Ordeal::Model - Manage cards and decks
This document describes Ordeal::Model version 0.004.

use Ordeal::Model;
# leverage Ordeal::Model::Backend::PlainFile
my $model = Ordeal::Model->new(PlainFile => [base_directory => $dir]);
# get a card by identifier
my $card = $model->get_card($card_id);
# get a deck by identifier
my $deck = $model->get_deck($deck_id);
# evaluate a complex expression, getting a "shuffle" back
my $shuffle = $model->evaluate($expression, %args);
# you can pre-compute the parsing of an expression, e.g. for caching
my $ast = $model->parse($expression);
$shuffle = $model->evaluate($ast, %args);
# override to provide an alternative resolution algorithm
my $backend_class = $model->resolve_backend_name($some_name);
This document is about Ordeal::Model
, a module allows you to manage cards and group them into decks. The main goal is to provide an easy mean to shuffle decks and get some cards out of them.
In the document you will find a reference for the main module. If you are interested into using it, head to Ordeal::Model::Tutorial which provides a gentler introduction.
my $shuffle = $model>evaluate($expression_or_ast, %args);
Evaluate an input expression, or the AST resulting from its parsing. Calls "parse" if the input is not already in AST form. See Ordeal::Model::Parser for the gory details about the grammar accepted for expressions, and to the code for Ordeal::Model::Evaluator to figure out how to structure an AST (which you should not need to!). For a gentler introduction (who loves to read a grammar, after all?!?) see Ordeal::Model::Tutorial.
The optional additional arguments in %args
are used for random source selection if there is any suitable key among the following:
a random source conforming to the interface provided by Ordeal::Model::ChaCha20;
opaque data useful for fully restoring the state of a random data in an instance of Ordeal::Model::ChaCha20;
seed value used for creating a new instance of Ordeal::Model::ChaCha20.
The key above are in order of precedence, i.e. random_source
is tried first, then random_source_state
, then seed
at last.
This method returns an Ordeal::Model::Shuffle object that you can use to draw cards from, e.g.:
my @two_cards = $shuffle->draw(2);
my @three_more_cards = $shuffle->draw(3);
Be careful that Ordeal::Model::Shuffle will throw an exception if you try to draw more cards than available!
my $card = $model->get_card($id);
get an Ordeal::Model::Card by identifier.
my $deck = $model->get_deck($id);
get an Ordeal::Model::Deck by identifier.
my @ids = $model_>get_deck_ids;
get a list of available deck identifiers. Each can be used with "get_deck" to load a deck.
my $model = Ordeal::Model->new(%args); # OR
my $model = Ordeal::Model->new(\%args);
The %args
hash can contain only one key/value pair. If the key is backend
, then the value MUST be either a blessed object to be used as backend, or an array reference with information suitable for generating one. In particular, the array form should contain a name that can be resolved through "resolve_backend_name" as the first item, and any argument for the resolved class as the remaining items, in order as they are supposed to be consumed by its new
Otherwise, the key is considered a name suitable for "resolve_backend_name", and the associated value MUST be an array/hash reference that is expanded and passed to the new
method associated to the class resolved from the name.
Too complicated? A few examples will hopefull help:
use Ordeal::Model::Backend::PlainFile;
my $pf = Ordeal::Model::Backend::PlainFile->new;
# Case: backend => $blessed_reference
my $m1 = Ordeal::Model->new(backend => $pf);
# Case: backend => $array_ref
my $m2 = Ordeal::Model->new(
backend => [PlainFile => base_directory => '/some/path']);
# Case: key different from 'backend', points to an array reference
my $m3 = Ordeal::Model->new(PlainFile => [base_directory => '/some/path']);
# Case: key different from 'backend', points to a hash reference
my $m4 = Ordeal::Model->new(PlainFile => {base_directory => '/some/path'});
If %args
contains nothing, then Ordeal::Model::Backend::PlainFile is used with default parameters for its constructor.
my $ast = $model>parse($expression);
Parse an expression and return an AST suitable for "evaluate".
# in constructor
Ordeal::Model->new(random_source => $rs, ...);
my $rs = $shuffler>random_source;
Accessor for the source of randomness. It defaults to an instance of Ordeal::Model::ChaCha20, set at construction time. It MAY be used by "evaluate" unless it is overridden by arguments.
my $class_name = $model->resolve_backend_name($name);
my $class_name = $package>resolve_backend_name($name);
resolve a $name
for a backend to use - this is a class method.
The resolution process is as follows:
begins with a-
, then it is considered directly the class name to be used after removing the initial-
character. Examples:$name = '-Whatever'; # resolves to class Whatever $name = '-Whatever::Module'; # resolves to class Whatever::Module
otherwise, if it contains
, but does not begin with::
, then it is again considered as the full name to use for the class. Example:$name = 'Whatever::Module'; # resolves to class Whatever::Module
otherwise, it is used to search for a candidate class, first in namespace
$package . '::Backend::'
, then in namespaceOrdeal::Model::Backend::
. Examples (assuming that the package you call it with isOrdeal::Model
):$name = 'Whatever'; # resolves to Ordeal::Model::Backend::Whatever $name = '::W::Ever': # resolves to Ordeal::Model::Backend::W::Ever
If you want to be on the safe side, always pre-pend ::
if you want to activate the automatic search for a backend class, and always pre-pend -
if you want to specify the full backend class name.
This method is used by "new" behind the scenes, so you can override it to provide a different resolution algorithm.
The code leverages some experimental Perl features like signatures and postderef; for this reason, at least perl 5.20 will be needed.
Report bugs through GitHub (patches welcome) at
Flavio Poletti <>
Copyright (C) 2018-2020 by Flavio Poletti <>
This module is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.