm(1000 * 1000 * ($self->{'epp'}->{'timeout'}));

        $xml = Net::EPP::Protocol->get_frame($socket);


    return ($@ ? undef : $xml);

# This method processes an XML frame received from a client and returns a
# response frame. It manages session state, to ensure that clients that haven't
# authenticated yet can't do anything except login.
sub process_frame {
    my ($self, $xml, $session) = @_;

    my $svTRID = $self->generate_svTRID;

    my $frame = $self->parse_frame($xml);

    if (!$frame->isa('XML::LibXML::Document')) {
        return $self->generate_error(
            code    => SYNTAX_ERROR,
            msg     => 'XML parse error.',
            svTRID  => $svTRID,

    my ($code, $msg) = $self->validate_frame($frame);

    if (OK != $code) {
        return $self->generate_error(
            code    => $code,
            msg     => $msg,
            svTRID  => $svTRID,

    eval { $self->run_callback(
        event   => 'frame_received',
        frame   => $frame
    ) };

    my $fcname = $frame->getElementsByTagName('epp')->item(0)->firstChild->localName;

    if ('hello' eq $fcname) {
        return $self->generate_greeting;

    my $clTRID = $frame->getElementsByTagName('clTRID')->item(0)->textContent;

    my $command;

    if ('command' eq $fcname) {
        $command = $frame->documentElement->firstChild->firstChild->localName;

    } elsif ('extension' eq $fcname) {
        $command = 'other';


    if (!$command) {
        return $self->generate_error(
            code    => SYNTAX_ERROR,
            msg     => 'First child element of <epp> is not <command> or <extension>.',
            clTRID  => $clTRID,
            svTRID  => $svTRID,

    if (!defined($session->{'clid'}) && 'login' ne $command) {
        return $self->generate_error(
            code    => AUTHENTICATION_ERROR,
            msg     => 'You are not logged in.',
            clTRID  => $clTRID,
            svTRID  => $svTRID,

    if (defined($session->{'clid'}) && 'login' eq $command) {
        return $self->generate_error(
            code    => AUTHENTICATION_ERROR,
            msg     => 'You are already logged in.',
            clTRID  => $clTRID,
            svTRID  => $svTRID,

    if ('logout' eq $command) {
        eval { $self->run_callback(event => 'session_closed', session => $session) };

        return $self->generate_response(
            code    => OK_BYE,
            msg     => 'Command completed successfully; ending session.',
            clTRID  => $clTRID,
            svTRID  => $svTRID,

    my $response = $self->handle_command(
        command => $command,
        frame   => $frame,
        session => $session,
        clTRID  => $clTRID,
        svTRID  => $svTRID,

    if ('login' eq $command && $response->getElementsByTagName('result')->item(0)->getAttribute('code') < UNKNOWN_COMMAND) {
        $session->{'clid'}          = $frame->getElementsByTagName('clID')->item(0)->textContent;
        $session->{'lang'}          = $frame->getElementsByTagName('lang')->item(0)->textContent;
        $session->{'objects'}       = [ map { $_->textContent } $frame->getElementsByTagName('objURI') ];
        $session->{'extensions'}    = [ map { $_->textContent } $frame->getElementsByTagName('extURI') ];

    eval { $self->run_callback(
        event       => 'response_prepared',
        frame       => $frame,
        response    => $response
    ) };

    return $response;

# This method invokes the event handler for a given event/command, and passes
# back the response, returning an error if the command references an
# unimplemented command, object service or extension.
sub handle_command {
    my $self    = shift;
    my %args    = @_;
    my $command = $args{'command'};
    my $frame   = $args{'frame'};
    my $session = $args{'session'};
    my $clTRID  = $args{'clTRID'};
    my $svTRID  = $args{'svTRID'};

    my $response;

    # check for an unimplemented command
    if (!defined($self->{'epp'}->{'handlers'}->{$command})) {
        return $self->generate_error(
            code    => UNIMPLEMENTED_COMMAND,
            msg     => sprintf('This server does not implement the <%s> command.', $command),
            clTRID  => $clTRID,
            svTRID  => $svTRID,

    if ('login' ne $command) {
        # check for an unimplemented object
        if (any { $command eq $_ } qw(check info create delete renew transfer update)) {
            my $type = $frame->getElementsByTagName('epp')->item(0)->firstChild->firstChild->firstChild->namespaceURI;

            if (none { $type eq $_ } @{$session->{'objects'}}) {
                return $self->generate_error(
                    code    => UNIMPLEMENTED_OBJECT_SERVICE,
                    msg     => sprintf('This server does not support %s objects.', $type),
                    clTRID  => $clTRID,
                    svTRID  => $svTRID,

