
Created:      2013-03-13
Home page:    <>
Bug tracker:  <>
Maintainer:   Toby Inkster (TOBYINK) <>

1.001	2014-02-21

 [ Packaging ]
 - Recommend PerlX::Maybe, not Perl::Maybe!
   Fixes RT#93227.
   Kent Fredric++

1.000	2013-08-27

0.999_01	2013-08-10

 [ Packaging ]
 - Switch from plain ExtUtils::MakeMaker to Dist::Inkt.

0.005	2013-03-13

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - Fix README.

0.004	2013-03-13

 [ Bug Fixes ]
 - Prototype for `provided` function.

0.003	2013-03-13	Initial release; feature compatible with PerlX::Maybe 0.003