OpenOffice::OOCBuilder - Perl OO interface for creating OpenOffice Spreadsheets
use OpenOffice::OOCBuilder;
This constructor will call the constructor of OOBuilder.
OOCBuilder is a Perl OO interface to create OpenOffice spreadsheets. Documents can be created with multiple sheets, different styles, cell types, formulas, column widths and so on.
Create a new spreadsheet object
Add a new sheet within the document. Active sheet is not changed.
You need to call goto_sheet (sheetnumber) to change the active
goto_sheet ($sheetnumber)
Set $sheetnumber as active sheet.
set_sheet_name ($name, $sheetnumber)
Set the name of the sheet. If $sheetnumber is ommitted (or 0), the
name of the active sheet is set.
set_colwidth ($c, $width)
Set the column width for the specified column ($c). The column can
be a number or letter(s).
set_rowheight ($r, $height)
Set the row height for the specified row ($r).
goto_xy ($c, $r)
Set the active cell to ($c, $r). The column can be specified by
number or letter(s).
goto_cell ($cell_id)
Set the active cell to ($cell_id). This way you can use spreadsheet
notations (i.e. A5 or BA401 and so on)
Returns the active column in letters.
Returns the active column as a number (starting at 1).
Returns the row as a number (starting at 1)
Returns the row as a number (starting at 1). Same as get_row.
Returns the column and row as two numbers in a list.
Returns the cell id in the form A1, AB564, and so on. Especially handy
to create formulas. When you are at the start position, memorise the
cell_id. See in the examples directory.
set_data ($data, $type, $format)
Set data in the active cell within the active sheet. If type is ommitted
the standard type is taken.
set_data_xy ($c, $r, $data, $type, $format)
Same as set_data, but now with column and row to set the data in. The
column can be specified as a number or with letter(s).
set_data_sheet_xy ($sheet, $c, $r, $data, $type, $format)
Same as set_data, but now with sheet, column and row to set the data in.
The column can be specified as a number or with letter(s).
set_auto_xy ($x, $y)
When entering data in a cell, we move to another cell if auto_x or y
is set.
X value: 0: no movement, negative: move left, positive: move right.
Y valye: 0: no movement, negative: move up, positive: move down.
Returns the auto_x value.
Returns the auto_y value.
This method is called always when entering data in a cell. If auto_x
or auto_y is set, if will move to another active cell. You can also
use this method to move to another cell without entering data in the
previous cell.
move_cell ($direction, $number)
Move to cell in $direction where $direction is 'left', 'right', 'up' or
'down'. If you ommit $number, the move will be one row or column.
generate ($tgtfile)
Generates the sxc file. $tgtfile is the name of the target file without
extension. If no name is supplied, the default name will be used,
which is oo_doc. The target directory is '.', you can set this by
calling the OOBuilder method set_builddir ($builddir).
Setting the style and meta data
See OpenOffice::OOBuilder, because these methods are directly
inherited from the base class.
Look at the examples directory supplied together with this distribution.
SEE ALSO - the base class
Bug reports and questions can be sent to <oobuilder(at)>. Attention: make sure the word <oobuilder> is in the subject or body of your e-mail. Otherwhise your e-mail will be taken as spam and will not be read.
Stefan Loones
Copyright 2004, 2005 by Stefan Loones
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.