        # check for an unimplemented extension
        my $extn = $frame->getElementsByTagName('extension')->item(0);
        if ($extn) {
            foreach my $el ($extn->childNodes) {
                if (none { $el->namespaceURI eq $_ } @{$session->{'extensions'}}) {
                    return $self->generate_error(
                        code    => UNIMPLEMENTED_EXTENSION,
                        msg     => sprintf('This server does not support the %s extension.', $el->namespaceURI),
                        clTRID  => $clTRID,
                        svTRID  => $svTRID,

    return $self->run_command(%args);

sub generate_greeting {
    my $self = shift;

    state ($hello, $frame);

    # this ensures that the hello handler always receives a valid EPP frame
    if (!$hello) {
        $hello = XML::LibXML::Document->new;
        $hello->setDocumentElement($hello->createElementNS($Net::EPP::Frame::EPP_URN, 'epp'));

    if (!$frame) {
        my $data = $self->run_callback(event => 'hello', frame => $hello);

        $frame = XML::LibXML::Document->new;

        $frame->setDocumentElement($frame->createElementNS($Net::EPP::Frame::EPP_URN, 'epp'));
        my $greeting = $frame->documentElement->appendChild($frame->createElement('greeting'));

        $greeting->appendChild($frame->createElement('svID'))->appendText($data->{'svID'} || lc(hostname));

        # the <svDate> element is populated dynamically

        my $svcMenu = $greeting->appendChild($frame->createElement('svcMenu'));

        foreach my $lang (@{$data->{'lang'} || [qw(en)]}) {

        foreach my $objURI (@{$data->{'objects'}}) {

        if (scalar(@{$data->{'extensions'}}) > 0) {
            my $svcExtension = $svcMenu->appendChild($frame->createElement('svcExtension'));

            foreach my $extURI (@{$data->{'extensions'}}) {

        my $dcp = $greeting->appendChild($frame->createElement('dcp'));

        my $statement = $dcp->appendChild($frame->createElement('statement'));


    return $frame;

sub run_command {
    my $self    = shift;
    my %args    = @_;
    my $command = $args{'command'};
    my $frame   = $args{'frame'};
    my $session = $args{'session'};
    my $clTRID  = $args{'clTRID'};
    my $svTRID  = $args{'svTRID'};

    my @result = eval { $self->run_callback(
        event   => $command,
        frame   => $frame,
        session => $session,
        clTRID  => $clTRID,
        svTRID  => $svTRID,
    ) };

    if ($@) {

        return $self->generate_error(
            code    => COMMAND_FAILED,
            clTRID  => $clTRID,
            svTRID  => $svTRID,

    # the command handler returned nothing
    if (0 == scalar(@result)) {
        carp(sprintf('<%s> command handler returned nothing', $command));

        return $self->generate_error(
            code    => COMMAND_FAILED,
            clTRID  => $clTRID,
            svTRID  => $svTRID,

    # single return value
    if (1 == scalar(@result)) {
        my $result = shift(@result);

        if ($result->isa('XML::LibXML::Document')) {
            return $result;

        if (is_result_code($result)) {
            return $self->generate_response(
                code    => $result,
                clTRID  => $clTRID,
                svTRID  => $svTRID,

        carp(sprintf('<%s> command handler did not return a result code or an XML document', $command));

        return $self->generate_error(
            code    => COMMAND_FAILED,
            clTRID  => $clTRID,
            svTRID  => $svTRID,

    if (!is_result_code($result[0])) {
        carp(sprintf('<%s> command handler returned something that is not a result code', $command));

        return $self->generate_error(
            code    => COMMAND_FAILED,
            clTRID  => $clTRID,
            svTRID  => $svTRID,

    my $code = shift(@result);

    if (!ref($result[0])) {
        # assume that the next member is a string containing a message
        return $self->generate_response(
            code    => $code,
            msg     => $result[0],
            clTRID  => $clTRID,
            svTRID  => $svTRID,

