package Net::ZooTool; # ABSTRACT: a Moose interface to the Zootool API use Moose; with 'Net::ZooTool::Utils'; use Carp; use Net::ZooTool::Auth; use Net::ZooTool::User; use Net::ZooTool::Item; use namespace::autoclean; our $VERSION = '0.003'; has auth => ( isa => 'Net::ZooTool::Auth', is => 'ro', ); around BUILDARGS => sub { my $orig = shift; my $class = shift; # Transform normal params to hashref if ( !ref $_[0] ) { if ( scalar @_ == 1 ) { return $class->$orig( apikey => $_[0] ); } elsif ( scalar @_ == 3 ) { return $class->$orig( apikey => $_[0], user => $_[1], password => $_[2] ); } else { croak "Unaccepted params"; } } # Hashref checkings if ( ref $_[0] and !$_[0]->{apikey} ) { croak "You have to provide at least the apikey as either parameter or hashref"; } # You need to provide username and password if ( defined $_[0]->{user} and !defined $_[0]->{password} ) { croak "If you provide user you also need to provide password"; } if ( defined $_[0]->{password} and !defined $_[0]->{user} ) { croak "If you provide password you also need to provide username"; } # If you have reached here everything is good return $class->$orig(@_); }; sub BUILD { my $self = shift; my $args = shift; $self->{auth} = Net::ZooTool::Auth->new( { apikey => $args->{apikey}, user => $args->{user}, password => $args->{password}, } ); } sub user { my $self = shift; return Net::ZooTool::User->new({ auth => $self->auth }); } sub item { my $self = shift; return Net::ZooTool::Item->new({ auth => $self->auth }); } sub add { my ( $self, $args ) = @_; $args->{apikey} = $self->auth->apikey; my $data = _fetch('/add/' . _hash_to_query_string($args), $self->auth); return $data; } no Moose; __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Net::ZooTool - Moose interface to the Zootool API: =head1 SYNOPSIS my $zoo = Net::ZooTool->new({ apikey => $config{apikey} }); my $weekly_popular = $zoo->item->popular({ type => "week" }); # Info about a specific item print Dumper($zoo->item->info({ uid => "6a80z" })); # Examples with authenticated calls my $auth_zoo = Net::ZooTool->new( { apikey => $config{apikey}, user => $config{user}, password => $config{password}, } ); my $data = $auth_zoo->user->validate({ username => $config{user}, login => 'true' }); print Dumper($data); # In some methods authentication is optional. # Public items only my $public_items = $auth_zoo->user->items({ username => $config{user} }); # Include also your private items my $all_items = $auth_zoo->user->items({ username => $config{user}, login => 'true' }); =head1 DESCRIPTION Net::ZooTool is a wrapper to the Zootool bookmarking service. It attempts to follow the api defined in as much as possible. Please refer to their API Documentation site for more information. =head1 PACKAGE METHODS =over 1 =item new(\%ARGS) Create a new Net::ZooTool object. Parameters: =over 3 =item * B<apikey> I<string>. Your Zootool apikey (required) =item * B<user> I<string>. Your Zootool username (optional) =item * B<password> I<string>. Your Zootool password (optional) =back =back =head1 OBJECT METHODS =over 6 =item $zoo->user() Net::ZooTool::User object =item $zoo->item() Net::ZooTool::Item object =item $zoo->add(\%ARGS) Adds a new item to your zoo (authentication is required). Parameters: =over 8 =item * B<apikey> I<string>. Your Zootool api key (required) =item * B<url> I<string>. Url to add (required) =item * B<title> I<string>. Item title (required) =item * B<tags> I<string>. Comma separated if you want to include more than one (optional) =item * B<description> I<string>. Entry description (optional) =item * B<referer> I<string>. Entry referer, must be a valid url (optional) =item * B<public> I<string>. Whether or not the item is public ('y' or 'n') =item * B<login> I<boolean>. Add method requires authenticated call (required) =back =item $zoo->user->items(\%ARGS) Get the latest items from all users or specify a username to get all items from a specific user. Authenticate to get all private items of a user as well. Use authentication if you want to get private items as well). Parameters: =over 6 =item * B<apikey> I<string>. Your Zootool api key (required) =item * B<username> I<string>. Zootool username (required) =item * B<login> I<string>. must be true if you want to make an authenticated call via digest (optional). =item * B<tag> I<string>. Tag search (optional) =item * B<offset> I<int>. Search offset (optional) =item * B<limit> I<int>. Search limit (optional) =item * B<login> I<boolean>. Set to true to get private items as well. =back =item $zoo->user->info(\%ARGS) Get info about a certain user. Authentication is optional (if you want to get the email address from the user, you need to sign in). Parameters: =over 3 =item * B<apikey> I<string>. Your Zootool api key (required) =item * B<username> I<string>. Zootool username (required) =item * B<login> I<boolean>. Set to true to get email address =back =item $zoo->user->validate(\%ARGS) Validate the user credentials. Useful for logins. Parameters: =over 2 =item * B<apikey> I<string>. Your Zootool api key (required) =item * B<username> I<string>. Your zootool username (required) =back =back =head1 SEE ALSO =head1 AUTHOR Josep Roca, <> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2011 by Josep Roca This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. =cut