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Net::Moo - OOP wrapper for the API


use Net::Moo;

my $moo = Net::Moo->new();
my $rsp = $moo->api_call('build', 'stickers', \@designs); 

print $rsp->findvalue("start_url");

# Or, if you're feeling verbose...

use Net::Moo;
use Net::Moo::Validate;

my $xml = $moo->builder('stickers', \@designs);

my $vld = Net::Moo::Validate->new();
my $rpt = $vld->report_errors($xml)

if ($vld->is_valid_xml($rpt)){
	my $res = $moo->execute_request($xml);
	my $rsp = $moo->parse_response($res);
	print $rsp->findvalue("start_url");


Net::Moo is an OOP wrapper for the API.


Options are passed to Net::Moo using a Config::Simple object or a valid Config::Simple config file. Options are grouped by "block".


  • api_key

    String. required

    A valid Moo API key.

  • validate


    Indicates whether product requests should be validated before they are submitted to the Moo API for processing.

    Default is false.


All errors are logged using the object's log method which dispatches notices to an internal Log::Dispatch object. By default, only error messages are logged to STDERR.


This section describes the various arguments passed to the api_call method as well as the various other helper methods that it calls to generate requests to the Moo API.


  • choose

    For submitting a list of images that the user can then modify to make before placing an order.

  • build

    For submitting a list of images that will be used to make place and order.


Whatever the Moo API supports. As of this writing, this includes :

  • minicard

    Small cards.

  • notecard

    Square cards.

  • sticker

    Sticky cards. Small ones.

  • postcard

    Cards from the past, to the future.

  • greetingcard

    OH HAI.


Designs are the list of images and any formatting used when placing and order. Designs are passed in as an array reference of hash references, with the following keys :

  • url

    The URL for the image. Really, the only thing you sort of have to include.

  • type

    There's not much point in passing this at the moment as the API docs indicated its value must always be variable for now.

  • crop

    Defines how an image will be cropped. Possible values are auto and manual.

    Default is auto.

  • manual

    Required only if the crop args is set to manual, it is a hash ref containing the following keys :

    • x

      The top left (x) co-ordinate of the cropping rectangle in pixels.

    • y

      The top left (y) co-ordinate of the cropping rectangle in pixels.

    • width

      The width of the cropping rectangle in pixels.

    • height

      The height of the cropping rectangle in pixels.

  • text

    The text for the back of a card. This is also an array reference of hash references, each with the following keys :

    • id

      The id of the text line that tells us where to place it on the back of the card. The IDs allowed are defined in the schema document. Links to examples of where the ids go are below.

    • string

      The text you want to add. As a general rule, if the id is a number, then the string can only be on one line.

    • bold

      This can either be (the string literals) 'true' or 'false'. If ommitted, the default is 'false'

    • align

      This is either left, right or center. Some products only allow a subset of these (such as greetingcard). The default value is left unless otherwise stated in the schema.

    • font

      You can specify one of three fonts: modern (arial/helvetica), traditional (georgia) and typewriter (courier). The default is modern.

    • colour

      A hexidecimal string (with the #) for the colour of the line of text. The default is #000000 (i.e. black).

  • text (for greeting cards)

    But wait! There's more!! When you are specifying text for greeting card products, it gets a little more involved.

    Rather than pass an array of hash references, you need to pass a hash of arrays of hash references where the top level keys represent the page on which the text will be placed. (See the examples section below.)

    Valid keys are :

    • main

      Contains an array reference of hash references whose keys (described above) may be : 'string', 'align', 'font', 'colour'

    • back

      Contains an array reference of hash references whose keys (described above) may be : 'id', 'string', 'bold', 'align', 'font', 'colour'


More examples are available in the tests (./t) directory for this package but here's an idea of how you specify a list of "designs" :

my @minicards = ({'url' => '',
                 'text' => [{'id' => 1, 'string' => 'Bold / left / modern / red', 'bold' => 'true', 'align' => 'left', 'font' => 'modern', 'colour' => '#ff0000'},
                            {'id' => 2, 'string' => 'normal / center / traditional / green', 'bold' => 'false', 'align' => 'center', 'font' => 'traditional', 'colour' => '#00ff00'},
                            {'id' => 3, 'string' => 'bold / right / typewriter / blue', 'bold' => 'true', 'align' => 'right', 'font' => 'typewriter', 'colour' => '#0000ff'},
                            {'id' => 4, 'string' => 'normal / left / modern / yellow', 'bold' => 'false', 'align' => 'left', 'font' => 'modern', 'colour' => '#fff000'},
                            {'id' => 5, 'string' => 'bold / center / traditional / purple', 'bold' => 'true', 'align' => 'center', 'font' => 'traditional', 'colour' => '#ff00ff'},
                            {'id' => 6, 'string' => 'normal / right / typewriter / cyan', 'bold' => 'false', 'align' => 'right', 'font' => 'typewriter', 'colour' => '#00ffff'}],

my @greeting_cards = ({
        'url' => '',
        'text' => {'main' => [{'string' => qq(Script to the right (red)), 'align' => 'right', 'font' => 'script', 'colour' => '#ff0000'}],
                   'back' => [{'id' => 1, 'string' => qq(Can has cheese burger?)}] },



Where $cfg is either a valid Config::Simple object or the path to a file that can be parsed by Config::Simple.

Returns a Net::Moo object.


$obj->api_call($method, $product, \@designs)

Submit a set of designs to the Moo API for processing.

Returns a XML::XPath::Node object (referencing the Moo API response <payload> element) on success and undef if an error was encountered.


$obj->builder($product, \@designs)

Generate the required XML document for submitting a list of images that will be used to make cards or stickers.

Returns a string.

$obj->chooser($product, \@urls)

Generate the required XML document for submitting a list of images (\@urls) that the user can pick from and/or modify to make cards or stickers.

Returns a string.


Issue a request to the Moo API and get back a reponse (fancy talk for HTTP).

Returns a HTTP::Response object.


Parse a response from the Moo API and return the payload information.

Returns a XML::XPath::Node object (referencing the Moo API response <payload> element) on success and undef if an error was encountered.


Returns a Config::Simple object.


Returns a Log::Dispatch object.




$Date: 2008/06/19 15:15:34 $


Aaron Straup Cope <>



Sure, why not.

Please report all bugs via


Copyright (c) 2008 Aaron Straup Cope. All rights reserved.

This is free software. You may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

1 POD Error

The following errors were encountered while parsing the POD:

Around line 119:

You forgot a '=back' before '=head2'