    # generate a basic response that we will then insert elements into
    my $response = $self->generate_response(
        code    => $code,
        clTRID  => $clTRID,
        svTRID  => $svTRID,

    my %els;
    foreach my $el (@result) {
        # anything that isn't an element is ignored
        if ($el->isa('XML::LibXML::Element')) {
            # if multiple elements with the same local name are present,
            # the last will clobber any previous elements.
            $els{$el->localName} = $el;

    my $response_el = $response->getElementsByTagName('response')->item(0);

    # now append elements in the correct order, if provided
    foreach my $name (grep { exists($els{$_}) } qw(resData msgQ extension)) {

    return $response;

sub generate_response {
    my $self    = shift;
    my %args    = @_;

    my $clTRID  = $args{'clTRID'};
    my $svTRID  = $args{'svTRID'};

    my $code    = $args{'code'} || OK;
    my $msg     = $args{'msg'} || $MESSAGES{$code} || ($code < UNKNOWN_COMMAND ? $MESSAGES{OK} : $MESSAGES{COMMAND_FAILED});

    my $frame = XML::LibXML::Document->new;

    $frame->setDocumentElement($frame->createElementNS($Net::EPP::Frame::EPP_URN, 'epp'));
    my $response = $frame->documentElement->appendChild($frame->createElement('response'));

    my $result = $response->appendChild($frame->createElement('result'));

    $result->setAttribute('code', $code);

    if ($args{'resData'}) {

    if ($clTRID || $svTRID) {
        my $trID = $response->appendChild($frame->createElement('trID'));
        $trID->appendChild($frame->createElement('clTRID'))->appendText($clTRID) if ($clTRID);
        $trID->appendChild($frame->createElement('svTRID'))->appendText($svTRID) if ($svTRID);

    return $frame;

sub generate_error {
    my ($self, %args) = @_;
    $args{'code'} ||= COMMAND_FAILED;
    $args{'msg'} = $args{'msg'} || $MESSAGES{$args{'code'}} || 'An internal error occurred. Please try again later.';
    return $self->generate_response(%args);

sub generate_svTRID {
    state $counter = time();

    return substr(sha512_hex(
        pack('Q', ++$counter)
    ), 0, 64);

sub parse_frame {
    my ($self, $xml) = @_;

    return XML::LibXML->load_xml(
        string      => $xml,
        no_blanks   => 1,
        no_cdata    => 1,

sub validate_frame {
    my ($self, $frame) = @_;

    if ($self->{'epp'}->{'xsd_file'}) {
        state $xsd = XML::LibXML::Schema->new(location => $self->{'epp'}->{'xsd_file'});

        eval { $xsd->validate($frame) };

        return (SYNTAX_ERROR, $@) if ($@);

    return OK;

# This method finds the callback for the given event, and if found, runs it and
# passes back its return value(s).
sub run_callback {
    my $self = shift;
    my %args = @_;

    $args{'server'} ||= $self;

    my $ref = $self->{'epp'}->{'handlers'}->{$args{'event'}};

    return &{$ref}(%args) if ($ref);

sub is_result_code {
    my $value = shift;
    return (int($value) >= OK && int($value) <= 2502);

# This method is a wrapper around Net::EPP::Protocol->send_frame() which
# validates the response and reports any errors
sub send_frame {
    my ($self, $socket, $frame) = @_;

    # note: we need to do a round-trip here otherwise we get namespace issues
    $frame = XML::LibXML->load_xml(string => $frame->toString);

    my ($code, $msg) = $self->validate_frame($frame);
    if (OK != $code) {

    Net::EPP::Protocol->send_frame($socket, $frame->toString);




=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

Net::EPP::Server - A simple EPP server implementation.

=head1 VERSION

version 0.003


    use Net::EPP::Server;
    use Net::EPP::ResponseCodes;

    # these are the objects we want to support
    my @OBJECTS = qw(domain host contact);

    # these are the extensions we want to support
    my @EXTENSIONS = qw(secDNS rgp loginSec allocationToken launch);

    # You can pass any arguments supported by Net::Server::Proto::SSL, but
    # by default the server will listen on localhost port 7000 using a
    # self-signed certificate.

