Revision history for PGObject-Type-BigFloat

2.1.1   2023-11-11
    Set minimum version for Math::BigFloat to 1.999842; earlier
    versions have varying levels of problems handling inheritance
    from Math::BigFloat -- which is what this module depends on

2.1.0   2018-06-04
    Add accuracy, precision, round_mode, div_scale globals,
    so they have defaults and can be set properly.

2.0.0	TBD
	PGObject 2.x support
	Registry may throw errors if type has been defined before.
	Perl 5.8 support removed.

1.0.1   2014-09-11
        Minor documentation changes

1.00	2014-02-20
	Fixing Makefile Innacuracies

0.03	2013-11-13
	Added proper null handling for undef values.

0.02	2013-11-12
	Fixed test cases in routine installation.

0.01    2013-11-11
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.