        # this defines callbacks that will be invoked when an EPP frame is
        # received
        handlers => {
            hello   => \&hello_handler,
            login   => \&login_handler,
            check   => \&check_handler,
            info    => \&info_handler,
            create  => \&create_handler,

            # add more here

    # The <hello> handler is special and just needs
    # to return a hashref containing server metadata.
    sub hello_handler {
        return {
            # this is the server ID and is optional, if not provided the system
            # hostname will be used
            svID => '',

            # this is optional
            lang => [ qw(en fr de) ],

            # these are arrayrefs of namespace URIs
            objects => [
                map { Net::EPP::Frame::ObjectSpec->xmlns($_) } @OBJECTS

            extensions => [
                map { Net::EPP::Frame::ObjectSpec->xmlns($_) } @EXTENSIONS

    # All other handlers work the same. They are passed a hash of arguments and
    # can return a simple result code, a result code and message, a
    # XML::LibXML::Document object, or a result code and an array of
    # XML::LibXML::Element objects.
    sub login_handler {
        my %args = @_;

        my $frame = $args{'frame'};

        my $clid = $frame->getElementsByTagName('clid')->item(0)->textContent;
        my $pw = $frame->getElementsByTagName('pw')->item(0)->textContent;

        if (!validate_credentials($clid, $pw)) {
            return AUTHENTICATION_FAILED;

        } else {
            return OK;



C<Net::EPP::Server> provides a high-level framework for developing L<Extensible
Provisioning Protocol (EPP)|> servers.

It implements the TLS/TCP transport described in L<RFC 5734|>,
and the L<EPP Server State Machine|>
described in L<Section 2 of RFC 5730|>.


C<Net::EPP::Server> inherits from L<Net::Server> I<(specifically
L<Net::Server::PreFork>)>, and so the C<run()> method accepts all the parameters
supported by that module, plus the following:


=item * C<handlers>, which is a hashref which maps events (including EPP
commands) to callback functions. See below for details.

=item * C<timeout> (optional), which is how long (in seconds) to wait for a
client to send a command before dropping the connection. This parameter may be a
decimal (e.g. C<3.14>) or an integer (e.g. C<42>). The default timeout is 30

=item * C<client_ca_file> (optional), which is the location on disk of a file
which can be use to validate client certificates. If this parameter is not
provided, clients will not be required to use a certificate.

=item * C<xsd_file> (optional), which is the location on disk of an XSD file
which should be used to validate all frames received from clients. This XSD
file can include other XSD files using C<E<lt>importE<gt>>.



You implement the business logic of your EPP server by specifying callbacks that
are invoked for certain events. These come in two flavours: I<events> and

All event handlers receive a hash containing one or more arguments that are
described below.

=head2 C<frame_received>

Called when a frame has been successfully parsed and validated, but before it
has been processed. The input frame will be passed as the C<frame> argument.

=head2 C<response_prepared>

Called when a response has been generated, but before it has been sent back to
the client. The response will be passed as the C<response> argument, while the
input frame will be passed as the C<frame> argument. It is B<not> called for
C<E<lt>helloE<gt>> and C<E<lt>logoutE<gt>>commands.

=head2 C<session_closed>

C<Net::EPP::Server> takes care of handling session management, but this event
handler will be called once a C<E<lt>logoutE<gt>> command has been successfully
processed, and before the client connection has been closed. The C<session>
argument will contain a hashref of the session (see below).

=head2 C<hello>

The C<hello> event handler is called when a new client connects, or a
C<E<lt>helloE<gt>> frame is received.

Unlike the other event handlers, this handler B<MUST> respond with a hashref
which contains the following entries:


=item * C<svID> (OPTIONAL) - the server ID. If not provided, the system hostname
will be used.

=item * C<lang> (OPTIONAL) - an arrayref containing language codes. It not
provided, C<en> will be used as the only supported language.

=item * C<objects> (REQUIRED) - an arrayref of namespace URIs for



The standard EPP command repertoire is:


=item * C<login>

=item * C<logout>

=item * C<poll>

=item * C<check>

=item * C<info>

=item * C<create>

=item * C<delete>

=item * C<renew>

=item * C<transfer>

=item * C<delete>


A command handler may be specified for all of these commands except C<logout>,
since C<Net::EPP::Server> handles this itself.

Since EPP allows the command repertoire to be extended (by omitting the
C<E<lt>commandE<gt>> element and using the C<E<lt>extensionE<gt>> element only),
C<Net::EPP::Server> also supports the C<other> event which will be called when
processing such frames.

All command handlers receive a hash containing the following arguments:


=item * C<server> - the server.

=item * C<event> - the name of the command.

=item * C<frame> - an L<XML::LibXML::Document> object representing the frame
received from the client.

=item * C<session> - a hashref containing the session information.

=item * C<clTRID> - the value of the C<E<lt>clTRIDE<gt>> element taken from the
frame received from the client.

=item * C<svTRID> - a value suitable for inclusion in the C<E<lt>clTRIDE<gt>>
element of the response.



As mentioned above, the C<session> parameter is a hashref which contains
information about the session. It contains the following values:


=item * C<session_id> - a unique session ID.

=item * C<remote_addr> - the client's remote IP address (IPv4 or IPv6).

=item * C<remote_port> - the client's remote port.

=item * C<clid> - the client ID used to log in.

=item * C<lang> - the language specified at login.

=item * C<objects> - an arrayref of the object URI(s) specified at login.

=item * C<extensions> - an arrayref of the extension URI(s) specified at login.

=item * C<client_cert> - a hashref containing information about the client
certificate (if any), which looks something like this:

      'issuer' => $dnref,
      'common_name' => '',
      'subject' => $dnref,

C<$dnref> is a hashref representing the Distinguished Name of the issuer or
subject and looks like this:

        'O' => 'Example Inc.',
        'OU' => 'Registry Services',
        'emailAddress' => '',
        'CN' => 'EPP Server Private CA',

Other members, such as C<C> (country), C<ST> (state/province), and C<L> (city)
may also be present.



Command handlers can return result information in four different ways that are
explained below.


Command handlers can signal the result of a command by simply passing a single
integer value. L<Net::EPP::ResponseCodes> may be used to avoid literal integers.


    sub delete_handler {
        my %args = @_;

        # business logic here

        if ($success) {
            return OK;

        } else {
            return COMMAND_FAILED;


C<Net::EPP::Server> will construct a standard EPP response frame using the
result code and send it to the client.


If the command handler returns two values, and the first is a valid result code,
then the second can be a message. Example:

    sub delete_handler {
        my %args = @_;

        # business logic here

        if ($success) {
            return (OK, 'object deleted');

        } else {
            return (COMMAND_FAILED, 'object not deleted');


C<Net::EPP::Server> will construct a standard EPP response frame using the
result code and message, and send it to the client.


The command handler may return a result code followed by an array of between
one and three L<XML::LibXML::Element> objects, in any order, representing the
C<E<lt>resDataE<gt>>, C<E<lt>msgQE<gt>> and C<E<lt>extensionE<gt>> elements.

    sub delete_handler {
        my %args = @_;

        # business logic here

        return (

C<Net::EPP::Server> will construct a standard EPP response frame using the
result code and supplied elements which will be imported and inserted into the
appropriate positions, and send it to the client.

=head4 4. L<XML::LibXML::Document> OBJECT

A return value that is a single L<XML::LibXML::Document> object will be sent
back to the client verbatim.


C<Net::EPP::Server> will catch any exceptions thrown by the command handler,
will C<carp($@)>, and then send a C<2400> result code back to the client.


=head2 C<generate_response(%args)>

This method returns a L<XML::LibXML::Document> object representing the response
described by C<%args>, which should contain the following:


=item * C<code> (OPTIONAL) - the result code. See L<Net::EPP::ResponseCodes>.
If not provided, C<1000> will be used.

=item * C<msg> - a human-readable error message. If not provided, the string
C<"Command completed successfully."> will be used if C<code> is less than
C<2000>, and C<"Command failed."> if C<code> is C<2000> or higher.

=item * C<resData> (OPTIONAL) - if defined, an empty C<E<lt>resDataE<gt>>
element will be added to the frame.

=item * C<clTRID> (OPTIONAL) - the client transaction ID.

=item * C<svTRID> (OPTIONAL) - the server's transaction ID.


Once created, it is straightforward to modify the object to add, remove or
change its contents as needed.

=head2 C<generate_error(%args)>

This method is identical to C<generate_response()> except the default value
for the C<code> parameter is C<2400>, indicating that the command failed for
unspecified reasons.

=head2 C<generate_svTRID()>

This method returns a unique string suitable for use in the C<E<lt>svTRIDE<gt>>
and similar elements.

=head2 C<parse_frame($xml)>

Attempts to parse C<$xml> and returns a L<XML::LibXML::Document> if successful.

=head2 C<is_valid($frame)>

Returns a result code and optionally a message if C<$frame> cannot be validated
against the XSD file provided in the C<xsd_file> parameter.

=head2 C<is_result_code($value)>

Returns true if C<$value> is a recognised EPP result code.

=head1 AUTHOR

Gavin Brown <>


This software is copyright (c) 2025 by Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Number (ICANN).

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
